Part 23 (2/2)
All at once a heavy cart with a powerful horse is discovered--the people seize it--the horse is lashed into fury--he rushes on the double line of dragoons and cha.s.seurs--a breach is made--the crowd dash through--some rush up the steps of the Chamber of Deputies--they force the gates--they even enter the hall--then, suddenly panic-stricken at their own audacity, they rush back! At this moment, along the Quai d'Orsay, gallops up a strong detachment of the mounted Guard, led by General Peyronet Tiburce Sebastiani, brother of the Marshal and uncle of the unhappy d.u.c.h.ess of Praslin. A charge was ordered, the crowd was driven over the bridge, and the Guard, a company of dragoons and a squadron of hussars took up a position at the foot of the Obelisk of Luxor. ”Long live the dragoons!” shouted the people. ”Down with the Guard!” accompanied by hootings, groans, shouts and showers of stones. The troops, with sheathed sabres, charged. One of the immense fountains afforded the gamins a place of shelter. Suddenly the flood of water was let on and they fled.
Thus began the revolution.
One o'clock tolled from the tower of the Madeleine. The area was clear.
Cavalry patrolled the boulevards. Infantry, bearing, besides their usual arms, implements for demolis.h.i.+ng barricades--axes, adzes and hatchets--each soldier one upon his knapsack, followed.
At two o'clock, at the Hotel des Affaires etrangeres, at the corner of the Rue des Capucines and the Boulevard, an immense ma.s.s of men ebbed and flowed like tides of the sea, and a tempest of shouts, groans and choruses to national songs arose.
A commissary of police in colored clothes, and with the tri-colored sash, led a body of Guards into the court. Deliberately they charge their muskets with ball. ”In the name of the Law!” shouted the commissary. ”Vive la Ligne!” responded the people, as they slowly retired.
”Away,” cried a trooper to a blouse, in the Place de la Concorde, at the corner, near the Turkish; ”Away, or I'll cut you down!”
”Will you, coward!” replied the artisan, calmly, with folded arms. At that moment a body of the people rushed on the Guards and drove them for safety into their barracks; then they fled themselves to avoid the fusillade of the enraged troops.
On the Pont de la Concorde the people stopped the carriage of a Ministerial Deputy and saluted him with groans. The next moment Armand Marrast, of ”Le National,” approached and was most rapturously cheered.
The money-changers, those seers of Napoleon, scented not yet the revolution. On Friday, the three per cents. were 75f. 85c. On Tuesday they opened at 73f. 90c. and closed at 74f.
The day advanced. The Republican and Communist power augments in its systematized order. Paris swarms with insurgents. Bakers' and gunsmiths'
shops are plundered. Barricades are thrown up. A column rushes down the Champs-Elysees, and, having been repulsed at an escalade of the railings of the Chamber of Deputies, retires, shouting the Ma.r.s.eillaise and a chorus from the new opera of the Girondins, ”Mourir pour la Patrie.” At dusk a deputation of students, at the office of ”Le National,” presents a pet.i.tion for the impeachment of the Ministry.
That impeachment had already taken place!
”What news?” shouted a student to a workman, as he hurried along.
”There has been fighting in the Faubourg St. Marceau; half a dozen Guards have been carried wounded to the hospital of Val-de-Grace and a captain was killed.”
”And is it true that the Guard has been disarmed on the Rues Geoffroi and Langevin, and a gunmaker's shop near the Porte St. Martin broken into and rifled?”
”I hadn't heard of that,” was the hurried reply. ”But I hear this, that the guard-houses in the Champs-Elysees have been taken, and the troops driven off, and that lamps and windows have been torn down.”
At that moment another workman rushed along.
”The news!” shouted the student and the first workman.
”The railing of the Church of the a.s.sumption has been torn away by the people to supply arms; two women of the people have been crushed by a charge of the Guard; the shop of Lepage, the armorer, in the Rue Richelieu, has been entered by means of the pole of an omnibus used as a battering ram; and barricades rise on the Rue St. Honore.”
At three o'clock a column of the people dashed down the boulevards, smas.h.i.+ng lamps and breaking shop windows. In the Rue St. Honore and the Rue de Rivoli an omnibus and two carriages were seized to aid in erecting a barricade. A guard-house in the Champs-Elysees was burned.
The troops at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were increased. No one was suffered to pa.s.s. A Guard was dismounted and nearly killed by the people. The crowd in the Rue Royale had become so dense that it was impossible to pa.s.s to the Place de la Concorde. The troops charged. The people gave way. Some were wounded badly; but still rose the shouts, ”Vive la Ligne! Down with the Guard!”
In the Place Vendome stood a regiment of the Line. There was the hotel of M. Hebert, the Minister of Justice, and M. Hebert was hated by the people. ”Down with Hebert, the inventor of moral complicity!” yelled the populace, but they made no attack.
It was ten o'clock at night. Many of the shops were closed, but the cafes and restaurants were thronged. From time to time the shouts, ”Down with Guizot!” and ”Vive la Reforme!” were heard and, also, the roll of drums as a body of troops pa.s.sed along; knots of individuals gathered around the doors of bakers' shops, and, while they eagerly ate their bread and sausage, as eagerly denounced Guizot and the Ministry.
But all was comparative order in Paris.