Part 45 (1/2)
[227] Amongst the branches of this numerous family, were Mr. Adam Blackadder, who was first imprisoned in Stirling at seventeen years of age, and afterwards in Blackness, in the year 1684, for waiting on his father John Blackadder, who came over with Argyle 1685, and was apprehended, but afterwards set at liberty; and that religious gentleman Colonel Blackadder sometime governor of Stirling castle since the revolution. Whither that Dr. William Blackadder mentioned in history was that Mr Blackadder who was at Bothwel, or if he was son to Mr John Blackadder and brother to the above mentioned, I cannot say at present.
[228] It was one Mr. William Blackadder that was at Bothwel.
[229] A historian says, that Mr. Blackadder was as free to have declared his disapprobation of what was done there, as he was of his not being there--But whether it be not a slur thrown upon the memory of this worthy man, to insinuate that he should suffer such hards.h.i.+ps and so many years imprisonment merely out of ill nature, when he was free to have declared what would have satisfied them, must be left with the reader.
[230] See this in his testimonials from the, which are inserted in his life at large, pag. 25, &c.
[231] This seems to have been when he made a hasty journey thither in the year 1684 and 1686. See his letters page 98, and 136.
[232] See his letters and the answers, with the reasoning on Cathcart's affair at large from page 84 to 97.
[233] Mr. Peden on his death-bed sent for him, and after some conference owned he had been misinformed anent him; exhorted him to go forward, and he would be carried honestly through; asked his forgiveness, and desired him to pray with him before he departed: all which Mr. Renwick did with great cheerfulness. See Walker's remarks of the life of Mr. Peden.
[234] See his letter to Earlston, page 163.
[235] Mr. Hugh Kennedy then moderator.
[236] This testimony was again of late republished by some friends to the same cause.
[237] For besides these reproaches already noticed, with many others, he and his followers were charged as men of anarchical, murdering and b.l.o.o.d.y principles, which makes it the less wonder that their successors should be still charged with the same.
[238] And it is to be remarked, that many of the Jury were professors, and eminent in the tolerated meetings; while others, even of the malignants, chose rather to run the hazard of the penalty, as the laird of Torrence, who compeared not, and Somerville chamberlain of Douglas, who, though when he appeared, yet when he saw Mr Renwick turn about, and direct his speech to them, he ran away, saying, He trembled to think to take away the life of such a pious like man, though they should take his whole estate. The list of the a.s.sizers is as follows:
James Hume of Kimmergen.
John Hume of Nine wells.
John Martin clerk to the manufactory.
Alexander Martin sometimes clerk of ---- Robert Halyburton merchant.
Thomas Laurie merchant.
Archibald Johnston merchant.
Thomas Wylie merchant.
James Hamilton vintner.
William c.o.c.kburn merchant.
James Hamilton jun. stationer.
Robert Currie stationer.
Joseph Young merchant.
John Cuningham merchant in Glasgow.
Ninian Banantine of Kaims, chancellor.
[239] Wodrow's history, Vol. I. page 71, &c.
[240] In this testimony among other things they say, ”We do profess our dissatisfaction that the civil powers should take upon them to prescribe public humiliation and thanksgiving, with the causes and diets thereof, to all the ministers and members of this church, as being contrary to the well warranted privileges and constant practice of the church itself, and in its own nature introductory to greater encroachments, and putting into the hands of the civil powers the modelling of the public wors.h.i.+p of G.o.d, a thing most properly ecclesiastic, &c.”
[241] This relation was attested by William Bulloch, who was his faithful servant near thirty years who was eye and ear witness, and was inclined to think he was an angel.
[242] It must, of necessity, here be observed, That any who are acquainted with the historical accounts of these times, will find that Mr. Hog was not so explicit upon point of public testimony, as the more faithful part of our sufferers at that time; otherwise he was, for parts and attainments, a very remarkable and extraordinary man, as this narrative in part discovers.