Part 27 (2/2)


ARTHUR N NERSESIAN is the author of six novels, including is the author of six novels, including Suicide Casanova, Chinese Takeout, Unlubricated Suicide Casanova, Chinese Takeout, Unlubricated, and the cult cla.s.sic bestseller The f.u.c.k-Up The f.u.c.k-Up. The former managing editor of the Portable Lower East Side Portable Lower East Side, he currently lives in New York City.


CHRIS N NILES was born in New Zealand. In the last fifteen years she has lived in Australia, England, and Hungary. She now lives in Brooklyn and does not intend to move for a very long time. She is also the author of was born in New Zealand. In the last fifteen years she has lived in Australia, England, and Hungary. She now lives in Brooklyn and does not intend to move for a very long time. She is also the author of h.e.l.l's Kitchen h.e.l.l's Kitchen (Akas.h.i.+c, 2001), as well as a series of crime mysteries featuring radio reporter Sam Ridley: (Akas.h.i.+c, 2001), as well as a series of crime mysteries featuring radio reporter Sam Ridley: Spike It, Run Time Spike It, Run Time, and Crossing Live. Crossing Live.


SIDNEY O OFFIT is a novelist, author of books for young readers, teacher, member of the board of the PEN American Center, president of the Authors Guild Foundation, and curator of the George Polk Journalism Awards that originate from Long Island University's Brooklyn center. During the mid-fifties he covered the Brooklyn Dodgers, New York Giants, and that other team from New York for is a novelist, author of books for young readers, teacher, member of the board of the PEN American Center, president of the Authors Guild Foundation, and curator of the George Polk Journalism Awards that originate from Long Island University's Brooklyn center. During the mid-fifties he covered the Brooklyn Dodgers, New York Giants, and that other team from New York for Baseball Magazine. Baseball Magazine. His most recent book is His most recent book is Memoir of the Bookie's Son Memoir of the Bookie's Son [image]

NEAL P POLLACK is the author of three books: the cult clas-sic is the author of three books: the cult clas-sic The Neal Pollack Anthology of American Literature, Beneath the Axis of Evil The Neal Pollack Anthology of American Literature, Beneath the Axis of Evil, and the rock 'n' roll novel Never Mind the Pollacks Never Mind the Pollacks A regular contributor to A regular contributor to Vanity Fair, GQ Vanity Fair, GQ, and many other magazines, Pollack lives in Austin, Texas.


C.J. SULLIVAN lived in Brooklyn on the Ridgewood/Bushwick border for seven years and loved the neighborhood. He has worked as a Court Clerk in Brooklyn Supreme since 1994. He has also been a freelance writer for the last ten years. Sullivan has a regular column in the lived in Brooklyn on the Ridgewood/Bushwick border for seven years and loved the neighborhood. He has worked as a Court Clerk in Brooklyn Supreme since 1994. He has also been a freelance writer for the last ten years. Sullivan has a regular column in the New York Press New York Press called ”The Bronx Stroll.” He now lives in Ridgewood, New Jersey with his wife Lisa and his twin daughters, Olivia and Luisa. called ”The Bronx Stroll.” He now lives in Ridgewood, New Jersey with his wife Lisa and his twin daughters, Olivia and Luisa.

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