Part 33 (2/2)

”As a church. I'll take yez to't to-morra. Master Sam tells me sorra a sowl goes nigh ut. He tuk me to see ut. I say, me darlint, I'd be lettin' that young fool down aisier than the pote. He's a poor little sn.o.b, but he's more like a man than Moggridge.”

”He's a bad a.s.s, is Moggridge,” a.s.sented the Honourable Frederic.

”Come, Nellie, we've a day's work before us, remember.”

A friend of mine, the son of steady-going Nihilist parents, and therefore an authority, a.s.sures me that the Honourable Frederic cannot have been a conspirator for the simple reason that he shaved his chin regularly. Be this as it may, to-night he smiled mysteriously as he rose, and winked at his wife in a most plebeian way. I regret to say that both smile and wink were returned.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Winked . . . in a most plebeian way.]



At two o'clock next morning Mr. Moggridge closed the door of his lodgings behind him, and stepping out into the street stood for some moments to ponder.

A smile sat upon his lips, witness to pleasure that underlies poetic pains. The Collector of Customs was in humour this morning, and had written thirty lines of Act IV. of _Love's Dilemma: a Comedy_, before breakfast, for it was his custom to rise early and drink regularly of the waters of Helicon before seeking his office.

It is curious that the Civil Service should so often divide its claims with the Service of the Muse. I remember that the Honourable Frederic once drew my attention to this, and supplied me with several instances:--”There was What's-his-name, you know, and t'other Johnny up in the Lakes, and a heap I can't remember at the moment--fancy it must come from the stamps--licked off with the gum, perhaps.”

Be that as it may, Mr. Moggridge had written thirty lines this morning, and was even now, as he stood in the street and stared at the opposite house, repeating to himself a song he had just composed for his hero. It is worth quoting, for, with slight alteration, I know no better clue to the poet's mood at the time. The play has since been destroyed, for reasons of which some hint may be found in the next few chapters; but the unfinished song is still preserved among the author's notes, where it is headed--


”Toiling lover, loose your pack, All your sighs and tears unbind; Care's a ware may break a back, May not bend a maiden's mind.

”Loose, and follow to a land Where the tyrant's only fee Is the kissing of a hand And the bending of a knee.

”In that State a man shall need Neither priest nor lawgiver: Those same slips that are his creed Shall confess their wors.h.i.+pper.

”All the laws he must obey, Now in force and now repealed, s.h.i.+ft in eyes that s.h.i.+ft as they--

”'s.h.i.+ft as they,' 's.h.i.+ft as they,'” mused Mr. Moggridge. ”Let me see--”

'Till alike with kisses sealed.'

”That was it. With another verse, and a little polis.h.i.+ng, I will take it to Geraldine and ask her--”

At this point the poet glanced down the street, and, to his surprise, beheld Mrs. Goodwyn-Sandys advancing towards him.

”Good-morning,” she nodded with a charming smile, ”I was coming to look for you. I have a favour to ask.”

”A favour? Is it _the_--?”

”Well, it's rather prosaic for _the_--” she laughed. ”In fact, it's _tea_.”

