Chapter 92 (1/2)

Chapter 92

It was a dark night where the moon did not come out

I guess it was after a long tripI thought it was a terribly dirty man

But, looking closely, the clothes themselves seemed awfully expensive

They uy

When we secretly put our heads together, there was a jingling sound of coins

Of course, we turned around in surprise

There was that guy who seeold coins with a face like a dying fish

That guy told us with a sharp smile

“Come on, everyoneDrink and eat as much as you want, it’s my treat

Today, to as I stay here, it’s my treat

Instead, proo outside the bar, never tell anyone about me

Of course, keep secret of this free drinks story from your scary wives too”

We soon became friends

Well, at first that guy’s wallet was my friend

But well, his stories were funnyBefore I knew it, we became real friends

Before I knew it, his face felt likein with my friends

Oh, certainly, he said this:

“I aest fraudster

Concerning obtaining gold, no alchemist is my opponent

It is et secrets fro for the sweet golden nectar”

Well, that one was a horror though

I never heard of hi money from someone before

In the first place, he didn’t need to rob money

He was rich enough to surprise me

Besides, he was generous and there was nothing I didn’t like about him

Each and every night, I had a luxurious banquet with that guy

Oh yeah, I had a good time

Stupidly expensive wine of the South and EastThe fragrant distilled liquor of the WestThe strong alcohol that was likely to catch the throat on fire of the North

Sturgeon eggs, fattened goose liver, white mushrooms, and the finest meat, meat, and meat

Everyone was eating and drinking without reservations, but without a doubt, the one that ate and drank the uy

Withoutwhat kind of stomach he would have, he ate up the mountain of foods

Even with that bad habit, his belly didn’t bulge at all

Ah, just what kind of trick did he do? Was it soht of hand, or did he have some kind of constitution?

He had an astonishi+ngly high tolerance for alcohol

Even if he drank a barrel, his coe

Oops, right

It was that day

That day he came out of the room with a face like a dead man

Unusually, he said to leave hiest alcohol

Well then I became worried

It was the first tiuy had that kind of expression

It was about late at night when the customers became sparse

The ones who reuy was also still awake

Well, it was the usual group

In the end, that guy told us this:

“I cannot do itI cannot stay hereThat guy found me”

At that time, the s rattled with the wind

He shrunk back on his chair with a face as if seeing aat the entrance with bloodshot eyes as if frightened

Well, I didn’t understand what he meant

We were just nodding along

What is so scary, ah—, was it Bruno who said that?

Anyways, everyone asked

It orrying

He wasn’t supposed to be able to get drunk, but only incoherent s went out of his mouth

Eventually, the only thing ere able to get out of hi but we didn’t knohat it was

Then, it was as you know

Each of us used our connections to uy to successfully escape to Karkinos

On that ht, the coachman Boris and I accompanied him

That guy kept stuck in the carriage

‘There are voices of a

‘There are sounds of nails scratching the horse carriage’, or so

As such things continued to be heard, even if I didn’t believe in things like monsters, I became scared

I stuck close to that Boris fellow’s body on the coach

Then, when the eastern sky was getting brighter

Before I knew it that guy also fell asleep

It had been a long time since the alcohol in our body subsided, and we sobered up from our drunkenness

Finally,the city walls and ere relieved too

Looking at the sky, nothing happened

It was like a lie that Boris and I were scared until a while ago

We thought about waking that guy up, and looked into the carriage

Then, there was no figure of that guy

Stopping the carriage in haste, we opened the door of the carriage

Ah, I wasn’t drunk anymore

But……there was no shadow nor figure of that guy to be found

What we did found were only a handful of ashes and those dirty expensive clothes together

(Froular customer of Whale’s Barrel)

Aurelia Ducal’s Spring Palace

After a harsh winter, the Aurelia Ducal ain to this palace

Erica Aurelia was reading a piece of paper at Wunderkaot permission to use freely from her older brother

It was a parchment that happened to slide down fro for a tool for alchemy

“Oya, is Erica interested in such a story?”


Hearing a voice from behind her, Erica looked back in surprise

There was her older brother, Eduart, who around each country from day to day she was unable to meet easily

“Onii-sama, welcome homeWhen did you come back?”

“I arrived yesterday at ood idea to wake you up

Even so, I thought Erica wasn’t good at scary stories, it looks like I rong

If that’s the case, I should have listened to the reserve scary stories from Elric, huh”

“No, no, please don’t fuss over meBecause I only read it by chance”

In contrast with Eduart as extrehost story, Erica refused him properly to ensure her peace from hereafter

Then, Erica noticed so from Eduart’s reply

“Perhaps, did Onii-sama meet Actorius-sensei?”

“Yeah, because I was going through Knot Reed on the way backSo while I was there I decided to visit him”

Elric who suffered a serious injury in the autu medical treatment in the Trade City Knot Reed

Recalling Elric’s painful scars, Erica’s facial expression clouded

Eduart read Erica’s facial expression, a smile showed on his face to make her feel secure

“It’s alright, Elric is doing fine

His recovery is also going smoothly, thanks to the treatment he received, and there is no after-effectIt seems that he can return to Lindis next month”

“That’s……truly relieving”

“Yeah, coether next time, Erica”

“Yes, I’d love to”

When Eduart gently stroked Erica’s cheek, she finally smiled

It was a harer sister


There was a black-haired boy who cleared his throat while looking at the two

It was Klaus Hafan

At the coughing sound, Erica finally noticed his existence

“Eh! Why is Klaus-sama here……?”

“Eduart, it seems that your sister finds it inconvenient if I stay hereI will go back to Hafan”

“Wait a , won’t you help me a little more?”

“Aah, I’ time, Klaus-samaPlease enjoy your stay in Aurelia”

Klaus’s attitude beca out

Eduart slossed over her attitude and

“It has been a while since our last contact, EricaI will be in your care for a while

Anyway, after this I will be dragged around to another land right away”

“Hahaha, I will be troubled if you scowl at me like that”

Co fatigue was drifting from Klaus

“Klaus-sama, somehow you look awfully tired today, are you okay?”

“This man here always uses me like a tool on every opportunityI feel like a debt slave”

“Stop saying slave, Klaus-kunI’ht?”

“Eduart, if you are humane, the demon kinds will surely be humane as well”

“Ahaha, that’s harsh”

It was s as the plot of lands and ingots

Since it was to pay for the expensive wands’ cost, it couldn’t be helped that he was somewhat overworked

Nonetheless, Eduart also acknowledged it, and that was the cause of his excessive exploitation

“If you are that tired, Klaus-sama, I have a potion for that, so why don’t you try it?”

Saying so, Erica took out a potion bottle fro

Inside the bottle, red, purple, and greento and fro

Klaus looked at the vicious liquid and lifted his right eyebrohile Eduart’s smile froze

“Would you like to drink this?”

“Oh, this is……is this so people can drink?”

“Yes, it seeue and ical power depletionOnii-sama, would you like to try it too?”

It was a potion with violent colors that see it

It was quite poisonous-looking, but Erica, whose danger sense capability was somewhat short, didn’t notice it

Of course, in Klaus and Eduart’s brain, the danger signal was blinking and beeping in warning

By the way, this potion was a prototype of the potion ood companion of Harold Nibelheim

Because it was a great success for those two inhuuaranteed only on their side

However, Erica herself had not tasted it, and she didn’t know that this potion was overfloith a big problem in its taste

“Hou, the ical power are the cerebrospinal fluid of kraken, the horn of a unicorn, and an extract from alraune, huh”

“The effect of the potion seeht?”

Klaus struggled with his answer and his line of sight wandered between the label that was stuck on the potion and Erica’s expression

Since Erica recommended it out of her kindness, he didn’t want to refuse her

Klaus opened the stopper of the potion bottle with eyes without light that seeiven up, and drank a mouthful after a little bit of hesitation


“Klaus-kun! Are you okay?!”

“Does it not fit your tastebud?”

“N-no……it has a terribly odd taste, but it’s not that badI feel that ical power is replenished considerably and hter”

For that reason, Klaus slowly drank the rest of the potion

Looking at Klaus’ state, Eduart stroked his chest in relief and picked up a potion bottle

If it was the usual, Eduart would have checked it more carefully

However, the fact that his cute little sister had prepared it for hiilance

“Well, since you are being generous, I will also drink it”

“Well, since you are being generous, I will also drink it”

Eduart opened the stopper and gulped it doithout caution

At that moment, his motion stopped

Eduart rarely ever changed his complexion, but his face was pale

“Ukh……! Uuuu~~~~~!!”

“Onii-sama!? are you okay~~~!!”

“Fuh, Eduart……you’re unexpectedly weak”

Eduart held his mouth and ran away

Giving a sidelong glance at the Aurelia brother and sister ere in a panic, a composed smile showed on Klaus’ face

Erica was looking at Klaus with a complicated expression and opened her mouth

“Is Klaus-sama okay?”

“Since I have trained”

“Are you also training your tongue and stomach……no, as expected that’s impossible, then how did you do it?”

“It’s a matter of spiritual disciplineIf I ae”


Erica laughed at Klaus as as arrogant as usual

Klaus’ cheeks dyed red seeing the rare natural smile of that Erica

Meanwhile, Erica was distracted by another thing, she didn’t notice Klaus’ changes

“Ah……that’s right, speaking of Klaus-sama!”

Erica took out two kinds of clear perfu table

She ordered it via Harold, they were the fashi+onable perfumes at Knot Reed

“I was planning to give these perfuifts for Klaus-sama and Ann-sama

Since you are here, may I hand them over now?”

“Hou, there is also one for me, huh”

“YesIt seems that recently men also have an interest in perfumes”

“Is there so on now?”

Klaus took a bottle in a doubtful manner on the outside, but he seemed not as dissatisfied as he led others believe

“The bottle is elaborate, huhThe blue of the glass is pretty deep”

“As expected fro eyes”

The bottle was a vibrant blue glass with elegant silver to finish off as quality goods

With that, even for Klaus as familiar with the sophisticated Hafan culture couldn’t help but admit the craftsmanshi+p

“First of all, for Ann-saels』 for women

And the next one is for Klaus-sama, 『Sweet Melody of Lovers』 for men, please take them”

“Angel? Sweet? Lover? What’s with these lackadaisical nae”

“There, there, aren’t they sound pleasant? Charht?”

Even with Klaus’ sharp tongue, Erica didn’t

“In the northwestern area where this two perfumes are popular, there’s a rumor that secret love will come true for those ear it

If, there is so of—”

“D-don’t get the wrong idea! I’m—!”

Klaus unintentionally interrupted her with a loud voice, he immediately realized that and closed his mouth

Erica stared at Klaus with a slightly surprised look

“I…… that, there is none, that I secretly thinking of

My creed is to be fair and squareI won’t run and I won’t hide……so there’s none”

“Really, Klaus-saet mad all of a suddenIsn’t this just a what if story?”

“I-is that so, I’ht, yeah”

“Then, while we at it, please try the scent

Try the one for women, since it’s the one that has already been opened”