Vol 8 Chapter 2 (1/2)

Chapter 2

Episode 2 – Seven Dragons Gathering

Part 1

「Good , Relie-san」

「Morning Lux-kun Did you sleep well last night?」

The head

After lightly talking with Lisha and Celis who had arrived, Lux exchanged words with Relie

One day since then, the opening of the su

「I believe that you have finished with the briefing but be careful, as you also know, the representatives of other countries is a group of problematic people you know?」

「I will stay on guard More importantly──」

「Yes, ill also be as vigilant as possible over here I’ll leave the rest to you」

There was high likelihood that the war en if they knew about the information of this summit

Thus, it seeathered beforehand

It seehter like Philuffy and Yoruka were also assigned to guard the Academy, so Lux wasn’t really worried

In that case──

「Yeah, what’s left is hoe are going to deal with the discussion」

Lisha who looked slightly nervous was standing beside Lux

The people ould attend the suon Paladins and their aides, as well as the four chosen representatives by the leaders of various countries

a those four, Lisha would participate in the sudom

「let’s go like we decided in the briefing Our first plan will be to get information out of the Lords」(Celis)

Or rather, no doubt the other countries would also be doing that

The history of the ancient era that had been surrounded in h the span of a few hundred years

An existence that knew about all of that had descended, so their side had no other option then to observe how they would move

Naturally, during the il whom he had ties with

While Lux was calon Paladins and their aide, furthermore the the representatives of the leaders from various countries showed up one after another

There were face of those he knew and also those he isfor the first time

「GoodLux-kun Take care of me too today」

「Yahhoo Are you healthy, Onii-chan」

Coral and Mel called out to him

After exchanging light pleasantry with the two, Lux also entered the conference room

It was a spacious room, but there was noin order to avoid attack from outside, so the room was dim

Because of that There was lamp present since the su faintly the faces of the representatives from each country

The seating of the conference rooroup, the four representatives of country leaders, the Seven Dragon Paladins, and then the group of the Lords

The leader’s representatives were Lizsharte frodom, princess Milmiette from the Wanhei Republic

Pope Nias fro because he was the person with highest authority in essence, furthermore there was the archbishop to substitute for him

with the exception of one person, the on Paladins and their aide were all present

The representative froris

The representative from the Wanheim Principality was Greifer Nest, and his aide Coral Esther

The representative from the Ymir Theocracy was Mel Gizalut With her aide Krulcifer Einfolk

The representative fro Republic was, Rosa Granhide Her aide was Calensia Hersmice

Frobergk Gimle

Froialca Zen Vanfrick Her aide was absent

──up until now, Lux has only either known their face or has heard of them from Celis

But, the Seventh Dragon Paladins, as someone he had never even heard a rumor of finally showed up inside the room

「……Wai-, why are you trying to go hoet inside!」

The figure of a girl wearing a hat could be seen using all her strength to pull in a brown skinned arm that could be seen from the other side of the opened door

While everyone’s gaze was gathered over there, before long that figure came out to the open


It was a girl wearing the thin outfit of foreign country was looking like she was really reluctant to be here She was sending a cowering gaze to the room

She had vibrant dark brown skin and glossy black hair tinted with a green color

Just her appearance was already distinctive enough, but the red tattoo engraved on her face highlighted her unique look even further

「U, aa──」

The girl who just noticed that she was gathering attention quickly averted her eyes and fell silent

The girl wearing a hat used that chance to drag the girl inside and forcefully sat her down on a chair

「Ah, our apologize for being late desu We are the representatives of the Turkion Paladin, Soffice Septy and me her aide──Uruk Septy desu」

Although the girl was introduced like that, she didn’t say a single word

The Seven Dragon Paladin who appeared last was a girl who seemed to be hard to approach in another different sense compared to all the members until now

(But what is this? Even though this should be the first time I met her without a doubt, it feels like she resembles someone──)

When Lux stared fixedly at the girl, Soffice’s stare quickly darted around and she averted her face

In the place of the girl who kept her face looking down, the hat wearing girl spoke toward everyone

「Eee, Soffice, she has a fear of strangers, so she can’t really talk with everyone desu And so, I will convey her thought as an interpreter, best regard everyone desu」

「……What a very strange bunches but, well it’s fine Just don’t make excuse later on that you didn’t talk because you are a poor talker」

The captain of the Seven Dragon Paladin, Magialca concluded like that and everyone sat down

Then she put both her elbows on the table and joined her hands together before she looked around at everyone and raised her voice

「──Well then, now that everyone is here, how about we consolidate our intentions right away? The fellows called the Lord or so who self-proclai to respond to them── fundamentally those fellows are suspicious」

「Err──, pardon me captain-sama」

The one who raised their hand was the princess of Wanheim Principality, Milmiette

The girl as innocent with a bright personality was assertive without acting timid even in this place

「What could you as, I believe that the likelihood is high that they are an i the Ruins──」

「Your highness Milmiette, that wasn’t what she meant」

The representative of Blackend Kingdolen showed a fearless smirk toward that question

「the Lords ished for a dialogue this tias Until noe have only been excavating──no, plundering Drag-Rides and treasures from the Ruins There is a possibility that they will question us to take responsibility for that」

「……In other words, if we are taking a tiht be hit with retaliation fro?」

Everyone in that place closed their

That showed one answer

「Besides that, we also still don’t fully understand the true identity those so called Lords With extreer who’ve captured the Ruins several hundred years ago before introducing themselves as the ruler of ancient era If they cannot prove that they are the 『real thing』, then we also don’t need to act humbly toward them」

Lux could also understand what Magialca was saying

At the briefing session in the royal capital, Lux, Lisha, and Celis were

The existence and power of Drag-Ride had beco that couldn’t be erased for the current livelihood, and the land they were living on also ithout saying

Even if the Lords proclais, there was no way their side could easily accept their demand

Thus, although this ue, but there was no doubt that this was a battle

If the talk broke down, it would even be possible that a war against the Lords could occur

When everyone tensed their expression once more, a stir could be heard suddenly from outside the room

Kotsu kotsu The sound of shoes stepping on the floor was approaching, and before long the door was slightly opened

「──My apologize to make all of you wait, honored representatives from each country」

A transparent voice reverberated and that figure came to view

A young girl clad in sparkling pure white dress was boith a smile

Silver long hair and asymmetrically colored eyes

That ed the air of the place that was filled with tension

Lux and others held strong vigilance toward that face which resembled the imperial family of the old empire

「I am an imperial family member of the ancient era when the Ruins existed──a survivor of the Lords First imperial princess Listelka Rei Arshalia And then this is il vi Arcadia」

Beside the princess who introduced herself as Listelka, two attendants appeared

The blue haired ht of beside Hayes previously

And then, the ant cloak, his head rapped with heat

「……!? That guy, is Fugil? What──I also, recalled seeing him somewhere」

Even Lisha let out a sil, perhaps in recollection of so unpleasant

On the other hand, Lux closed his htly and repressed his emotion immediately

「First let me expressthis chance and place for a dialogue in response to my sudden introduction and demand──and then as a proof of friendshi+p, I will pro-Rides for each country」

Those words that were spoken with friendly tone caused everyone present to blink

Even Lux doubted his ear for a ht after that the representatives of each country’s leaders, Pope Nias and Princess Milmiette, furthermore even Minister Gunius raised their voice reflexively

「I, is that true, Listelka-dono?」

「That’s a-Rides, for each country, it’s──」

「Unbelievable! Even after using the Ruin investigation right five, six ti-Rides that could be excavated, to hand over that many all at once……」

Even a single general purpose Drag-Ride had a price that was above an average house

Drag-Ride that each country gathered little by little fro with time and sacrifice was still that much of a precious weapon

The athtly loosened up in reaction to the uniinable present

But, even alen eren’t perturbed

They were se in their expression even against that 『advance payment』 that could be said as unprecedented

「Of course This is nothing et into our good grace, ill even bestow the-Ride Specifically from here on──」

「I don’t get it, o Lord-sama whatever」

Magialca’s voice suddenly cut apart the boiling up atmosphere of the place

She showed that crooked and vaguely twisted s at Listelka as in front of her

「My bad to cut off your talk But, I’m also the head of a company you see, when I heard a story that is too suspicious, I aainst ment You can continue if you want?」

「Please don’t misunderstand I am serious you know?」

Listelka spoke once ialca snorted

「There is nothingalso existed a few thousand years ago? You would let us slurp up such sweet honey right at the beginning, just what are you planning to make us do for you after that?」


The Lord, Listelka who heard that fell silent while still shtly

But, before long she casted down her eyes as though resolving herself and she slowly sighed

「It can’t be helped then I wished to broach this topic after having a bit more pleasant talk but──」

With that as the preface, the ihtly took a deep breath

And then she surveyed her surrounding, and spoke with a serious expression

「If I have to state the main issue, this world will perish in less than half a year」


It was unknoas the one that reflexively said that

Perhaps it was one of the Seven Dragon Paladins, or perhaps one of the leaders’ representatives

But, in any case the relaxed at upheaval after those words were spoken out calmly

「……Can we hear about the specific?」

After Magialca proe in her fearless expression, Listelka nodded shortly

「I believe that everyone is already aware, about the phenomenon of destruction that is called calamity, and the existence of Nocturnal There exist a systeht about those things It is called a 『Sacred Eclipse』, a mechanism that will destroy the world」 (TN: Before I mistranslated this as Sacred Eater, the correct one is Sacred Eclipse)

「Sacred Eclipse, you say?」


Lux and the others, the people in new kingdoht back fro that they knew about it

It was in order to confir the truth or not

「Yes In the ancient era e existed, using the resource and technology at that ti peace would be visited by the end A dispute with the atteing a lot of people into it and a deadly battle began In order to bring a close to that great uprising, our ancestor constructed a leaders That is exactly the final annihilation reatest and strongest hunarok」

The past history that Listelka spoke of

Everyone present was speechless hearing that blood soaked truth

But, before long a hand was raised froh returning to their senses

「Wa, wait a second Lord-dono!? As expected that’s unbelievable A mechanism that exists in order to destroyreally did exist, shouldn’t all of us have died already?」

Nias quietly rocked his chair and raised his voice

With a graceful s pope who still had trace of youth in himself

「Yes Originally Sacred Eclipse is the final weapon to destroy everything with the exception of the ancient race and the Lords But, with that alone it will also massacre the virtuous and innocent people Thus at the phase when the majority of the humans who spearheaded the conflict had been destroyed, the imperial family at the time deactivated the Sacred Eclipse」

The girl spoke the answer matter-of-factly like that

「The ancient race that brought about the Ruins on this planet, and the clan of Lords that received it There is a land of paradise that is known and can only be entered by the imperial fa them all── 『Avalon』 Only in that place that contained all wisdo the Sacred Eclipse and preventing the ruin of the world can be done」


The air of the conference roohtly from the words that Listelka muttered earnestly with her eyes casted down

「I wish to ask one thing」

Taking advantage of that opening, a slen quietly lifted his face

「Why is that deactivated Sacred Eclipse so now?」

The question that could be said is only natural in a sense, was immediately answered by Listelka

「I’rasp the cause clearly, but I believe thatthat interfered with the Ruins After all I only received revelation from Avalon, of the fact that the Sacred Eclipse was resurrected」

「Revelation, received?」

When Lisha frowned, the Lord imperial princess abruptly smiled

「It’s because I ah a rite called Baptism, I obtained the power to receive inforround of the Lords」

The girl who originally possessed the na herself as Rei Arshalia pointed out that she had become the shrine maiden that was able to hold correspondence with Avalon


While listening to that story, Lux slightly aze with Krulcifer’s to confirm

About the existence of the mechanism to destroy the world called Sacred Eclipse

About whether it was necessity to head to Avalon in order to stop it

Until this point, everything should be the unvarnished truth that ht back from the Hall in Ymir Theocracy

「And, how can we reach that Avalon so?」

Magialca asked with folded arms Listelka didn’t answer the question immediately

After surveying everyone aiting for her words with held breath, she took a deep breath

「Do you know about the jewel that is called Grand Force? The seven crystals that existed in seven Ruins By setting them in the deepest part of all the Ruins, the path to Avalon will be opened Stopping Sacred Eclipse that will destroy the world, obtaining the inheritance and technology of Avalon, and guiding this world to true peace Those are the wishes the Lords」

The presented solution

With superb ti people’s heart, the imperial princess opened her mouth once more

「We the survivor of Lord had been sleeping for ot perplexed by the change of this world We don’t knohether this era, the people of this culture would be able to accept us Due to that anxiety, for a while atching over the situation」

She was looking at the expression of the representative of each country while appealing with heartrending expression

「But──there is no more time If we don’t borrow everyone’s power and stop the Sacred Eclipse right away, the whole world will perish It’s deplorable but, about half of the current Ruins are disconnected fro soether, please lend us your strength」

The talk see doith a small bow

Right after a slight stir, a small silence was created

Before long, at the tiested her words, a hand was raised

It was Minister Gunius of Heiburg Republic, a ood physique

「So that’s how it is, surely it is indeed sorrowful I have heard about the existence of crystal that is called Grand Force If I remember correctly that is──」

「Yes The crystal is hidden and protected inside the body of Ragnarok All seven of the Ragnarok has to be defeated At present Poseidon froas are defeated, but the reated swiftly no matter what」

Listelka nodded and began to talk about the concrete plan in order to liberate all the Ruins

But at that moment, the princess of Wanheim Principality, Milmiette tilted her head and raised her hand

「Pardon me Please wait a second I understand that it’s necessary for us to defeat Ragnarok and obtain the Grand Force But, what should we do to enter that far? It can be said for almost all of the Ruins, that each country here is unable to enter the deepest part of the Ruins, barring some special exception──?」

「Indeed it is like that Even if we go to defeat the Ragnarok, the path won’t open for us」

Even Pope Nias also nodded in agreement

Theinside the Hall hadn’t been told to him

When the representatives of other countries also showed agreeing expression, Listelka’s gaze slowly darted around before staring at the face of a certain girl

Her gaze was pouring toward Krulcifer as sitting as the aide of Yon Paladins

「I forgot to say but, we the Lord has cooperator Our coht the Ruins into this world──the existence that is called as 『Xfer』 Isn’t that right, Krulcifer Einfolk?」


Everyone present held their breath once more toward Listelka’s identification

Krulcifer herself seeitation and only casted her eyes down

「It’s troubling even if you address in is from Ruin Even if you call me as compatriot while I have no self-consciousness of it, but unfortunately I have no recognition of any of you」

Krulcifer curtly responded like that

While it may be true that the ancient race and the clan of Lord had intimate relationshi+p with each other historically, Krulcifer showed that she had no intention to emulate that with her statement just now

But, it appeared that Listelka too had anticipated it beforehand, she sed

「That’s unfortunate If possible I wished that you would coh Just like Mishi+s, my attendant beside me」

「Oo, then that blue haired woman is also──」

「Yes I am a survivor of Ruin’s technician──of XferKey’s Supervisor」

When Minister Gunius threw a question, the wo maid uniform in this conference room, Mishi+s bowed and answered

「Our XferKey’s Supervisor clan can literally open various door of Ruins and we possess the authority to e the Ruin’s function In short it is the authority of the ancient race that created the Ruins themselves」

「Then, by using your power, all the Ruins could be immediately──」

Minister Gunius showed joyful look, but Mishi+s silently shook her head

「The problem isn’t that simple Even us Xfer is limited in e can do Especially in the case where we interfere with the main system of Ruin, ill temporarily lose our personal supervisory authority toward Ruin If I use my authority to open an vital door I will become unable to do the same at other Ruin too until a certain period has passed」

「So, that means?」

Listelka nodded at the words of Princess Milmiette

「Yes Without obtaining the cooperation of Krulcifer-san over there, it will be difficult to liberate all the Ruins in the rehts, ish to search for other survivor of Xfer too but……, there were various things which caused a lot of people’s whereabouts to be unknown at the present」

「I see」

After the span of a single breath of silence, Magialca made a sticky smile

「The mechanism called Sacred Eclips woke up and noe need to prevent the world destruction In order to do that you want us to liberate all seven Ruins and reached Avalon That’s what you are saying right?」

「It helps that you understand Let us all cooperate with each other and save this world from destruction」

Listelka lightly clapped her palave a broad smile

In a glance it looked like the talk was getting through to everyone, but there were several large questions re

When Lux was hesitating whether he should ask them, the air shook

「──And, howwith this foolish talk?」

A rinned and chopped up the flow until now

The Seven Dragon Paladins of Blackend Kingdolen Shelbrit

The leaders’ representatives of other countries see that was just too haughty The color of their face changed for the worse

「Pardon me But I am unable to understand the intention of the words you spoke?」

The entleness, this time it was Lux who opened his mouth

「Is there a proof that the world will be really destroyed by that Sacred Eclipse? I think that’s what he meant」

The existence of an imperial family of the 『ancient era』 that appeared from Ruin

Further revelation of Xfer and Avalon Because of that anyone becaet about the basic question

The end of the world due to Sacred Eclipse

If that pre open the Ruins would be too dangerous

If they suet ended just from that

Actually even Lux and co only won by a hair’s breadth against a Ragnarok before this after doing everything in their power It wouldn’t be strange even if they got annihilated at that battle

The existence of Sacred Eclipse was also recorded in the inforether with Krulcifer, but he wanted the proof that it was the truth

When Lux called that doubt to attention with such intention, the girl sitting beside him also nodded

「I too agree with Lux’s opinion」

Celis lifted up her face like that as sodo’s Seven Dragon Paladins

「Ragnaroks are a dangerous existence At the previous fight, it was in superior position even when it was facing against a group of Divine Drag-Ride users Thinking about the da about subjugating thehtlessly is──」

That opinion ca Lux and others had beforehand

She was the daughter of an influential feudal lord as one of the four great nobles

Exactly because she bore the responsibility as so above others and those words came out from herself

But, faster than Listelka could answer, a voice cut in from the side

「Oooh? You’re a greedy woman just like that lewd body of yours What a wretched fellow」

The voice’s oas the Seven Dragon Paladins of Heiburg Republic who didn’t say even a single word until now, Rosa Granhide

She was a tall girl who outfitted herself with jet black

The save the ilared at Celis from the side

「……What could you mean by that?」

「My bad if you caughtto est-sama」

Rosa was provoking evenlike snake

「If you have so it clearly?」

Surely Celis was also angry, but she pressed her question without letting it show on her face till the end

Then Rosa put her hand on her hter

「No you seee, I’ you talked Just because you don’t want to risk danger for yourself and your own country, the aide of a Seven Dragon Paladins who represented the country of all people could unashas like that There is a li shameless okaay」


As expected, even Celislook at that transparent provocation

She faced the sneering Rosa and immediately spoke a rebuttal

「I a narok before At the present tied that Sacred Eclipse and Avalon actually exist, releasing a Ragnarok is too dangerous」

「Besides──there is no guarantee that the awakened Ragnarok will be facing us until it died just like we expect it too」

Lux moved to back up Celis with persistent calmness

「If we failed to finish it off and it escape, et involved and get destroyed And the country with the highest risk of getting such dadom that has three Ruins inside its territory We cannot fully participate in the strategy without first discovering flawless preparation and countermeasure」

「Ri, right……」

The leaders’ representatives fro at what Lux said

Thinking back it was really just as he said They showed an attitude of agreeing with Celis’s remark once more

Regarding the case of Yggdrasil, it was reported to the new kingdon countries that it was battled and defeated in thethe Ark

There were also the case of Philuffy receiving influence from Abyss, and the fact that the intrusion into the Ark ithout permission in the first place, so Lux could only speak with indirect expression like that

But, Rosa didn’t touch that part, she merely scoffed at Lux’s rebuttal

「Oh? That’s not soht? It’s just ten or twenty villages and towns If we can save the world with that, it’s a cheap price to pay right?」

「Are you insane!? What do you think a country is──」

Celis’s body spontaneously trembled but, she didn’t rush toward the enemy

「……Heey, Lord-sama The honorable representatives of this cowardly country are saying that kind of thing But, can the worldreally be saved by doing so like thiiis?」

Rosa licked her lower lip and showed a fawning smile at Listelka

But, the iracefully

「I believe that their opinion is only natural The capture of revitalized Ruins and the subjugation of Ragnarok It will be a co victim from each country And so, of course our side will also prepare the reward in order to compensate for that burden」

「──Reward you say?」

Minister Gunius eagerly leaned forward hearing that In respond Listelka nodded with a smile

「Yes We wish to give to the country that provide contribution to reach Avalon, the right to ratitude from the empire of us Lords」