Part 25 (1/2)

First went two Squires with lights.

Next Euphemia and Tolmaea.

Then 2 other Squires with lightes.

Next Minerva and Fortuna.

Then came 4 other Squires with lightes, and in the midst of them 4 schollers bearing on their shoulders a tombe or sepulcher adorned with scutchions and little flagges, wherein all the Prince's honours had bene buried before.

After this came the Prince alone in his schollers gowne and hood as the chiefe mourner.

Then all the rest of his Counsell and company likewise in blacke gownes and hoodes, like mourners, two by two.

”All these were said to goe to the Temple of Minerva there to consecrate and erecte the sepulcher, and this state was very well liked of all that saw itt.

”Heere wee thought to have made an end of all, and to have puld downe the scaffolds and stage, but then many said that so much preparacon was too much for so small a show. Besides there was an English Tragedy almost ready, which they were very earnest should bee performed, but many arguments were alledged against it: first, for the time, because it was neere Lent, and consequently a season unfitt for plaies--Secondly, the stile for that itt was English, a language unfitt for the Universitie, especially to end so much late sporte with all--Thirdly, the suspicon of some did more hinder it than all the rest, for that it was thought that some particulars were aimed att in the Chorus, which must needs bee distastfull--Lastly, the ill lucke, which wee had before with English, made many very loth to have any thing done againe in that straine.

”But these objections being aunswered all well as might bee, and faithfull promise being made and taken that if any word were thought personall, it should be presently put out, the stage was suffered to stand, and the scaffolds somewhat enlarged against the following. Att which time such a concourse of people from all places, and of all sorts came together presently after dinner, that itt was thought impossible any thing should have beene done that night for tumults. Yet in the beginning such order and care was taken (every one being willing att the last cast to helpe towardes the making a good end,) that the stage was kept voide of all company, and the scaffoldes were reserved for straungers and men sorte, better than ever they were before, so that it began very peaceably somewhat before six a clocke, and was performed in manner following:



The Master of the Revels. Detraction.

The Master of the Revels Boy. Resolution.

Ingenuity a Doctor of Physicke.


Periander, Tyrannus Corinthi.

Cypsilus, Haeres Periandri, Stultus.

Lycophron Frater Cypsili.

Neotinos, Puer, Satelles Lycoph.

Lysimachos} Aristhaeus } n.o.biles et a Consilijs Periandri.

Philarches} Eriterus } Juuenes n.o.biles in Aula Periandri.

Symphilus }

Crataea Mater Periandri.

Melissa Uxor Periandri.

Melissae Umbra.

Eugenia Filia Periandri.

p.r.o.naea } Zona } Duae Meritriculae Periandri.

Larissaea Soror Philarchis.

Europe Aristhaei Filia.

Faeminae Quatuor Corinthiae c.u.m 4 or Pueris Inseruientibus.