Vol 2 Chapter 13.2 (1/2)

Riot Grasper Asuka Kei 31930K 2022-07-22

2nd Volume, 13th Chapter 【The Rolled off Candy】 2nd Part

His consciousness sunk into the bottom of gloomy darkness. In a mysterious s.p.a.ce where the sensation of his body seemed spa.r.s.e… He got up…

――Aah, this is a dream.

Even though he was aware of that, he continued to gaze fixedly at the scene unfolding in front of his eyes.

「――Why are you all doing this?」

「It’s a mission we were a.s.signed to.」

Words spat out of his mouth regardless of his will.

It was an event that had already transpired. It was merely a playback of the memory.

It felt uncomfortable to have his consciousness buried in his past self.

「An aristocrat’s lady like you shouldn’t think of worrisome things when you can return safely.」

「Aristocrat… huh? I see… But… I have yet to feel like one myself…」


「You may not believe me, but I’m originally from an orphanage. When I was proposed to by my husband, many were surprised. However, the one who was surprised the most was I. I wonder as to what he saw in such a commoner girl as me.」

「…Is that so?」

「Hey, since I’m restrained and we have a lot of free time, why don’t you tell me your story? Wouldn’t it be boring to simply kill a hostage? In what manner were you brought up for you to turn into such an inhumane human being? 」

「You talk too much… Keep quiet…」

Right then――As if the chunks of memory pieced together, the scene switched.

「――Hey, if a war broke out between your side and Lech.e.l.le, what would you do? Wouldn’t you be in trouble if that happened?」

「That won’t happen. Our military strength is overwhelming. If the troops of Lech.e.l.le invaded us after crossing over the Liebe Mountain Range, they would be annihilated. They are well aware of that.」

Having said so… The man continued his words…

「Likewise, it would be difficult for us to invade Lech.e.l.le Kingdom. Veronica Citadel Town is a natural fortress which naturally utilizes the Liebe Mountain Range. Thereby, we are maintaining a cordial relations.h.i.+p without forcing any dispute.」

「Considering my current state, it doesn’t seem 『cordial relations.h.i.+p』 at all, don’t you think?」

「Between two countries, there can never be a relations.h.i.+p of equality. They would always try to build a relations.h.i.+p favourable to themselves.」

「It’s this method… which I’m against…」

「――Do you know about a flower called Phylia? It’s a lovely white flower.」

「It can’t be a flower which grows gregariously in Lech.e.l.le Kingdom… Surely…」

「Ah, I knew you would reply to my question. These past few days, out of those who were standing guard, you were the only one who would reply normally.」


「As a child, I saw that flower only once when a peddler came to the village. I was so happy when I found out that it had the same name as me.」

「…Is that so?」

「The other day, I sowed a seed in the garden at the mansion. I hope it grows big.」

「It’s a western plant. It’s suitable for scarce rainfall climate. If it were given excessive water, it would wither.」

「Hee…You’re knowledgeable…」

「It will be convenient for my work if I learn about various cultures.」

「――Do you have a family?」

「…I don’t…」

「Well, I didn’t have parents either, but I was never lonely because the guys at the orphanage were just like my family. Especially a girl who was slightly younger than me. She was just like a little sister to me――」

「You really… talk too much…」

「But you know what? I now believe that a real family is a true blessing. An affectionate husband, an adorable daughter… I’m so lucky. Although my daughter is not even 1 year old yet, I’m certain that she will grow into a pretty girl…」

「If they accept our demands, we will release you safe and sound.」

「Is that… so?」

「――Apparently, they are showing signs of accepting our demands. You’ll soon be released.」

「He is a very kind person… So, you thought it would be effective to target me.」

Having said so――she continued her words.