Part 39 (1/2)
page 97 The army had not prepared The army had not prepared: For details on the conditions along the thirty-eighth parallel, I have drawn from descriptions in James Brady, The Coldest War The Coldest War.
page 99 ”Krian war”: ”Krian war”: This and subsequent quotes from ”Thailand” are from Barthelme, This and subsequent quotes from ”Thailand” are from Barthelme, Sixty Stories Sixty Stories, 433436.
page 100 ”style of the age”: ”style of the age”: Erich Auerbach, ”Philology and Weltliteratur,” trans. by Edward and Maria Said, in Erich Auerbach, ”Philology and Weltliteratur,” trans. by Edward and Maria Said, in Centennial Review Centennial Review 13 (1969): 1. 13 (1969): 1.
12. No b.u.t.terfly page 102 ”THE GREAT AMERICAN NOVEL”: ”THE GREAT AMERICAN NOVEL”: This and subsequent quotes from Don's letters to Joe Maranto or to his immediate family are from Helen Moore Barthelme, This and subsequent quotes from Don's letters to Joe Maranto or to his immediate family are from Helen Moore Barthelme, Donald Barthelme: The Genesis of a Cool Sound Donald Barthelme: The Genesis of a Cool Sound (College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 2001), 2234. (College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 2001), 2234.
page 103 ”[I] am working on a major fiction project”; ”[W]e're short-handed”: ”[I] am working on a major fiction project”; ”[W]e're short-handed”: Donald Barthelme, letter to Mr. and Mrs. George Marrs, February 1954; courtesy, Marilyn Gillet. Donald Barthelme, letter to Mr. and Mrs. George Marrs, February 1954; courtesy, Marilyn Gillet.
page 103 ”[In] Tokyo...[h]e was once in bed”: ”[In] Tokyo...[h]e was once in bed”: Donald Barthelme, Donald Barthelme, Forty Stories Forty Stories (New York: Putnam, 1987), 108. (New York: Putnam, 1987), 108.
page 104 ”Don described the experience later”: ”Don described the experience later”: Helen Moore Barthelme, Helen Moore Barthelme, Donald Barthelme Donald Barthelme, 28.
page 104 ”The transformation of everyday reality”: ”The transformation of everyday reality”: Barthelme, ”Parachutes in the Trees,” in Barthelme, ”Parachutes in the Trees,” in Not-Knowing: The Essays and Interviews Not-Knowing: The Essays and Interviews, ed. Kim Herzinger (New York: Random House, 1997), 109.
page 104 admired it ”more than any other building”: admired it ”more than any other building”: Helen Moore Barthelme, Helen Moore Barthelme, Donald Barthelme Donald Barthelme, 27.
page 104 ”worthy tradition”: ”worthy tradition”: Frank Lloyd Wright, Frank Lloyd Wright, Sixty Years of Living Architecture: The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright Sixty Years of Living Architecture: The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright (Los Angeles: Art Patrons and Art Commission of Los Angeles, 1953), 89. (Los Angeles: Art Patrons and Art Commission of Los Angeles, 1953), 89.
page 104 ”There were little terraces and little courts”: ”There were little terraces and little courts”: Peter Blake, Peter Blake, Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture and s.p.a.ce Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture and s.p.a.ce (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1960), 69, 72. For more information on the Imperial Hotel, see Frank Lloyd Wright, (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1960), 69, 72. For more information on the Imperial Hotel, see Frank Lloyd Wright, An American Architecture An American Architecture (New York: Horizon Press, 1955), 149159; and Robert King Reitherman. ”Frank Lloyd Wright's Imperial Hotel: A Seismic Reevaluation,” posted at (New York: Horizon Press, 1955), 149159; and Robert King Reitherman. ”Frank Lloyd Wright's Imperial Hotel: A Seismic Reevaluation,” posted at /article.asp?section=126&article=11528&archive=true.
page 106 ”only concerned [itself] with customers' yen”: ”only concerned [itself] with customers' yen”: ibid. ibid.
page 107 ”At 2200 hours”: ”At 2200 hours”: Donald Barthelme quoted in Helen Moore Barthelme, Donald Barthelme quoted in Helen Moore Barthelme, Donald Barthelme Donald Barthelme, 3031.
page 108 ”most nerve shattering” ”most nerve shattering” to to ”browbeating the poor devil”: ”browbeating the poor devil”: ibid., 30. ibid., 30.
page 109 ”[I sat] in the bow fifty miles out”: ”[I sat] in the bow fifty miles out”: Barthelme, Barthelme, Sixty Stories Sixty Stories, 102.
13. c.o.c.kypap page 110 ”I got a card from the Apache Distributing Company”: ”I got a card from the Apache Distributing Company”: See See ingtrans.php#jackson.
page 111 his son's ”veteran face”; ”My clothes looked old and wrong”: ”city looked new”: his son's ”veteran face”; ”My clothes looked old and wrong”: ”city looked new”: Donald Barthelme, Donald Barthelme, Sixty Stories Sixty Stories (New York: Putnam, 1981), 102. (New York: Putnam, 1981), 102.
page 111 ”There just wasn't much to Houston”: ”There just wasn't much to Houston”: Philip Johnson quoted in Frank D. Welch, Philip Johnson quoted in Frank D. Welch, Philip Johnson and Texas Philip Johnson and Texas (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2000), 42. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2000), 42.
page 111 ”What is coming will be of more value”: ”What is coming will be of more value”: Stephen Fox, Stephen Fox, Houston Architectural Guide Houston Architectural Guide (Houston: American Inst.i.tute of Architects, Houston Chapter, and Herring Press, 1990), v. 21. (Houston: American Inst.i.tute of Architects, Houston Chapter, and Herring Press, 1990), v. 21.
page 111 ”full of the 'nothing' to which Mies”: ”full of the 'nothing' to which Mies”: ibid., 105. ibid., 105.
page 112 ”We have to have cheerleaders”: ”We have to have cheerleaders”: Barthelme, Barthelme, Sixty Stories Sixty Stories, 102.
page 112 ”Tiny Diva Warms Shamrock”; ”John Wayne Goes to the Bottom”: ”Tiny Diva Warms Shamrock”; ”John Wayne Goes to the Bottom”: Jerome Klinkowitz, Asa B. Pierrat, Jr., and Robert Murray Davis, Jerome Klinkowitz, Asa B. Pierrat, Jr., and Robert Murray Davis, Donald Barthelme: A Comprehensive Bibliography Donald Barthelme: A Comprehensive Bibliography (Hamden, Connecticut: Shoestring Press/Archon Books, 1977), 94, 96. (Hamden, Connecticut: Shoestring Press/Archon Books, 1977), 94, 96.
page 113 ”the cops decided to show”: ”the cops decided to show”: Barthelme, Barthelme, Sixty Stories Sixty Stories, 194.
page 113 ”[Pete and I] were always together”; ”I began to realize he was an attractive man”: ”[Pete and I] were always together”; ”I began to realize he was an attractive man”: Helen Moore Barthelme, Helen Moore Barthelme, Donald Barthelme: The Genesis of a Cool Sound Donald Barthelme: The Genesis of a Cool Sound (College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 2001), 35. (College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 2001), 35.
page 113 ”Talk to Farris Block”: ”Talk to Farris Block”: ibid., 36. ibid., 36.
page 113 ”old school”: ”old school”: This and subsequent quotes from ”See the Moon?” are from Barthelme, This and subsequent quotes from ”See the Moon?” are from Barthelme, Sixty Stories Sixty Stories, 103.
page 114 ”I had never...[worked] in the daytime before”: ”I had never...[worked] in the daytime before”: Donald Barthelme, Donald Barthelme, Forty Stories Forty Stories (New York: Putnam, 1987), 28. (New York: Putnam, 1987), 28.
page 114 ”I'd read his [movie] reviews”: ”I'd read his [movie] reviews”: This and subsequent Gollob quotes, except those noted hereafter, are from Herman Gollob, This and subsequent Gollob quotes, except those noted hereafter, are from Herman Gollob, Me and Shakespeare: Adventures with the Bard Me and Shakespeare: Adventures with the Bard (New York: Doubleday, 2002), 166168. (New York: Doubleday, 2002), 166168.
page 115 ”Ah Martha coom now”: ”Ah Martha coom now”: Barthelme, Barthelme, Sixty Stories Sixty Stories, 3738.
page 115 ”I've never been a good drinker”: ”I've never been a good drinker”: Marilyn Gillet, in a conversation with the author, November 17, 2004. Marilyn Gillet, in a conversation with the author, November 17, 2004.
page 115 ”She wasn't relaxed or natural”; ”We were all drinking”: ”She wasn't relaxed or natural”; ”We were all drinking”: Herman Gollob, in a conversation with the author, April 19, 2007. Herman Gollob, in a conversation with the author, April 19, 2007.
page 116 it was Maggie who ”no longer wanted to be married”: it was Maggie who ”no longer wanted to be married”: Helen Moore Barthelme, Helen Moore Barthelme, Donald Barthelme Donald Barthelme, 36.
page 116 ” ” By the time Don came back from Korea”; ”I think Donald always wanted”: By the time Don came back from Korea”; ”I think Donald always wanted”: Marilyn Gillet, in a conversation with the author, November 17, 2004. Marilyn Gillet, in a conversation with the author, November 17, 2004.
page 116 ”too scared to unboard”: ”too scared to unboard”: Helen Moore Barthelme, Helen Moore Barthelme, Donald Barthelme Donald Barthelme, 3637.
page 117 ”[You] go to college”: ”[You] go to college”: ”Interview with Charles Ruas and Judith Sherman, 1975,” in ”Interview with Charles Ruas and Judith Sherman, 1975,” in Not-Knowing: The Essays and Interviews Not-Knowing: The Essays and Interviews, ed. Kim Herzinger (New York; Random House, 1997), 208.
page 118 ”He was a lovely man”: ”He was a lovely man”: Eileen Pollock, in a conversation with the author, June 5, 2005. Eileen Pollock, in a conversation with the author, June 5, 2005.
page 118 ”Purity of heart is to will one thing”: ”Purity of heart is to will one thing”: Barthelme, Barthelme, Sixty Stories Sixty Stories, 384.
14. The Object page 119 ”But that's more than some of our ”But that's more than some of our male male faculty members earn!”: faculty members earn!”: Helen Moore Barthelme, Helen Moore Barthelme, Donald Barthelme: The Genesis of a Cool Sound Donald Barthelme: The Genesis of a Cool Sound (College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 2001), 44. (College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 2001), 44.
page 120 ”I felt quite alone in my marriage”: ”I felt quite alone in my marriage”: ibid., 3738. ibid., 3738.
page 120 In her memoir, Helen claims that she started the newsletter: In her memoir, Helen claims that she started the newsletter: ibid., 71. ibid., 71.
page 120 Lee Pryor, a UH English professor: Lee Pryor, a UH English professor: Suzanne Shumway, ”Creative Writing Program: A Haven for Future Literati,” Suzanne Shumway, ”Creative Writing Program: A Haven for Future Literati,” Collegium Online Collegium Online (University of Houston): Winter 1997. (University of Houston): Winter 1997.
page 120 Acta Diurna Acta Diurna's format should be revised: Donald Barthelme, memo to Douglas McClaury, Special Collections and Archives, University of Houston Libraries. Donald Barthelme, memo to Douglas McClaury, Special Collections and Archives, University of Houston Libraries.
page 120 ”As to material used”: ”As to material used”: Donald Barthelme, letter to Pat Nicholson, Special Collections and Archives, University of Houston Libraries. Donald Barthelme, letter to Pat Nicholson, Special Collections and Archives, University of Houston Libraries.
page 120 ”as part of our public relations program”: ”as part of our public relations program”: Donald Barthelme, public relations announcement, Special Collections and Archives, University of Houston Libraries. Donald Barthelme, public relations announcement, Special Collections and Archives, University of Houston Libraries.
page 120 ”The level of readers.h.i.+p we are aiming at”: ”The level of readers.h.i.+p we are aiming at”: Donald Barthelme, letter to Dr. Richard A. Younger, Special Collections and Archives, University of Houston Libraries. Donald Barthelme, letter to Dr. Richard A. Younger, Special Collections and Archives, University of Houston Libraries.
page 121 ”Kierkegaard is Hegel's punishment”: ”Kierkegaard is Hegel's punishment”: Maurice Natanson, Maurice Natanson, A Critique of Jean-Paul Sartre's Ontology A Critique of Jean-Paul Sartre's Ontology (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1951), 5. (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1951), 5.
page 121 ”[After] Sartre”: ”[After] Sartre”: Maurice Natanson, Maurice Natanson, Edmund Husserl: Philosopher of Infinite Tasks Edmund Husserl: Philosopher of Infinite Tasks (Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1973), 3. (Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1973), 3.
page 121 ”Although it has always been known”: ”Although it has always been known”: ibid. ibid.
page 121 ”the story of...philosophy”: ”the story of...philosophy”: Natanson, Natanson, A Critique of Jean-Paul Sartre's Ontology A Critique of Jean-Paul Sartre's Ontology, 5.