Vol 1 Chapter 5 (1/2)
1st Volume, 5th Chapter 【Outside the Town】
I have changed a part of the description of Thief’s G.o.dly Skill.
Before change:
※(Total Lv of Your Combined Skills – Total Lv of the Opponent’s Combined Skills) × 2% shall be added to the success rate.
After change:
※(Total Lv of Your Combined Skills – Lv of the Opponent’s Skill to be Stolen) × 1% shall be added to the success rate. (No change in case of negative resultant number)
Wait, wait……Although we have come this far, there has been no appearance of the ‘heroine’ yet……Does that mean?
The progression of the story is rather slow.
Please read patiently. (Author’s note)
In the previous world, I was able to experience the unspeakably pleasant feeling of going back to sleep once again after punching the alarm clock. Here, however, I can’t reach the ringing bell, so I have no means of stopping it.
The ringing bell resounded in the town, denoting that it was 6 AM.
It rang 6 times.
I got up.
Oh, I feel refreshed. Is that because I went off to sleep early?
When I went downstairs to the first floor, Flower-san was already at the counter.
Was she awake ahead of the ringing of the bell?
「Good morning. Where do I wash my face?……」
「Ah, morning. If you exit from this door, you’ll find a water well in the courtyard. It’s used for laundry and such. There are no bathrooms in the rooms, so if you want hot water for bath, you can ask for it. It’ll be for 10 Dalas only.」
Which reminds me, I didn’t take bath yesterday.
But I’m not feeling dirty, so it’s fine, right?
Although there are bathrooms in a high-cla.s.s inn, Dario-san’s cooking has already won my stomach.
I can’t escape from Dario. (TN: Flowery background)
After splas.h.i.+ng cold water, fetched from the water well, and completely regaining my consciousness, I headed back to the dining area.
As was, I decided to sit down and have breakfast.
The mellow fragrance of meat getting smoked and fat getting singed wafting from the kitchen made my stomach wide awake.
The freshly baked bread with a special sauce made of gravy and the mixed vegetables sandwich was a superb piece of work.
……My stomach, the old-man Dario-san made it full.
With such thoughts in my head, I returned to my room.
I equipped the sword, leaning against the wall, and pondered over today’s plan.
If it were possible, I would stay at this inn today, too, but I don’t have money.
I can’t help but receive quests, if I am to earn money.
It’ll be better to receive routine work quest but I would like to make use of the sword Jig-san gifted me.
Because it’ll be dangerous when it gets dark, I can complete monster subjugation quest in the morning and receive routine work quest in the afternoon.
It’s difficult, I know, but I won’t be able to repay the loan if I don’t do it.
「――Well then, I’ll be off.」
「Aah, you’re leaving? Then I’ll keep the room reserved.」
Flower-san seems pleased that I complimented Dario-san’s cooking for she will keep the room reserved, even though there’s no surety that I will be able to earn money.
This made me motivated even more.
Although I arrived at the guild early in the morning, it was already bustling.
In this world, does everyone wake up early in the morning?
I can’t stay up late here.
I was standing before the bulletin board, searching for rank E- quests.
However, there was no monster subjugation quest.
By the way, even though I’m rank E-, I can receive rank E and E+ quests.
Although the technical subcla.s.sification of the quests is done by the guild, they can’t necessarily explain the difference in the degree of difficulty to a layman.
I can receive rank E- to E+ quests of my own discretion (after consulting with a staff member) if I believe that I can complete it.
It seems to be same in case of higher ranks such as D or C.
However, for the purpose of calculating completion count in relation to rank up, it’ll count as one whether it’s a rank E- quest or a rank E+ quest.
The degree of difficulty changes significantly from E to D, D to C and so forth.
For this reason, an examination is conducted at every stage.
Long story short, I can receive E and E+ quests, too.
There seemed to be a few here and there.
There’s been an outbreak of Green Caterpillars in the forest south of Merville town. Exterminate 5 monsters.
Reward: 500 Dalas. 100 Dalas for each additional monster killed.
Client: Merville town garrison
Time limit: None
Subjugation proof part: Antenna
This quest was listed in the rank E section.
I just have to trample caterpillars, right?
I triumphantly took the quest paper to the reception desk.
Then I went to the familiar, Sheena-san.
There are other staff members, too, but……I-It’s not like I went to her because she’s hot.
「――Ah, Seiji-san. Good morning. You’re going for a monster subjugation quest today? You should fight monsters gradually. To do it all of a sudden……」
「I think I can fare well against caterpillars.」
「You think? Well, you have a weapon and you seem to possess strength, too. Still……Isn’t it sudden?」
Because I 『possess strength』 enough to step into the outskirts and I have to pay the compensation as early as I can in order to avoid persecution, I finished the procedure of receiving the quest and headed straight to the south forest.
En route, I purchased a leather sack and a pouch from a shop in the Commercial District.
I put the pouch, which would serve as my wallet, on my belt while the leather sack would be used to store the subjugation proof parts.
Thanks to that, I was completely broke.
I stopped by to greet because I found a familiar face of Nicholas-san at the south gate.
「Oh, Seiji, ain’t ‘ya? Where are you going?」
「I’m going to exterminate Green Caterpillars in the south forest.」
「Ah, there’s has been an outbreak there. That aside, can you fight monsters?」
「Eh, it’s just a caterpillar, no?」
「That’s right, caterpillars. Although they’re large in number, they’re weak against weapons, so you’ll be fine……Still, there are so many of them. Are you sure?」
……Guys, please don’t raise flags for me!
I walked for about ten minutes.
After walking for a while, I could see a forest off the road.
That place matched the description I was provided with in the guild.
The weather was gentle. Are there four seasons in this world, too?
The forest was filled with fresh greenery. It felt subtly moist.
A gra.s.sy smell filled my lungs when I breathed. It felt soothing.
This thing is not Phytoncide, right? Because that thing stings!
I strolled through the forest.
Something came out.
Un, how do I put it?……Because everyone raised flags for me, I had already prepared my heart for this.
What is this thing?!
It’s about half my height.
Is this a caterpillar? How can it be so big?
While I was lost in my thoughts, it’s green body started wriggling ‘furu furu’ as it jumped into the air.
The green caterpillar initiated a flying body attack……Surreal.
While checking its status to confirm whether it possessed skill or not, I found out that it was a Green Caterpillar, indeed.
《Abnormal Status Resistance Lv1 (2/10)》
There is, huh?
I did it! The discovery that monsters possess skills is a big one.
Which reminds me, I don’t know exactly how many times per day I can invoke Thief’s G.o.dly Skill. (TN: Last time, he confirmed that it’s at least 2)
Even if I tried to steal Abnormal Status Resistance, I wouldn’t be able to for I haven’t visually confirmed the skill.
Should I give up for now?
I back-stepped to dodge the flying body attack of the opponent.
Its movement is slow, at least, so I can deal with it.
From the intensity with which its body hit the ground, it didn’t seem to be a heavy blow.
It jumped again――
For this, I don’t need my sword. After confirming the trajectory of its flight, I launched a kick.
By the time I felt the impact on my leg, the caterpillar’s body had bent like ‘<’……furthermore, with=”” its=”” body=”” bent=”” acutely,=”” the=”” caterpillar=”” was=”” shot=”” away=”” and=”” got=”” nailed=”” into=”” the=”” tree=””>
Ah, ugly――Its body fluids splattered on the spot and sent me into nostalgia. (TN: Truck-kun)
Compared to childhood activities of making frogs explode or flooding the ant nests… it’s a lot worse, don’t you think?
Therefore……Un, this……is terrible……isn’t it? Isn’t it?
In fact, there was no feeling of it evading the attack.
Humanoid monsters might have some sort of resistance but it was an insect, after all.
This change of heart……is perhaps owing to the reincarnation.
Without wasting time, I collected the antenna growing on the splattered caterpillar’s head.
I cleaved it with the help of my sword.
After getting over the tragedy unfurled in the forest, I finished hunting the required five.