Vol 2 Chapter 1 (1/2)
2nd Volume, 1st Chapter 【The Sword and Magic】
2nd volume is now underway.
It is scheduled to be updated every 2-3 days.
※The author has found out the difference between the magic power and mana. 1st volume, wherein magic was almost never used, is being fine tuned. A prompt revision is being made. *Sweats* *sweats* *sweats*
※※Revision done……? Done.
Part revised——1st volume, 1st chapter: In the explanation of the characteristics of the races, it was mentioned that the elves possess plenteous magic power which has now been changed to magic apt.i.tude. The revision has been effected.
Moving on, a revision has been effected in the Magic Power Conversion skill, too, which Lim possesses. The name of the skill remains unchanged; however, in the description, magic power → mana.
I apologize.
Basically, I plan on developing the storyline based on the details in this 1st chapter of 2nd volume. (Author’s note)
——5th month, 5th week, the day of the Origin. Rainy.
Upon the sound of the early morning bells, I got my upper body up while rubbing my drowsy eyes.
Last night, I stayed up a little too late.
I understand partying and all; however, why did they have to serve alcohol to a minor?
Although I had already guessed that there’s no age limit on drinking in this world, Arnold-san and Bays-san went overboard with doing as they pleased.
Obliging to their request, when Dario-san brought a liquor distilled from Merva Barley, which grows in this region, I felt as if something had started to break.
With Sheena-san having disappeared all too soon and Lim having gone upstairs, upon Arnold-san urging her, to a room at Feeder Pops’ paid for by him, only male attendants were left.
Thereafter, I was forced, albeit partly, to keep them company. Miraculously, however, I wasn’t dead drunk even after drinking for G.o.d knows how long.
Actually, it was my first time drinking, so I didn’t know as to what it feels like to be drunk; however, my mind was clear.
Glutted with euphoria, you desire delectation; that’s what I thought would feel like to be drunk.
「Is this……perhaps the effect of Abnormal Status Resistance……?」
Unable to s.h.i.+rk my conscience, I was lonely in company of the two the mind of whom had broken down. Its taste being delicious was the only salvage.
Taking the tasty food and the delicious liquor into account, it can be taken as a gain.
After descending downstairs to the first floor and resuscitating my swollen eyes with the well water, I returned to the dining area.
「Ou, Seiji. The congratulatory party last night was so fun. Although……you were relatively more composed even after drinking so much.」
「Eeh, even I was surprised.」
By the way, Dario-san didn’t take even a drop of alcohol in.
Saying 「I’m at work,」 he declined the offer of the two to drink. He toasted merely with fruit juice.
「——Oh, Lim is up, too. Do you two want to have breakfast together?」
「Good morning. Umm, Papa……」
「I-Is something the matter?」
Don’t tell me, excessive intake of alcohol!? Oh s.h.i.+t—–
「——Today, he won’t be able to move before noon.」
……Un, okay.
Calm down, me. Take a deep breath.
That cool figure who stayed throughout the night by Lim’s side at the inn in Pascam.
That gallant figure who, without looking back, went ahead to fight the Blood Ogres, urging Lim and me to run away.
I can’t forget that figure.
「……Because he drank a little too much last night, isn’t it better to let him sleep?」
After having breakfast with Lim, I thought over today’s plan.
Because Jig-san said that he would be done with making my sword by this evening, I’d better stay inside the town.
The quests within the scope of rank D, which can be completed within the town, are scarce to begin with. Considering the rain on top of that, it’s a big ask.
That being the case, I’d rather visit the place which I have been thinking of visiting for some time: the library.
Situated in the centre of Merville Town, it’s a public facility which is accessible upon the payment of fee.
Although the money I received from Jig-san as a congratulatory gift had dwindled considerably down due to the food and drinks last night, I still had some left.
What I want to study about the most in the library is magic.
Although I’m immensely curious about the magic skills, regrettably, I have nil knowledge about magic. Even the basic concept doesn’t exist in me.
As for the martial art skills, although I waxed at handling weapons via stealing skills, I already had the concept of weapons – sword, spear, axe, etc. – to some extent.
Even though I now possess Sword Arts, I have naturally heard of 『swinging the sword and killing the enemy』 in the stories.
However, I haven’t heard of using magic in a ‘real’ story.
What is magic? What can you do with magic?
I will obviously find it out after stealing the magic skills; however, there’s no harm in learning about it beforehand.
Based on Arnold-san’s past conduct, Lim returned to their room and waited for her father to wake up.
I returned to my room, put on a hooded overcoat (black) to protect myself from rain and left Feeder Pops’.
I set out in the the central direction. There exists a large square in the centre of the town. Normally, the aisles of the stalls bustle with people; however, unfortunately, it was raining today.
Although the tents set up for business could be found hither and thither, they were essentially unfrequented.
After walking for a while, a magnificent building entered my line of sight.
In this town, the most gaudy building would be the Town Lord’s mansion. It’s a chalk palace……no, chalk mansion.
Merville is a town where commerce thrives. Many merchants, artisans and craftsmen run their businesses; however, never did I say it was a free town.
Since it’s situated in the territory of Lech.e.l.le Kingdom, it’s governed by the t.i.tled n.o.bility.
People pay the tax to the Town Lord, the Town Lord pays the tax to the King; this is somehow an accepted arrangement.
Adventurers, however, are exempted from paying the tax.
Actually, no. Rather than exemption, there’s a deduction from the reward at the completion of a quest.
Therefore, an adventurer can travel between the countries without being tied to the chain called tax.
However, since the social status of an adventurer may be revoked if they don’t receive any quest within a prescribed period, it’s an acceptable argument.
Oh well. It’s a great race which the present I is unrelated to, so I cut the thought short.
——I arrived at the library, paid the 200 Dalas entrance fee and went into the building.
The books being valuable treasure, I was warned of damaging the books which would result in additional compensation. For it wasn’t pretty inside my pouch, I intended to handle the books with extra care.
Inside was a peculiar blend of the smell of paper and the odor of ink……there was a whiff of dust, too, in the blend that could make one nostalgic, creating a soothing ambience.
During the exam, I was surrounded by textbooks, making me hate the smell of paper and ink. This time, however, since I was pursuing a subject of interest, the impression in my consciousness had changed.
「Err, where are the magic related books kept?」
After asking the librarian, I turned my steps to the bookshelf.
After having nearly gotten distracted by the various bookshelves en route, I finally arrived at the destination.
From the bookshelf which seemed to especially be for the picture books, I was picking the t.i.tles up, which attracted my attention, and putting them back.
『An Elf and a Forest Bear-san』
『A Dragonewt’s Melancholy』
『A Truly Scary Demon’s Fairytale』
And so on. Why on Iris would someone draw such a thing?
Moving on, I pulled myself back together and searched for the books on magic.
There weren’t that many magic related books, though. The collection could merely fill a step of the bookshelf.
However, it was enough for me to decline if someone asked me to read them all.
Then, I casually stretched my hand to pick a book up the t.i.tle of which was——
『A Guide to the Principles of Elemental Magic that Even a Green Caterpillar can Understand』
Although it piqued my interest……it was so thick that my heart broke halfway through.
However, considering the t.i.tle……the ease of understanding should make the thickness manageable.
I moved to the reading s.p.a.ce and commenced the study.
『——Preface: Before reading further, it is recommended to please a.s.sess if you possess adequate apt.i.tude in elemental magic.』
So it says, but.
How do I a.s.sess?
Silently, I turned the page over.
『As for the apt.i.tude in elemental magic——the atmosphere of this world is filled with an ingredient called 《Mana》 which is the source of magic. Magic is an act of manifesting a phenomenon by refining mana.』
Mana, eh?
I can’t stop myself from *wakuwaku* trembling with excitement.
『Let’s a.s.sess your apt.i.tude in Fire Magic. If you’re alive, you must be quite familiar with a thing called fire. Fire in a hearth, fire in a stove, a bonfire……various such instances come to mind.』
a.s.sessing the apt.i.tude probably means ascertaining the existence of a skill.
That being the case, because I plan on stealing the magic skills anyway, there’s no need for me to a.s.sess the apt.i.tude.
However, if weapons can be wielded without possessing the martial art skills, why can’t magic be invoked without possessing the magic skills?
Since it seems fascinating, I’ll give it a go.
『Take a big, deep breath and suck the air into your body. Imagine fire. Draw a simple, easy image of fire in your mind. Concentrate on your fingertip——』
Imagine fire……huh?
A true flame that can illuminate the abyss. A h.e.l.lish flame that can overshadow the h.e.l.lfire. A blinding flame that can burn the eyes of the beholder.
That can scorch everyone. That can melt everything. That can turn anyone who obstructs its path into nothingness.
Having sucking the air in until it ran out, I imagined an infinitely soaring inferno!
Blazing on my fingertip.
『Were you able to? For caution’s sake, let’s move on and a.s.sess your apt.i.tude in other elements of magic. The next is Water Magic.』
Silently, I turned the page over.
Oh well. Whatever it is. Isn’t……it?
『The method is same. Imagine water in your mind and take a death breath.』
For sure. I’ll prevail this time for sure.