Chapter 44 (1/2)

Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Burial Chaels (part ten)

Surprise~ After this will be the last mini-arc! Wow this arc is almost over~

TL: clover

ED: clover

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Confiruste seemed to have released the mental interference ability

At the sauste’s body tilted forward

Palug caught Auguste’s falling body gently


Why did you do such a reckless thing!

Because you shared the power of your soul withk me, normally you shouldn’t be able to move until the completion of the contract!』

“Aah, I was sound asleep But……there’s no way I can sleep with such a loud voice nagged at me”

Auguste glanced at Klaus who had fallen asleep

I see, so Auguste was the opponent of the conversation just before Klaus fainted, huh

“‘If you can’t move, I will lend you my body So you can protect Erica inmy life’……that’s what he said, so there’s no way I can sit still and do nothing”


“Because of his aid, I heard everything froether”

Indeed, that was so Klaus would say

Auguste rose to his feet while staggering

“I’er I never thought you would follow me to a place like this”

“No, because I did it on my own volition”

“Still, thank you for stopping ed to stop before I could make the worst mistake”

Auguste smiled softly

Fatigue was shown through that facial expression, but he seemed to be somewhat cheerful

Auguste refused support and stood in a place away fro

Our position was exactly like an equilateral triangle if you connected the three of us

Because of his attitude, I felt that he insisted on a neutral position that would not favour either

“The question just before, it should not count as cheating if I told you the correct answer Palug, was there such a precedent as well?”

To the question of Auguste, Palug quietly nodded

As for Palug, as if her belligerent attitude soo was a lie, she had become totally meek

She see for her conviction

“Who is the ”

After hesitating for a while, she told us the answer once again

『The most important person to you—

It is the girl who came from a distant land

It is the girl who healed your loneliness

She entered your heart in a fraction of a moment

And then, she has become an indispensable person for you』

“Aah, that’s right”

『She is a descendant of an alchemist who came from a distant sea

A girl with beautiful, transient golden hair and eyes the color of the sea

The naht?』

Auguste laughed as if troubled and slowly shook his head

“Palug, that’s a mistake”

『You cannot fool uste

Who do you want from the bottom of your heart?』

“That is probably a feeling that is not yet love or romantic love

Yes, for exa in the darkness without light for a while, looked up at the night sky

He found the glow of a single star in the dark night sky

Even though he couldn’t reach it, he thought that he wanted that star – it is that kind of story”

Auguste looked up at the ceiling and gestured as if reaching the invisible star

With that words, I felt a little relieved

Maybe, I was still afraid that I would get involved in such matters

“This feeling is more of a childish desire

So, speaking of is, she is important, but Erica is not yet my most important person”

Auguste lowered his eyes and looked at Palug

Palug looked back at hi unconvinced

“She came from a distant land and healed my loneliness She entered my heart in a short amount of time and became indispensable for me That is correct”

『Then, who do you mean? I have been with you forever, but there is no such woman!』

“There is You cannot tell other people”

Auguste smiled the same ser to Palug

“My ……it’s you”

I see, Palug was a friend of Auguste

It was no wonder that she was the most important person

Palug went several steps backith a startled expression

As tears gradually gathered in her eyes, her face turned red

I understood well that anger and various other e

『W-what are you saying?

Saying so appropriate like that, you only said that to deceive me

I will not be deceived

No matter how much you want to help Erica, such a foul play is not allowed in the contract ritual』

Auguste shook his head, looked at Palug in the eyes and answered

“Palug, you have been by my side forever

When the legitimacy of my blood was suspected and I couldn’t talk with e for my mother

Even when I was isolated due to the irresponsible slanders or rumors, you were by my side”

『Auguste……Such a thing……』

“I could walk to the place where the stars could be seen, it was because I wasn’t alone

Because the war my hand

Otherwise, I would have just been crouching in the darkness without light

—I have answered you like this, are you still not convinced?”

Palug sluuste’s words

The nails

nails of fla time were also retracted indefinitely

『I would be fine with losing this life if it is for you

No, I would rather have used this life for you』

“I do not want to fly in the sky if I have to sacrifice you

I would not make a wish if I knew that the cost of a miracle would be your life

If I sacrificed you without knowing, I’ive myself”

Palug smiled a lonely smile on those words

『……Such a kind prince

I didn’t want to tell you that the time I have left was short

In this way, you have given up your dream, your wish』

“No It is you who are kind”

Auguste walked over to Palug and held her fur-covered hands

Palug raised her face and stared at Auguste

Auguste setically

“There are things I have to apologize to you about

I always thought that you are too kind and that you kept on telling me white lies

Because of that, I couldn’t believe in s to e and ran away

That’s not it, I was scared

Perhaps, the blood of my father really doesn’t floithin on”


“But, now it’s different

Next time I will also believe in myself with all my heart, because you have always believed in me

Even if everything you said is a lie, I will turn them into a reality