Part 21 (1/2)
Not the Making But the Repeating, Is Your Danger
To live down the past and erase the errors, live boldly the present.
Do not chastise or condemn yourself for mistakes you have made; you are not alone; everyone has made missteps, has hurt others, has wronged himself.
Everyone has had trouble, reverses and misfortune; it's the plan of things, and these things come to give us experience and correct our future acts by the knowledge of how to avoid errors and wrongs.
Yesterday is dead; forget it. Face about; live today; be busy, be active, be intent on doing right and accomplis.h.i.+ng things worth while.
The world's memory is short. A misdeed, an error, a wrongful act on your part may set busy tongues wagging today and you may suffer from calumny and criticism. Of course your errors will be magnified and your wrongs enlarged beyond the truth; that's the penalty you pay.
Lies are always added to truth in telling of one's misdeeds. Be brave; weather the storm, it will soon blow over. Tomorrow the world will forget.
You've suffered in your own conscience; that's all the debt you can pay on the old score.
Now, then, get busy with the glorious opportunity today presents. Don't make the same mistake again. There are no eyes in the back of your head; look forward.
Don't worry by envying the other fellow and comparing his good deeds with your mistakes; you only see his good. He has had troubles and made mistakes too, but you and the world have forgotten them.
If every man's sins were printed on their foreheads the crowds you pa.s.s would all wear their hats over their eyes.
I'm trying to comfort you, and slap you on the back and tell you you are just human and all humans make false steps.
The patriarchs in the Bible made mistakes, but they got in the fold.
History has perpetuated their names. Their lives on the whole were worth while. It's the sum total of acts that count.
A Little a.n.a.lysis of Our Relation to Eternity
One man says the present is everything, the eternity is nothing.
The other man says eternity is everything, present is nothing.
I believe the real truth is, both are man's chief concern, and neither is all truth.
In this matter the general rule I have so often pointed out will harmoniously apply; that rule is, avoid extremes.
Those who believe that the now, the present, is the all important thing in man's life have the fas.h.i.+onable or favorite point of view.
Man definitely knows much about the present, he knows much about life.
He is in the midst of life--it pulsates all around him and in him.
We know positively that the law of compensation is inexorable in its demands for right and positive in its punishment of wrong.
We know that on this earth kindness, love, occupation, help, truth, honor and sympathy are investments which bring happiness today. You get your pay instantly when you have done a helpful act and you get your punishment instantly when you have done a hurtful act.