Part 9 (1/2)

Skinwalkers. Tony Hillerman 122860K 2022-07-22

Chee didn't bother to look at it. He considered asking everyone to be careful of where they walked, to avoid erasing any useful tracks. But as dry and windy as it was, he couldn't imagine tracking as anything but a waste of time. Except for the drag marks. Whatever had been dragged up here should be easy to find.

It was.

”Hey,” Gorman shouted. ”Here's a body.”

It was half hidden in a clump of chamiso, head downhill, feet uphill, legs still spraddled apart as if whoever had dragged it there had been using them to pull the body along and had simply dropped them.

The body had been Roosevelt Bistie. In the combined lights of Chee's and Gorman's flashlights, the yellow look of his face was intensified-but death had done little to change his expression. Bistie still looked grim and bitter, as if being shot was only what he'd expected-a fitting ending for a disappointing life. The dragging had pulled his s.h.i.+rt up over his shoulders, leaving chest and stomach bare. The waxy skin where the rib cage joined at the sternum showed two small holes, one just below the other. The lower one had bled a little. Very small holes, Chee thought. It seemed odd that such trivial holes would let out the wind of life.

Gorman was looking at him, a question in his face.

”This is Bistie,” Chee said. ”Looks like the guy who shot Lieutenant Leaphorn had shot this guy. I guess he was dragging him up here when we drove up, the lieutenant and me.”

”And after he shot the lieutenant he just took off,” Gorman said.

”And got clean away,” Chee added.

Four flashlights now were illuminating the body. Only the San Juan County deputy was still out in the darkness, doing his fruitless job. Down in Roosevelt Bistie's yard below, two more vehicles parked. Chee heard doors slam, the voice of Kennedy, the sound of Kennedy and Captain Largo coming up the slope. Chee's flashlight now was focused above the bullet wounds at a place on Bistie's left breast-a reddish mark, narrow, perhaps a half-inch long, where a cut was healing. It would seem, normally, an odd place for such a cut. It made Jim Chee think of Bistie's wallet, and the bone bead he had seen in it, and whether the wallet would have been dragged out of Bistie's hip pocket on his heels-first trip up this rocky slope, and whether the bone bead would still be in it when it was found.

He squatted beside Bistie, taking a closer look, imagining the scene at which this little healing scar had been produced. The hand trembler (or stargazer, or listener, or crystal gazer, or whatever sort of shaman Bistie had chosen to diagnose his sickness) explaining to Bistie that someone had witched him, telling Bistie that a skinwalker had blown the fatal bone fragment into him. And then the ritual cut of the skin, the sucking at the breast, the bone coming out of Bistie, appearing on the shaman's tongue. And Bistie putting the bone in his billfold, and paying his fee, and setting out to save himself by killing the witch and reversing the dreaded corpse sickness.

Chee moved the beam of his light up so that it reflected again from the glazed, angry eyes of Roosevelt Bistie. How did Bistie know the witch was Endocheeney, the man who all at Badwater agreed was a mild and harmless fellow? The shaman would not have known that. And if the two men even knew each other, Chee had seen no sign of it.

Behind him, the state policeman was shouting to Largo, telling him they'd found a body. The wind kicked up again, blowing a flurry of sand against Chee's face. He closed his eyes against it, and when he reopened them, a fragment of dead tumbleweed had lodged itself against Bistie's ear.

Why was Bistie so certain the witch who was killing him was Endocheeney? He had been certain enough to try to kill the man. How had their paths crossed in this fatal way? And where? And when? Now that Bistie was also dead, who could answer those questions? Any of them?

Largo had joined the circle now, and Kennedy. Chee sensed them standing just behind him, staring down at the body.

”There's what killed him,” the state policeman said. ”Two gunshots through the chest.”

Just on the edge of the circle of illumination, Chee could see the healing cut on Bistie's breast. Those two bullets had completed the death of Roosevelt Bistie. But the little wound high on his breast above them had been where Roosevelt Bistie's death had started.

> 15 <>

THE INDIAN HEALTH service hospital at Gallup is one of the prides of this huge federal bureaucracy-modern, attractive, well located and equipped. It had been built in a period of flush budgeting-with just about everything any hospital needs. Now, in a lean budget cycle, it was enduring harder times. But the shortage of nurses, the overspent supplies budget, and the a.s.sortment of other fiscal headaches that beset the hospital's bead counters this particular morning did not affect Joe Leaphorn's lunch, which was everything a sensible patient should expect from a hospital kitchen, nor the view from his window, which was superb. The Health Service had located the hospital high on the slope overlooking Gallup from the south. Over the little hump in the sheet produced by his toes, Leaphorn could see the endless stream of semitrailers moving along Interstate 40. Beyond the highway, intercontinental train traffic rolled east and west on the Santa Fe main trunk. Above and beyond the railroad, beyond the clutter of east Gallup, the red cliffs of Mesa de los Lobos rose-their redness diminished a little by the blue haze of distance, and above them was the gray-green shape of the high country of the Navajo borderlands, where the Big Reservation faded into Checkerboard Reservation. For Joe Leaphorn, raised not fifty miles north of this bed in the gra.s.s country near Two Gray Hills, it was the landscape of his childhood. But now he looked at the scene without thinking about it. service hospital at Gallup is one of the prides of this huge federal bureaucracy-modern, attractive, well located and equipped. It had been built in a period of flush budgeting-with just about everything any hospital needs. Now, in a lean budget cycle, it was enduring harder times. But the shortage of nurses, the overspent supplies budget, and the a.s.sortment of other fiscal headaches that beset the hospital's bead counters this particular morning did not affect Joe Leaphorn's lunch, which was everything a sensible patient should expect from a hospital kitchen, nor the view from his window, which was superb. The Health Service had located the hospital high on the slope overlooking Gallup from the south. Over the little hump in the sheet produced by his toes, Leaphorn could see the endless stream of semitrailers moving along Interstate 40. Beyond the highway, intercontinental train traffic rolled east and west on the Santa Fe main trunk. Above and beyond the railroad, beyond the clutter of east Gallup, the red cliffs of Mesa de los Lobos rose-their redness diminished a little by the blue haze of distance, and above them was the gray-green shape of the high country of the Navajo borderlands, where the Big Reservation faded into Checkerboard Reservation. For Joe Leaphorn, raised not fifty miles north of this bed in the gra.s.s country near Two Gray Hills, it was the landscape of his childhood. But now he looked at the scene without thinking about it.

He had been awake only a minute or two, having been jarred by the arrival of his lunch tray from a hazy, morphine-induced doze into a panicky concern for the welfare of Emma. He remembered very quickly that Agnes was there, had been there for days, living in the spare bedroom and playing the role of concerned younger sister. Agnes made Leaphorn nervous, but she had good sense. She'd take care of Emma, make the right decisions. He needn't worry. No more than he normally did.

Now he had finished the wit-collection process that follows such awakenings. He had established where he was, remembered why, quickly a.s.sessed the unfamiliar surroundings, checked the heavy, still cool and damp cast on his right arm, moved his thumb experimentally, then his fingers, then his hand, to measure the pain caused by each motion, and then he thought about Emma again. Her appointment was tomorrow. He would be well enough to take her, no question of that. And another step would be taken toward knowing what he already knew. What he dreaded to admit. The rest of his life would be spent watching her slip away from him, not knowing who he was, then not knowing who she was. In the material the Alzheimer's a.s.sociation had sent him, someone had described it as ”looking into your mind and seeing nothing there but darkness.” He remembered that, as he remembered the case report of the husband of a victim. ”Every day I would tell her we'd been married thirty years, that we had four children.... Every night when I got into bed she would say, 'Who are you?' ” He had already seen the first of that. Last week, he had walked into the kitchen and Emma had looked up from the carrots she was Her expression had been first startled, then fearful, then confused. And she had clutched Agnes's arm and asked who he was. That was something he'd have to learn to live with-like learning to live with a dagger through the heart.

He groped clumsily with his good left hand for the b.u.t.ton to summon an attendant, found it, pressed it, glanced at his watch. Outside the gla.s.s, the light was blinding. Far to the east, a cloud was building over Tsoodzil, the Turquoise Mountain. Rain? Too early to tell, and too far east to fall on the reservation if it did develop into a thunderstorm. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and sat, slumped, waiting for the dizziness to subside, feeling an odd, buzzing sense of detachment induced by whatever they'd given him to make him sleep.

”Well,” a voice behind him said. ”I didn't expect to find you out of bed.”

It was Dilly Streib. He was wearing his FBI summer uniform, a dark blue two-piece suit, white s.h.i.+rt, and necktie. On Streib, all of this managed to look slept in.

”I'm not out of bed yet,” Leaphorn said. He gestured toward the closet door. ”Look around in there and see if you can find my clothes. Then I'll be out of bed.”

Streib was holding a manila folder in his left hand. He dropped it at the foot of Leaphorn's bed and disappeared into the closet. ”Thought you'd like to take a look at that,” he said. ”Anybody tell you what happened?”

It occurred to Leaphorn that he had a headache. He took a deep breath. His lunch seemed to consist of a bowl of soup, which was steaming, a small green salad, and something including chicken which normally would have looked appetizing. But now Leaphorn's stomach felt as if it had been tilted on its side. ”I know what happened,” Leaphorn said. ”Somebody shot me in the arm.”

”I meant after that,” Streib said. He dumped Leaphorn's uniform at the foot of his bed and his boots on the floor.

”After that I'm blank,” Leaphorn said.

”Well, to get to the bottom line, the guy got away and he left behind Bistie's body.”

”Bistie's body?” Leaphorn reached for the folder, digesting this.

”Shot,” Streib said. ”Twice. With a pistol, probably. Probably a thirty-eight or so.”

Leaphorn extracted the report from the folder. Two sheets. He read. He glanced at the signature. Kennedy. He handed the report back to Streib.

”What do you think?” Streib asked.

Leaphorn shook his head.

”I think it's getting interesting,” Streib said. That meant, Leaphorn understood from half a lifetime spent working with the federals, that people with clout and high civil service numbers were beginning to think they had more bodies than could be politely buried. He took off his hospital gown, picked up his unders.h.i.+rt, and considered the problem of how to get it on without moving his right arm around more than was necessary.

”I think we should have kept that Indian locked up a while,” Streib said. He chuckled. ”I guess that's belaboring the obvious.” The chuckle turned into a laugh. ”I'm sure his doctor would have recommended it.”

”You think we could have got him to change his mind? Tell us what he had against Endocheeney?” Leaphorn asked. He thought a moment. If they had taken Bistie back into custody, Leaphorn had planned to try an old, old trick. The traditional culture allows a lie, if it does no harm, but the lie can be repeated only three times. The fourth time told, it locks the teller into the deceit. He couldn't have worked it on Bistie directly, because Bistie would have simply continued to refuse to say anything about Endocheeney, or bone beads, or witchcraft. But maybe he could have worked around the edges. Maybe. Maybe not.

”I'm not so sure,” Leaphorn said. He was even less sure he could have talked Streib into signing his name on the sort of complaint they would have needed. This was a notably untidy piece of work, this business of a man who seemed to think he'd shot a man who'd actually been stabbed. And the FBI hadn't fooled the taxpayers all these years by getting itself involved with the messy ones. Streib was a good man, but he hadn't survived twenty years in the Agency jungle without learning the lessons it taught.

”Maybe not,” Streib said. ”I defer to you redskins on that. But anyhow ...” He shrugged, letting it trail off. ”This is going to put the heat on. Now we don't just have a bunch of singles. Now we got ourselves a double. And maybe more than a double. You know how that works.”

”Yeah,” Leaphorn said. Doubling homicides didn't double the interest-it was more like squaring it. And if you had yourself genuine serial killings, nicely mysterious, the interest and the pressure and the potential for publicity went right through the roof. Publicity had never been an issue with Navajo Tribal Police-they simply never got any-but for federals, good press brought the billions pouring in and kept the J. Edgar Hoover Building swarming with fat-cat bureaucrats. But it had d.a.m.ned sure better be good press.

Streib had seated himself. He looked at the report and then at Leaphorn, who was pulling on his pants with left-handed awkwardness. Streib's round, ageless, unlined face made it difficult for him to look worried. Now he managed. ”Trouble is, among the many troubles, I can't see how the h.e.l.l to get a handle on this. Doesn't seem to have a handle.”

Leaphorn was learning how difficult it can be to fasten the top b.u.t.ton of his uniform trousers with his left-hand fingers after a lifetime of doing it with right-hand fingers. And he was remembering the question Jim Chee had raised. (”I heard gossip at Badwater Trading Post,” Chee had said. ”They say a bone was found in Endocheeney's corpse.”) Had the pathologist found the bone?

”The autopsy on Old Man Endocheeney up at Farmington,” Leaphorn said. ”I think somebody should talk to the pathologist about that. Find out every little thing they found in that stab wound.”

Streib put the report back in the folder, the folder on his lap, pulled out his pipe, and looked at the No Smoking sign beside the door. Beside the sign, Little Orphan Annie stared from a poster that read: ”Little Orphan Annie's Parents Smoked.” Beside that poster was another, a photograph of rows and rows of tombstones, with a legend reading ”Marlboro Country.” Streib sniffed at the pipe, put it back in his jacket pocket.

”Why?” he asked.

”One of our people heard rumors that a little fragment of bone was found in the wound,” Leaphorn said. He kept his eyes on Streib. Would that be enough explanation? Streib's expression said it wasn't.

”Jim Chee found a little bone bead in his house trailer along with the lead pellets after somebody shot the shotgun through his wall,” Leaphorn said. ”And Roosevelt Bistie was carrying a little bone bead in his wallet.”

Understanding dawned slowly, and unhappily, causing Streib's round face to convert itself from its unaccustomed expression of worry to an equally unaccustomed look of sorrow and dismay.

”Bone,” he said. ”As in skinwalking. As in witchcraft. As in corpse sickness.”