Part 28 (1/2)
”Brovik's dogs are searching for her. They'll be watching you closely now. If she approaches you, they'll contact him immediately.” He took a good look around the bedroom, running his fingers over the silk draperies. ”Didn't spare any expense, did he?”
”What will Brovik do?”
”She's tried to cozy up to me, but I've never trusted her overtures of friends.h.i.+p. Asking about you and whether I'm happy in my work- just to gauge the depth of my loyalties.”
Another strand insinuated itself into the pattern. ”You still didn't answer my question.”
He winced. ”He'll execute her.”
”I won't be party to that.”
Kurt took me by the shoulders. ”If you don't cooperate, he'll do the same to you!”
”Not if he never knows. If I see her, I'll warn her, and you won't tell.”
”Mia, you put me into an impossible position!”
”Brovik puts you in this position. You'd be better off far away from him. But you're still in thrall to him, aren't you?”
His anguished expression didn't make me feel better.
I scowled. ”He's using me to keep you in line and I don't like it.”
”What choice do we have?”
”You never heard me say this. Promise me, Kurt.”
”It could be very bad for us.” He pulled the drape aside, looking out over the park. ”That park looks like a cage in the zoo.”
I snuggled against his shoulder. ”It keeps people out, not in.”
”Cages come in all kinds. This one we stand in is particularly fine.” He broke abruptly away. ”You can't accept a record alb.u.m from me me but from but from him him, well that's entirely different. You accept real estate real estate?”
”Don't be stupid! I sent him away.” It was now or never. Taking a deep breath, I finally said the terrifying word, ”I love you, Kurt.”
Those beautiful eyes turned arctic cold. ”Don't play Mia, now is not the time.”
I gestured to the piano I'd bought for him. ”Would I have gotten that if I didn't plan on keeping you around?”
”For me?” He caressed the concert grand in the bay window. He couldn't resist opening it and touching a key. A beautiful rich tone filled the room. He struggled to remain cool but his voice trembled, ”Doesn't this qualify as barter?”
”No chains Kurt, not for us, not ever. We belong together. It's that simple.”
A tear glided down his sharp cheekbone. ”You sent him away for good?”
”I love you, you dope. What else could I do?”
Kurt's voice grew harsh and strained, ”It grows difficult... with Brovik. I've seen too much bloodshed. I dislike Leisha, but I won't betray her. The dogs I can't help, but she's eluded them in the past.”
”Hopefully she will again.” I wrapped my arms around his neck. ”How long can you stay?”
His bittersweet smile crept over his face. ”How does eternity sound?” We kissed. His mouth never tasted sweeter. We held on so tight it left momentary bruises. He rummaged in his jacket pocket, bringing out a pretty little carved box. ”You can accept this now?”
I turned the box about in my fingers, admiring the intricate ivory inlaid design. ”It's gorgeous- thanks.”
He shook his head. ”Open it. After all these years, I'd hope to give you something better than a box.”
I opened the catch. Nestled inside the satin lining was the same b.u.t.terfly pendant I'd sold years before. I was astonished. ”How on earth?”
”I started looking for it as soon as you told me about it. The shopkeeper you sold it to contacted the purchaser. I offered three times its value, but that's beside the point. It seemed only right it be returned to you”
”You've kept it all these years?”
I trembled as he took it out and hung it around my neck. Tears ran down my face. He reached out and brushed them away. ”Someday, Mia, we'll walk hand-in-hand in the sun.”
A few blissful weeks later, Kurt reluctantly left. Every time I went out from then on, Brovik's dogs dogs would trail me around town at a discreet distance. I couldn't even hunt without them following. It was irritating, to be observed in such an intimate act, so I waited as long as I possibly could. would trail me around town at a discreet distance. I couldn't even hunt without them following. It was irritating, to be observed in such an intimate act, so I waited as long as I possibly could.
Finally, a Nor'easter blew in. Rain fell in sheets. I was ravenous now. So, in spite of the dogs dogs, I headed to the park via subway.
Two dogs followed me out of the Columbus circle station into the storm. Wind whipped up through the cavernous streets. Stinging rain feel sideways as I set out toward the park, driven by a natural force stronger than the storm. The dogs cursed after me, taking shelter in a doorway to wait the rain out.
I sniffed out a vagrant, crouching beneath an underpa.s.s, and took him swiftly. It was easy to dig a makes.h.i.+ft grave in the muddy ground beneath the trees to bury the body. I wiped a film of perspiration and rain from my brow when I caught a scent more seductive than the corpse's alcohol-sweat stink. Immortyl female with a hint of Chanel Number Five. The soft swish of her garments preceded her. Her step was sure and swift.
A brown velvet voice called out in the darkness, ”Mia?”
That husky note was engraved on my brain. I rose from my muddy knees. She melted out of the shadows, auburn hair purple with rain, lioness eyes glittering amber. Her warm golden skin gave off a burnished glow. It still hurt to look at her, she was so f.u.c.king amazing.
”Been looking for you for weeks, girl.”
”It's a big town.”
She stood perfectly motionless, her control already finely honed with the kind of eerie stillness that usually takes decades to develop, not an errant muscle twitching in her chiseled face, long hands hanging at her sides. ”We need to talk,” she said.
She looked around. ”Can we go somewhere out of this rain?”
I shook my head. ”Brovik's dogs, they're watching me but I gave them the slip. They don't like the rain but we can duck under that bridge for a minute. Make it quick if you want to live.”
Annoyance flashed over her. She nodded and we both slipped under the sheltering underpa.s.s.