Chapter 45 - Twins of Crypts (1/2)

The twins of the crypts household have always been subject to a mysteriously profound and powerful destiny. One would be the blazing golden eagle, while the other would be the phantom dark horse. This is what Simon had written back in his writing days, amazingly enough, the Demon World had no concept of harems. This could have been because Simon liked harems back then and thought that demons and devils should be the opposite of what he liked. Although, this caused the society to be quite refined, perfectly unlike the past Simon.

As for his twin brother, Simon already knew who is the golden eagle, he also knew that his very person is not canon. But he didn't mind, the novel is just rough guidelines now for all he cared.

”Twin brother, let me talk to father... perhaps he will-”

”Jaz, just stop. Do not ponder on what has already been decided. Instead, think to the uncertain future and grow.” Simon spoke as he gave off a scholar's impression.

”Si-Sim-Simonifirac! I only ask that you don't give up on the heir position.”

”Jaz, I already have my own plans, please don't push your ideas onto me.” Simon said as he continued walking through the hallway.

And again, Jazukal saw Simon's back as the latter walked away.


Simon was busy, he needed to prepare himself for what is to come. This would include his training for his foundations in his devil techniques. Such techniques are nothing like visionary arts. First of all, a devil techniques rely on a combination of a devil's visualisation, pedigree and overall understanding; like visualisation arts, but devil techniques can also be personalised much more and become one with the user. As such, a fireball user can be completely different compared to his counterpart from next door.

Another thing that is different when comparing devils to humans, is the stark contrast in looks. This is where the term devilish beauty comes into play, something that Simon had written in because of the term. Along with this, devils have a near doubled lifespan when compare to humans, being 150 years. As a result, Simon could be described as a crimson skinned human male, with an agile body, that possesses the still-growing horns of a kudu. With gleaming a gaze lay delicate yet violently orange irises, and eyeballs of black, Simon stood as a more exotic devil. Devilishly intoxicating in his piercing gaze, yet polite and calm. A stark contrast from his twin brother's irises of green and a demeanour of a nervous youth.

Both brothers were slim, sporting similarly kept jet black hair. But both were so different in many ways.

'Sometimes I feel like I'm being a bit of an a** but then again, this brother of mine needs to worry more about himself. Otherwise he will end up dead just like in the original story.'

'Hopefully he learns like I did.'

Simon kept his 'filthy' mouth but never outwardly used it, instead, he upheld the ideal of the the noble devil. Through this, he gained the respect of his family, because no one could hate him for working harder. He had no amazing talent, but he was the paramount of noble devildom.

'How will my brother ever survive the f***ing A.d.u.l.thood Ceremony? Is he going to hide while he is put in the chamber? All there is for him is a nice silk carpet and wooden floor tiles. There is nowhere for him to hide when facing a.d.u.l.thood. But then again... I'm not really one to talk in this topic.'

A devil's lineage could also play a role in their natural temperament and emotional regulation, which could explain why Simon seems slightly less spontaneous and energetic as of late. Clearly an improvement that he enjoyed.

'Well then, how do I turn my [Wraith's Talons] into a devil technique? Hmmm... there isn't any conversion info in the revisions, so I will need to think about this on my own.'

In an empty room, Simon summoned a total of 4 blades. Each were glowing purple, with the orderly sharpness of a human visionary. Upon stimulation from Simon's VP, the blades remained the same.