Vol 2 Chapter 15 (2/2)

Riot Grasper Asuka Kei 30220K 2022-07-22

Amidst a sense of unease, I somehow stretched my hand to the tumbled over sword.

――The woman set the sword up right above Lim.

「This girl, how dare she…」


The plea of someone like me, who could only crawl and scream, wouldn’t accomplish anything. However, the woman’s sword ceased; it never swung down.

「Don’t kill people meaninglessly… Didn’t you learn that…?」

「…I learnt from the captain to kill only if needed, but I have to kill her for my peace of mind…」

The eyes of the woman crossed with Logins-san’s who was holding her arm back.



Upon Serdio’s voice, the woman obediently lowered the raised sword.

Is this Serdio guy… their leader?

Logins-san… seems to hold a slightly different position from the other three. Going by his action just now, is he trying to keep us from getting killed…?

I didn’t get it at all…


What resounded inside――was Marita’s voice.

Holding the White Magic Crystal that was embedded in the pendant hanging on her neck out, she shouted at the intruders.

Approaching slowly toward Marita, who had a frozen expression about her face, was Logins-san.

「Marita-sama, please hand it over to me.」

「N-No! Withdraw, Logins… I-I’m serious…」

「…I don’t mind getting killed by you…」

「No… Stop…」

――While Marita’s face was *kushakusha* crumpled with tears, the White Magic Crystal was s.n.a.t.c.hed away from her before she could invoke it. The hesitation the young girl felt toward the butler, whom she had trust in until now, could be understood.

What I didn’t understand was――

「Alright… Get her.」

「N-No! …I’m scared… Help――Seiji, Lim… Logins… Why… Why are you doing this…」


Marita was wailing.

Lim was. .h.i.t hard; she had lost consciousness.

Dammit… Don’t you be kidding me…

Stabbing the sword into the floor, I forcibly got my body up.

「Get away from Marita…!」

「Quite a strong guy. You guys don’t have to be concerned. Quick, take her away. Put her to sleep, so she doesn’t make noise.」

Nodding, the pair of subordinates dragged Marita.

When I tried to give them chase, Serdio and Logins-san intercepted me.

「Logins-san… Why are you doing this?」

――The one I couldn’t comprehend was Logins-san.

「Seiji-san is truly honest――and kind. Even though you’re in such a state, you’re pointing your sword at me and asking me for the reason.」

After hesitating for a while, Logins-san was about to say something, but――

「Quickly shut this guy up. It’s a waste of time.」

「…I guess…」

Serdio’s words interrupted and broke the conversation down.

There was no room to hesitate for the current me. If I intended to kill an enemy of their level, I couldn’t be halfhearted. I would have to go with all my power――

I grasped the sword tightly and howled at the enemy reflecting in my eyes that had yet to gain focus.


「――…When Marita-sama has returned safely, this will be turned over from Seiji-san…」

On the verge of losing consciousness, I heard such words. In the corner of my extremely dark oblong vision, I caught something――sparkling like a rainbow. It was a White Magic Crystal processed into a pendant. Marita’s pendant.
