Chapter 198 - She hardly ever held his hands and now, she was dragging him into the woods? (2/2)

Even if she knew that she wasn’t good enough for him, that his family would never embrace her.

“Don’t read too much into this,” Nian Junting said uncomfortably as she stared into his eyes, “These are our leftovers, I didn’t want it to go to waste. I know you are a glutton, and I was pa.s.sing by your school anyway.”

“Ok, I’m not reading too much into it, I’m just hungry,” Luosang said and took the paper bag from him.

Nian Junting wanted to bite his own tongue, he drove about an hour to get there just to deliver some supper to her. He wanted her to feel his sincerity and touch her heart, she barely acknowledged him just now.

“Mr. Nian, there’s a small forest over there, can you accompany me there to eat?” Luosang grabbed his hands.

Forest… small forest?

Nian Junting glanced at the hand she was holding, she hardly ever held his hands and now, she was dragging him into the woods?

He heard rumors that the school woods weren’t very healthy.

They cut through the narrow path and arrived at the bench that Luosang spent most of her time at, reading.

Nian Junting looked around them and said, “Why aren’t there any couple around here, when I studied in the States, I always saw couples making out in the forest. Sometimes, I even heard rustlings in the bushes.”


“Yeah, you know what I mean,” Nian Junting looked at her cheekily.