Vol 2 Chapter 12.2 (1/2)

Riot Grasper Asuka Kei 25200K 2022-07-22

2nd Volume, 12th Chapter 【The Small Confession】 2nd Part

――Well then, now that the place has quieted down, should we leave?

When I turned my heels, I was once again called to a halt by Marita.

「Stop right there. You were not called here for the specific purpose of teaching the words.」

…Hey, hey. Don’t tell me I have to pay the compensation?

However, it was dispelled.

「Do you two have no intention of resigning as Adventurers and working at this house?」

So, that was why we were called, huh――…

I’ll pa.s.s.

It was important to build the connections with influential people, but it didn’t mean I had to be bound.

I hadn’t enjoyed this world enough. The social status as an Adventurer, who could roam unfettered, was fitting for me.

Besides, wasn’t it a little careless to employ a mere Adventurer all of a sudden?

I might be thinking too much into it, but… Were the few days of no contact a period to inquire into our basic sentiments? That couldn’t possibly be…

「Sorry, but I have no intention of resigning as an Adventurer. Lim, too…」

When I turned my sight, I found a head *furufuru* shaking.

「Well then, may I help you with some other business――」

「Please wait a moment… Marita-sama… How about we honestly request them here?」

Logins-san nimbly stepped forward in front of us. After peeking at Marita, he continued.

「Seiji-san is a rare Origin Magic user… That sword on your waist must not be for decoration either… At such a young age, it is exceedingly commendable. Lim-san, too. Just because you’re young, the power of a beastkin cannot be underestimated… That said, if we disregard your age, people with the same level of abilities can be found anywhere…」

If the abilities of a Rank D or C Adventurer were considered, it would indeed be so.

「The reason as to why Marita-sama is interested in you two――」

「It’s fine, Logins. I’ll say it myself.」

When Marita turned around, her cheeks were slightly blushed. In a voice that sounded like a bashful mutter, she told us the reason.

「I haven’t gone out of this town. Actually, it’s rare for me to even leave this house.」

「Eh, but last time…」

「That was because I had requested to Father that ‘I’ would like to choose the jewel, which ‘I’ would be wearing, at the very least.」

An overprotective parent. However, when Marita was talking about her father, the mood didn’t suggest that she disliked him.

「Therefore, I have very few friends of my age… Actually, I don’t have any… So, I took interest in you two, who are not far off my age, even though it was our first meeting…」

I see. In other words, she wanted someone close to her age whom she could talk with… She wanted a friend?

Well, Lim would be better because I was six years older than her [Marita].

Still… Compared to Logins-san, I was much younger…

Considering the age group of those around her, she would indeed not mind ‘slightly’ older.