Chapter 86 (1/2)

Chapter 86

The four of us ran in parallel along the road next to the river on our horses and headed toward Nibelheiht

When we crossed over the drawbridge, the pillars of fla upwards from around the opposite shore of the workshop had come to an end

As we arrived at Castle of Light, the castle was noisy

Several e

“What is it! Was there so on here too?”

“Harold-sama! Suddenly a man dyed in blood appeared in the courtyard”

“What did you say!?”

“Apparently, he seems to be a student from Lindis, but it’s quite a serious injury, he’s unconscious”

Blood drained from my face on words such as ‘serious injury’ and ‘unconscious’

While listening to the young servant, he took us to the courtyard

Currently, there were neither the Earl Nibelheie in the courtyard was the steas in his prime

In the ure of a student as receiving first aid was lying there

Even though it wasn’t raining, there was a da on the lawn around him

The dense smell of blood and the smell of burnt meat

I rushed to the person without thinking and knelt beside hi the blood on me

Skin burned extensively froments were stuck in his flank

On the familiar uniforh temperature

That person’s face as covered with painful burns belonged to someone I kneell


“It’s the student who Ilike this happen!?”

Actorius-sensei’s eyes opened slightly, he moved his lips, it looked like ‘Ericsama’

When I took his hand, he squeezed out his voice faintly

“……–tion……failure……, has activated……city’s, people……in danger……”

After saying soth faded out

His hand fell to the ground limply

Actorius-sensei didn’t move even a quiver just like a dead body

“Sensei, sensei!!”

“He’s fine, he’s still breathingIt seems he fainted because of blood lossLeave him to the healers”

The steward said so after confir Actorius-sensei’s pulse to calm myself who had lost composure

While bringing along the servants who carried the stretcher, the healer came over

We had no choice but to just watch Actorius-sensei being carried away

“Even if we’re worried, it’s unfortunate, but we’re only able to watch over him quietly”

Harold pulled etically

Suddenly, I noticed there were glasses that had fallen on my feet


It probably fell of when he was being carried away

The lens of the glasses cracked and had blood on it

I thought I had to pick it up, but I couldn’t move my body

『Erica, the ic of that ruins probably hasn’t stopped yet

I feel that the signs of the strange row dramatically from the previous one』

I ’s whisper

This was not the time to be confused or weak

I had to get a hold of myself

By the as Actorius-sensei trying to say just now?

Cancellation or deic had been activated

We were to recommend evacuation for the people of Knot Reed

Considering the situation of the et his intentions right?

I had to tell everyone what Actorius-sensei was going to say on his behalf since he couldn’t move

“Sensei seemed to have told me that we need to evacuate

The dangerousin that ruins and there can be the second or third outbreak

Moreover, there will be large-scale dae to the city”

I looked at Tirnanog, Auguste, and Harold in order

Harold who understood this disturbing situation widened his eyes, and Auguste furrowed his brows

『Then we should exauous, ouldn’t be able to move to evacuate』

“But, we can’ get any closer to those ruins anyht!?

Ah, no, wait a second……if it is from our toe may be able to see them too!”

“Yes, please show us the way, Harold”

We ith Harold and rushed up the staircase

Breathing was beco like blood in my mouth

But now I didn’t have time to rest

And then, we reached the top of the tower and looked around with heavy breathing

I saw the sun leaning to the west, sinking across the horizon

The sky gradually drew a gradation froe, and the clouds were dyed in peach

I could see the city that was engraved with coht to the ground

“The ruins are there, so I guess the s up from there”

“Wait a minute……yeah, the fire hasn’t spreadIt seeuished”

Auguste stared at the direction pointed by Harold

Perhaps he synchronized his senses with a dragon and observed it froles

Even if the daer wasn’t necessarily limited to the visible parts

While I was controlling ht for Harold and Auguste

“Eh, hat is this……!”

Looking at the sight revealed by Glaht, Harold screamed unexpectedly

I heard someone sucked their breath reflexively

I saw a few s above Knot Reed

Concentrating ical characters were drawn in the sky with the red flames

Characters made of the red flames increased one after another like a series of kiic circles

According to Glaical structures seee

Floating in the sky above Knot Reed, they were not so of this world yet, the flames of fantasy

The illustration of the collection of stories that I bought came to my mind

A bright red sword floating in the indigo sky

However, what floated beforelike a sword

In the light purple sky, sixteen huge red toere floating upside-down

Unscrupulously, I saw those things that floated upside-down in the night sky as Tokyo Towers

Twilight town

In the sky that gradually dyed froo, the Cursed Sword of Fire that shone crimson was about to manifest

“This isn’t just so to happen now?”

“It’s the Cursed Sword of Fire……”

“It’s the Cursed Sword of Fire……”

Harold’s dispirited voice answered Auguste’s question

In spite of myself, I looked back to Harold

Harold’s dark green eyes told us that he was stained with terror

“It’s a legend conveyed in this place……about the calamity that fell on the northwestern land, the Cursed Sword of Fire

Long ago, because the northern prince wanted this land, the western royal brother imposed the Heavens’ hell Fire over this land to protect it

The royal brother didn’t obediently back down, even when he arned that the hell Fire would destroy both enemies and allies

‘If it couldn’t becoreedy prince decapitated the royal brother’s neck

As a result, there is a story that burning lava poured down and burned the Northwest in mere few minutes”

It was a different legend from the one I read in the book

It was the legend Harold had heard from his father and mother

“That calamity had destroyed all of this land”

Everyone was silenced by Harold’s words

Even though a disaster was about to take place in the near future, I was stunned without being able to do anything

What should I do?

What could I do?

If nothing could be done right noould happen to the city?

The pillar of fla up could be seen from the

Burned skin and eyeglasses painted with blood came to my mind

The ht about it, the faster my heart beat

What about Otou-sama?

What about Palug?

About Earl Nibelheim and Gilbert?

About the people in the city?

Even though all of theic?

As I kept thinking about it, nothing but bad things came to my mind, and I steadily became more and more stressed

Not only ined that the world before us would be burned into ashes after this