Vol 2 Chapter 5.2 (1/2)
2nd Volume, 5th Chapter 【The Devil of the South】 2nd Part
When the wrapper was slowly unwrapped, an excellent aroma wafted out.
Well, I didn’t know as to how she was raising her skill, but her skill was rising, surely.
The day when her Cooking skill reached Lv2 wasn’t far off.
Therefore, delicious food would soon be a normalcy.
Moreover, eating under such a beautiful scenery added an emotional spice.
「Oh, delicious.」
These were sincere words.
Basically, the cuisine in this world pivoted around bread. However, that didn’t mean there was no rice.
Where there was wheat, there was rice.
Once, I requested onigiri from Dario-san. Lim probably learnt of it through Dario-san.
(ED note: /wiki/Onigiri)
What was inside the wrapper was a garnished onigiri.
Inside it were many small ingredients which I had to figure out individually.
As for the ingredients: a Salmo fish, which was endemic to Pascam, boiled in soy sauce; a rolled omelette, which was made using an Alma chicken egg; fried Alma chicken; etc…
Muu… Although it looked like an ordinary onigiri, I realized what it contained inside only when I put it in my mouth. That was an exquisite seasoning… this fellow made…
The seasoning of the ingredients was as good as always.
「Un. It really is delicious.」
It was not an act. It was truth.
「――I’m glad.」
After she heaved a sigh of relief, a smile spread all over her face.
Err, had I better pretend ‘not to know’ for the time being?
「Err, why are you glad, Lim? You only bought it at Feeder Pops’…」
It seemed to be fine.
The target of her revenge didn’t seem to be me, but Dario-san.
If that’s the case, then――nah, let’s not say anything.
And so, after we enjoyed the lunch in a ‘kyakkyaufufu’ mood, a feeling of satiety overcame us.
However, the momentary peace lasted only so far.
「――N? What’s… that???」
By chance, it entered my sight.
I was casually gazing at the cloudless blue sky; and then, a black spot appeared on the clear blue.
Gradually, the spot enlarged. When it did, it could be seen moving erratically.
It was moving in a zigzag track.
「Lim… be careful… Something is coming.」
――At last, the form of the approaching object was unveiled.
Is that… a bird…? No, a beast?
On the back of the creature, which I hadn’t seen before, was the silhouette of a person.
Then, is that a mount?
I heard in Merville that a flying mount was so expensive that it had no relation whatsoever to anyone other than royalty or n.o.bility… Other than those who were insanely rich…
That flying mount, without lowering its speed, crashed into the ground――No, crashed into the swamp,
Magnificently while splas.h.i.+ng a large column of water.
The body of the person on its back hurled vigorously and banged onto the ground
They… aren’t dead, are they?
On that mount’s body… many arrows were sticking out.
Moreover, one of them didn’t seem to be from an ordinary bow. Wasn’t it from an anti-aircraft crossbow installed in a fort?
Though, shouldn’t I first give priority to the person riding the mount?
I ran to the person who was slapped onto the ground. Lim followed behind, as well.
Because the ground below contained plenty of water, they might still be breathing.
Let’s treat――
However, I dunno why Lim showed cautious intent and cried.
「Seiji! Wait!」
「W-what is it…?」
I tried to ask Lim the reason. However, I was dazzled the next instant.
After such an impact, they should have been dead. However, the body, that was lying on the ground just now, got up relaxedly.
How strong is their body?
The rolling spear and bow seemed to be their belongings. They picked them up and checked their condition.
However, although they weren’t rough… they weren’t delicate either. Still, they could be inferred to be a woman from their body curves.