Part 39 (1/2)
P. 452. l. 7. for _Learmoril_ r. _Learmond_.
P. 499. l. 10. from the foot, for _Fullialen_ r. _Tullialen_.
P. 500. foot note, for _Stirleg_ r. _Stirling_.
P. 502. l. 17. for _first_ r. _farther_.
P. 603. foot note, last line, for _they_ r. _the king_.
[1] Mr Renwick's life wrote by Mr s.h.i.+elds and published _anno_ 1724.
[2] Of these records belonging to the state carried away by Cromwel to secure our dependence on England, there were 85 hogsheads lost Dec. 18, 1660, in a s.h.i.+p belonging to Kirkaldy, as she was returning with them from London. And as for the church records and registers, a great many of them also (either through the confusion of the then civil wars, or falling into the hands of the prelates while prelacy prevailed in Scotland) are also a-missing. PREFACE to Stevenson's History.
[3] Mr Wodrow in history.
[4] Sure 'tis a serious thing to die; my soul What a strange moment must it be when near Thy journey's end, thou hast the gulph in view!
That awful gulph no mortal e'er repa.s.s'd, To tell what's doing on the other side.
The GRAVE, by Blair
[5] Mr Henry on 1 Cor. xi. 1.
[6] For confirmation of this, see the Edinburgh monthly review for February 1774.
[7] See the parliamentary chronicle, or G.o.d on the mount
[8] See act v. parl. 1640 act v. 1644. act xv. 1649.; acts of the general a.s.sembly, sess. 26. 1638. sess. 23. 1639. sess. 6. 1642. sess.
{illegible} 1647. sess. 31. 1648, &c.
[9] Act v. sess 1. parl. 1. James VII. See James VII. and William and Mary's acts of parliament abridged, p. 42.
[10] Such as Messrs Currie, Ferguson, and Smith of Newburn &c. who, in order to palliate and extenuate the evil of the present backsliding courses, seem to have left no stone unturned to expose or blacken the reforming period.
[11] See more anent patronage and our covenants in the notes, pag. 184 and 185.
[12] Although toleration principles be now espoused, boasted of and gloried in by many, yea by some from whom other things might be expected, yet it is contrary to scripture. See Gen. x.x.xv. 2. &c. Deut.
xiii. 6. Judg. ii. 2. Ezek. xliii. 8. Prov. xvii. 15. Zech. xiii. 2.
Rom. xiii. 6. Rev. ii. 14, &c. And how far the civil magistrate is to exert his power in punis.h.i.+ng heretics, I shall not at present determine, or whether the word _extirpate_ in our solemn league and covenant extends to the temporal or spiritual sword, only there are different sentiments and expositions, yet sure I am that according to the very nature of things that which is morally good (being a commanded duty) needs no toleration; and that which is morally evil no mortal on earth can lawfully grant an immunity unto: And betwixt these there is no medium in point of truth and duty. And it is observable, that where toleration or toleration principles prevail, real religion never prospers much; and besides all it is of woful consequence, for as in natural bodies antipathies of qualities cause destruction, so in bodies politic different religions, or ways of wors.h.i.+p in religion, cause many divisions and distractions, whereby the seamless coat of Christ is like to be torn in pieces, and this oftentimes terminates in the ruin of the whole. _For a kingdom, city or house divided against itself_ (saith Christ) _cannot stand._ And yet some will say, That toleration is a good thing, for by it people may live as good as they please. I answer, It is true, but they may also live as bad as they please, and that we have liberty and freedom to serve G.o.d in his own appointed way, we have him primarily to thank for it, as for all his other mercies and goodness toward us.
[13] Witness the Quebec act, establis.h.i.+ng popery in Canada, 1774.--The Catholic bills granting a toleration to Papists in England and Ireland, 1778, with the gloomy aspect that affairs bear to Scotland since that time.
[14] This doctrine of original sin is plainly evinced from scripture, canonical and apocryphal, Job xiv. 4. Psal. li. 5. Rom. v. 12. _etc._ 1 Cor xv. 21. John iii. 6. Apocrypha Eccles. xxv. {illegible}6; a.s.serted in our church standards, ill.u.s.trated and defended by many able divines (both ancient and modern) and by our British poets excellently described: Thus,
Adam, now ope thine eyes, and first behold Th' effects which thy original crime hath wrought In some, to spring from thee, who never touch'd Th' excepted tree, nor with the snake conspir'd, Nor sinn'd thy sin; yet from that sin derive Corruption to bring forth more violent deeds.
Conceiv'd in sin, (O wretched state!) before we draw our breath: The first young pulse begins to beat iniquity and death.
[15] However much these leading articles in the Arminian and Pelagian scheme be now taught and applauded yet sure they are G.o.d-dishonouring and soul-ruining tenets, contrary to scripture, G.o.d's covenant, and eversive of man's salvation. For,