Part 25 (1/2)
Grady picked up the reins and set the horses into motion before replying to Storm's angry outburst. ”I don't intend to break my promise.”
”How can you say that when you've just agreed to meet a gunslinger behind the saloon? I never should have returned to Oklahoma with you. It would have been best for all concerned if I had just disappeared from your life. I don't know if I can go through the terrible anguish of losing you.”
”You're not going to lose me, sweetheart.”
”You're not G.o.d, you don't know that.”
”As soon as we get home I'll explain what I have in mind. You're too distraught now to think coherently.”
Storm lapsed into sullen silence, wondering how many times she would go through this same kind of torture if she stayed with Grady. When they reached the homestead she jumped down from the seat without waiting for Grady to a.s.sist her and stomped into the house. She was waiting for him when he returned a short time later after unhitching the team and carrying their supplies inside.
”I'm ready to hear what you have to say now,” she challenged hotly.
”Sit down, sweetheart,” he said, taking her by the hand and leading her to the couch. ”There isn't much time left before I have to return to town, but I'll try to explain what I intend to do. I'm definitely not going to draw against Darnell.”
”But you agreed to meet him.”
”I had to say something. If I didn't he probably would have forced the issue, and I would have had to kill him. I didn't want you witnessing anything like that. Not in your condition, anyway.”
”But-I don't understand. Are you going to meet him and then refuse to draw against him? Or are you not going to show up at all?”
”I'm going to meet him all right, but I'm not going to wear my guns,” Grady said quietly.
Storm gasped aloud. ”You'd do that for me?”
”For us, and for our children.”
”What if it makes no difference to him? What if he kills you anyway? Darnell doesn't strike me as a particularly fair man. He holds some kind of grudge against you.”
”I'll just have to take my chances and trust in G.o.d. I'm counting on Darnell leaving town and spreading the word once he realizes I mean what I said about no longer being interested in violence.”
”He called you a coward,” Storm said softly. She knew Grady wasn't the sort to take the insult lightly.
”I've been called worse.”
”I love you, Grady Stryker.” She slid easily into his arms and he hugged her close. His head lowered and he kissed her fiercely. When he lifted her onto his lap she snuggled happily against him.
”I wish I had time to love you, sweetheart.”
”We'll have the rest of our lives,” Storm whispered against his lips. Her breath was warm and fragrant and so arousing Grady felt himself harden.
”Wife of my heart,” he murmured thickly. ”Did you know that's what those Lakota symbols engraved on your wedding band stand for? They say, 'Wife of My Heart.' I knew even then how special you were.”
Storm's eyes grew round. ”How could that be? You didn't even like me very well when we met.”
”I've always loved you, sweetheart.”
He cupped the back of her neck and brought her close so he could kiss her again and again, her lips, her cheeks, her chin, before unb.u.t.toning her dress and kissing the tops of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
”I love your b.r.e.a.s.t.s,” Grady said as he bared the ripe fruits and drew an engorged nipple into his mouth. ”Oh, lady, I want to be inside you.” A little moan escaped Storm's lips.
His hand slid under her dress, into the slit in the crotch of her pantaloons, finding that tender, moist place that gave him so much pleasure. He ma.s.saged gently while Storm writhed and squirmed in his lap. When he slipped two fingers inside her she jerked wildly. ”Grady,” she gasped, ”I thought you said there wasn't time for this!”
”There is just enough time for what I have in mind,” Grady said hoa.r.s.ely. ”Relax, sweetheart, I want to make you happy. When I return tonight you can return the favor.” Then he was kissing her again, licking at the corners of her provocative mouth before thrusting his tongue between her lush lips. His fingers plunged deeper, stroking in and out as his thumb worked the sensitive nub of flesh where pleasure began.
”Oh, lady, you feel like silk inside,” Grady panted as his talented fingers drove Storm higher and higher.
She arched against his hand, the sweet agony of his deep caress building inside her until she was rocking against him, clutching him desperately and calling his name. When he sucked her nipple into his mouth and nipped it gently with his teeth, then laved it with the wet roughness of his tongue, she exploded in exquisite climax.
”Keep that thought, sweetheart,” Grady said as he lifted Storm and set her gently aside. ”When I return tonight we'll continue where we left off.” He rose, unbuckled his gunbelt, and set it on the table.
”Grady, be careful!” Storm called to his departing back. Dragging herself from her lethargy, she stood in the open door and watched him ride away.
Grady hadn't been gone five minutes before a numbing fear seized her. A shattering premonition that Grady was walking into certain death made the baby lurch inside her womb. A man like Darnell wouldn't think twice about shooting an unarmed man. Had she sent him off to be killed? That terrifying notion galvanized her into motion. Resolutely she picked up the shotgun sitting in the corner by the door and left the house. It took several precious minutes to hitch the horses to the wagon, but when she finally headed the team toward town she was a scant fifteen minutes behind Grady, who was riding Lightning and able to make better time than she.
Storm arrived in Guthrie at sundown. She halted the wagon in front of the saloon, set the brake, and climbed clumsily to the ground. She looked around fearfully, panting with anxiety. The absence of a crowd and the lack of commotion gave her a brief glimmer of hope. Perhaps she was worrying unnecessarily and everything was going as Grady hoped. Taking up the shotgun, she slipped into the alley between the saloon and the bank, the quickest route to the area behind the saloon where Grady and Darnell were to meet.
The sound of voices made her pause cautiously and listen before rus.h.i.+ng out into the open. Barging recklessly into a potentially dangerous situation would do Grady little good. Despite her fear for Grady's safety, she still had her child to protect.
”I'll say one thing fer ya, Renegade, ya got more guts than I gave ya credit fer,” Storm heard Darnell say. ”Showin' up without yer guns took guts, but it ain't gonna work. I owe ya and ya ain't gonna leave here alive.”
”You'll have to shoot me in cold blood,” Grady said with amazing calm.
”I've done that before. Besides, ya ain't stupid. Ya wouldn't come here unarmed. Ya got a gun on ya somewhere.”
”I told you before, Darnell, I'm through with violence. I won't draw against you. I have nothing to prove, no reputation to uphold. Besides, it's against the law.”
”I've broken the law before,” Darnell sneered. He gripped the handle of his gun, slowly withdrawing it from his holster. ”Say yer prayers, Renegade.”
”Listen to me, Darnell,” Grady said earnestly. His voice was calm, but inside he was cursing himself for being dumb enough to think Darnell would go on his merry way when he refused to draw against him. ”Shooting an unarmed man will gain you nothing but a pack of trouble. I could have just stayed home and refused to show up, but I wanted to show you and your friends that defending my t.i.tle as a fast gun and engaging in violence no longer interests me. I'm through with all that. What I hoped you'd do is spread the word that the man known as Renegade no longer exists. He's a peaceful farmer now, with a family to support.”
Darnell hesitated for a brief moment while he mulled over Grady's words. Then his features hardened and the gun in his hand steadied and took aim. Still hidden in the crevice of the alleyway, Storm drew in a ragged breath. She loved Grady too much to see him gunned down by a man with no scruples and even less conscience. She could see Darnell's finger slowly squeeze upon the trigger, and in that instant she reacted out of pure instinct and an all-consuming love that knew no right or wrong. After all, it was her fault Grady had gone out unarmed to face a desperate man like Darnell. If she hadn't pried that stupid promise from him, he wouldn't be facing certain death now.
Resolutely, the shotgun came up to her shoulder and she took careful aim, fearing that if she merely shouted a warning Darnell would still have time to squeeze off a shot. Though the light was fading, she saw clearly enough to fix her target and jerk on the trigger. The shot reverberated in her ears, deafening her to Darnell's shot, which was loosed almost at the same instant. Grady lurched sideways in time to avoid all but a grazing wound as the bullet took a good-sized notch out of his ear. Darnell hadn't been so lucky. Storm's aim was true and straight, peppering his b.u.t.tocks with buckshot.
Howling like a banshee, the gun flew out of Darnell's hand and he danced from foot to foot like a cat on a flame. Holding his bleeding ear, Grady's stared in shock as Storm stepped from the shadows of the alleyway and ran toward him.
”Where are you hurt?” she cried, fearing she'd been too late to save Grady from grave injury.