Part 5 (1/2)
”You are one determined woman, Storm,” Nat said, shoving back his chair. ”The lunch was delicious, but I really must be going. If you change your mind, you know where to reach me.”
”I won't change my mind. The flowers are lovely. It was thoughtful of you to bring them out.”
Jamming his hat back on his head, Nat left the cabin. The disgruntled look on his face showed that he was far from pleased with the result of his visit. He had hoped that Widow Kennedy would be thoroughly disgusted by now with the hards.h.i.+ps of pioneer life and eager to sell her claim. It was a good piece of land, ideal for grazing, and if he could get his hands on it he could turn a tidy profit. The gra.s.s was so lush that if she decided to run cattle instead of growing wheat, as so many of the farmers planned to do, she would stand to make a fortune.
”What are you doing here, Turner?”
Turner was so engrossed in his devious plotting that he didn't hear Grady ride up on Lightning.
”I might ask you the same, Stryker. Or would you prefer I call you Thunder?”
A half smile crossed Grady's face, a smile that did not reach his eyes. ”Stryker will do. You haven't answered my question.”
”Not that it concerns you, but I heard Storm's cabin was finished and I brought her a housewarming gift.”
”Storm?” he said with a significant lifting of his brows. ”Since when have you been on a first-name basis with Mrs. Kennedy?”
”Since we became friends.”
”Keep away from her. She is better off without your kind.”
”And leave her to yours?” Turner laughed nastily. ”Not likely. Besides, I doubt Storm will want to stay here once she finds out how lonely the prairie can be for a woman without a man to protect her. When she's ready to sell I'll be here with money in my hand. I'll make you the same offer, Stryker. Men like you don't settle in one place for very long. Your land is even more desirable than Storm's. Whenever you're ready to move on, I'll take it off your hands.”
”I'll sell my land, Turner ...” Turner's eyes grew round and his lips stretched into a triumphant smile, ” ... when h.e.l.l freezes over.”
Chapter Five.
”What was that all about?” Storm asked as she watched Nat ride off h.e.l.l for leather. ”What did you say to him?”
Grady whipped around, unaware that Storm had stepped out the door to investigate. He paused for a moment in silent appreciation before answering. He hadn't seen Storm in several days, and each time he saw her he was struck anew by her radiant beauty. Storm's golden hair and fair complexion were a vivid contrast to the dark beauty Summer Sky had possessed. But where Summer Sky had been slim as a boy, Storm could be called voluptuous, with her high-pointed b.r.e.a.s.t.s, narrow waist, and gently curved hips.
Storm fumed in mute affront while Grady's eyes made a slow journey over her face and form. Why did he look at her like that? she wondered. He made her uncomfortable, staring at her as if he could gobble her up. Then, unaccountably, her own eyes made a quick tour over his tall, buckskin-clad form. Did he never wear clothes like normal men? The soft, supple deerhide clung to his frame like a second skin, leaving nothing to the imagination. He looked tough, lean, and sinewy; his well-muscled body moved with easy grace. He looked powerful and intimidating-and too tempting for her peace of mind.
Suddenly she heard Grady chuckle. ”See anything you like?”
Annoyed at being caught blatantly admiring the half-breed scoundrel, Storm bristled indignantly. ”I might ask you the same thing.”
”I like everything I see.” His answer caught her by surprise.
”Well I don't,” she declared haughtily as she turned her eyes to stare past him. ”Mr. Turner seemed in an all-fired hurry to leave.”
”He didn't take kindly to being told to keep away from you. When he offered for my land he went too d.a.m.n far.”
”Who appointed you my keeper? I told you before, I can take care of myself.”
”For some d.a.m.n reason I feel responsible for you,” Grady complained. ”The least you could do is show some grat.i.tude.”
”Grat.i.tude isn't exactly what I would call my feelings for you, Mr. Stryker.”
”I can think of at least a half dozen things I'd rather you felt for me,” Grady answered, surprising himself with his reply. ”And a half dozen more pleasant things we could do besides fight.”
His voice was a raspy growl, sending chills up and down Storm's spine. Never before had a man's words or tone of voice affected her the way Grady's did now. She felt all tingly inside, like her innards were melting. She was no virgin, for heaven's sake; why should she act like an innocent schoolgirl who didn't know what went on between men and women? And why hadn't she felt like this with Buddy? Her longstanding relations.h.i.+p with Buddy had been comfortable, almost like that of brother and sister. It wasn't right that this man-this arrogant, dangerous man-should make her feel as if there were so much more to life than she'd ever dreamed. His words made a sudden mockery of life as she once knew it, and it frightened her.
”Keep your opinions to yourself, Grady Stryker! When I want your help I'll ask for it, but don't hold your breath. I suppose you came here for some reason, so you might as well spit it out before I close the door in your face.”
”You're a hard woman for one so young, Storm Kennedy,” Grady said with a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt. ”I've tried my d.a.m.nedest to be helpful, feeling responsible for you and all, but you won't let me help you. I just stopped by to see if you need anything from town. I'm going to Guthrie for more nails to put the finis.h.i.+ng touches on my cabin. I've already moved in, but it lacks a few amenities.”
A dull red crept up Storm's neck. Perhaps Grady was trying to be neighborly, but he had no call to be rude to her visitors. Nat Turner was merely being thoughtful by bringing her a gift of flowers for her new cabin. She couldn't fault him for wanting to buy her land, and she thought it commendable that he didn't persist or become angry when she refused.
”I-I appreciate your offer, but I don't need a thing. And I'll no longer need to draw water from the river,” she added. ”My well was finished yesterday.”
”I'm going to start digging my own well once my cabin is built,” Grady said. ”I hope it's finished before the ground freezes.”
”Feel free to draw water from mine if you aren't able to complete the task before winter,” Storm heard herself saying. ”It's the least I could do since you allowed me to cross your land to reach the river. I'll show it to you.”
While she spoke, Grady's eyes were strangely drawn to Storm's mouth. She had the sweetest mouth-succulent, soft, made for kissing, he thought as he stared at the lush contours and imagined himself sipping from the heady nectar of her lips. He couldn't recall when he'd seen lips so pink and inviting. He took an unconscious step forward, and at the same time, unaware of his intention, Storm started forward, intending to show him the well. They collided, their bodies coming together with a soft thud.
”Oh.” Her eyes flew open as his arms came around her.
”Oh, lady.” There was no way Grady could keep from kissing her since his arms were already around her and their bodies were pasted together from breast to thigh. ”I don't even care if you did that by accident or merely to taunt me.” His eyes narrowed to a hard glitter.
”I didn't-”
The words died in her throat as Grady's mouth covered hers and the tip of his tongue traced the soft fullness of her lips. A warm, heady sensation spread through her body as he suddenly forced her mouth open with the thrust of his tongue, claiming her in a way Buddy never had. She was just recovering from the hunger of his kiss when abruptly his lips turned hard and searching, demanding a response she wanted desperately to withhold. Then, just as abruptly, he broke off the kiss and stared into her eyes, leaving her mouth burning and her knees weak.
”Kiss me back.” The plea left his mouth in a throaty growl.
”No, I-”
”If you don't, I'll kiss you until you grow too weary to resist.”
”Grady, why are you doing this to me?” She licked her lips, tasting him on her tongue.
”d.a.m.ned if I know.”
Then his lips recaptured hers, even more demanding this time. When Storm tried to pull away his hands flew up to tunnel into her hair, holding her head in place as he continued to ravage her mouth in sweet, wild torment.
”Kiss me back, d.a.m.n you!”
She opened her mouth, knowing instinctively it was what he wanted. She felt him searching, searching, until he drew her tongue into his mouth and she had no choice but to kiss him in return. With a pa.s.sion she didn't know existed, she gave herself freely to the fire of his kiss. Then, without warning, his mouth left hers to nibble a scorching path down her neck while his hands dropped to press her hips against the hardness of his loins. When he finally released her, her eyes were glazed and her face wore a look of stunned disbelief.
What was happening to her?
Thick, hot blood surged through Grady's veins, and he knew without a doubt that he wanted this woman. Wanted her more than he'd ever wanted another woman. And that included Summer Sky. Making love to Summer Sky had been sweetly rewarding and gentle, as natural as breathing and sleeping. But instinctively he knew that when he and Storm came together there would be nothing sweet or gentle about their mating. It would be an earth-shaking experience as wild and tumultuous as their names implied, and would change their lives forever.
Was he ready for that kind of upheaval?