Part 6 (1/2)

”At the White House. You're going, of course.”

”No, I am not going.” The voice was quiet and cold. ”I am not asked.”

Daphne, vexed with herself, touched her friend's hand caressingly. ”It will be just a crush, dear. But I promised various people to go.”

”And he will be there?”

”I suppose so.” Daphne turned her head away, and then sprang up. ”Have you seen the picture?”

Mrs. Verrier followed her into the inner room, where the girl gave a laughing and triumphant account of her acquisition, the agents she had employed, the skill with which it had been conveyed out of Italy, the wrath of various famous collectors, who had imagined that the fight lay between them alone, when they found the prize had been ravished from them. Madeleine Verrier was very intelligent, and the contrast, which the story brought out, between the girl's fragile youth and the strange and pa.s.sionate sense of power which breathed from her whenever it became a question of wealth and the use of it, was at no point lost upon her companion.

Daphne would not allow any further talk of Roger Barnes. Her chaperon, Mrs. Phillips, presently appeared, and pa.s.sed through rather a bad quarter of an hour while the imperious mistress of the house inquired into certain invitations and card-leavings that had not been managed to her liking. Then Daphne sat down to write a letter to a Girls' Club in New York, of which she was President--where, in fact, she occasionally took the Singing Cla.s.s, with which she had made so much play at her first meeting with Roger Barnes. She had to tell them that she had just engaged a holiday house for them, to which they might go in instalments throughout the summer. She would pay the rent, provide a lady-superintendent, and make herself responsible for all but food expenses. Her small face relaxed--became quite soft and charming--as she wrote.

”But, my dear,” cried Mrs. Phillips in dismay, as Daphne handed her the letter to read, ”you have taken the house on Lake George, and you know the girls had all set their hearts on that place in the White Mountains!”

Daphne's lips tightened. ”Certainly I have taken the house on Lake George,” she said, as she carefully wiped her pen. ”I told them I should.”

”But, my dear, they are so tired of Lake George! They have been there three years running. And you know they subscribe a good deal themselves.”

”Very well!--then let them do without my help. I have inquired into the matter. The house on Lake George is much more suitable than the White Mountains farm, and I have written to the agent. The thing's done.”

Mrs. Phillips argued a little more, but Daphne was immovable.

Mrs. Verrier, watching the two, reflected, as she had often done before, that Mrs. Phillips's post was not particularly enviable. Daphne treated her in many ways with great generosity, paid her highly, grudged her no luxury, and was always courteous to her in public. But in private Daphne's will was law, and she had an abrupt and dictatorial way of a.s.serting it that brought the red back into Mrs. Phillips's faded cheeks. Mrs. Verrier had often expected her to throw up her post. But there was no doubt something in Daphne's personality which made life beside her too full of colour to be lightly abandoned.

Daphne presently went upstairs to take off her walking-dress, and Mrs.

Phillips, with a rather troubled face, began to tidy the confusion of letters she had left behind her.

”I dare say the girls won't mind,” said Madeleine Verrier, kindly.

Mrs. Phillips started, and her mild lips quivered a little. Daphne's charities were for Daphne an amus.e.m.e.nt; for this gentle, faded woman, who bore all the drudgery of them, they were the chief attraction of life in Daphne's house. Mrs. Phillips loved the club-girls, and the thought of their disappointment pained her.

”I must try and put it to them,” was her patient reply.

”Daphne must always have her way,” Madeleine went on, smiling. ”I wonder what she'll do when she marries.”

Mrs. Phillips looked up quickly.

”I hope it'll be the right man, Mrs. Verrier. Of course, with anyone so--so clever--and so used to managing everything for herself--one would be a little anxious.”

Mrs. Verrier's expression changed. A kind of wildness--fanaticism--invaded it, as of one recalling a mission. ”Oh, well, nothing is irrevocable nowadays,” she said, almost with violence.

”Still I hope Daphne won't make a mistake.”

Mrs. Phillips looked at her companion, at first in astonishment. Then a change pa.s.sed over her face. With a cold excuse she left Mrs. Verrier alone.


The reception at the White House was being given in honour of the delegates to a Peace Congress. The rooms were full without being inconveniently crowded and the charming house opened its friendly doors to a society more congruous and organic, richer also in the n.o.bler kind of variety than America, perhaps, can offer to her guests elsewhere.