Part 127 (2/2)

28 And in that manor, now no more Is cheerful feast or sprightly ball; For ever since that dreary hour Have spirits haunted c.u.mnor Hall.

29 The village maids, with fearful glance, Avoid the ancient moss-grown wall; Nor never lead the merry dance Among the groves of c.u.mnor Hall.

30 Full many a traveller has sighed, And pensive wept the Countess' fall, As wandering onwards they've espied The haunted towers of c.u.mnor Hall.


1 But are ye sure the news is true?

And are ye sure he's weel?

Is this a time to think o' wark?

Ye jauds, fling by your wheel.

For there's nae luck about the house, There's nae luck at a', There's nae luck about the house, When our gudeman's awa.

2 Is this a time to think o' wark, When Colin's at the door?

Rax down my cloak--I'll to the quay, And see him come ash.o.r.e.

3 Rise up and mak a clean fireside, Put on the mickle pat; Gie little Kate her cotton goun, And Jock his Sunday's coat.

4 And mak their shoon as black as slaes, Their stocking white as snaw; It's a' to pleasure our gudeman-- He likes to see them braw.

5 There are twa hens into the crib, Hae fed this month and mair; Mak haste and thraw their necks about, That Colin weel may fare.

6 My Turkey slippers I'll put on, My stocking pearl blue-- It's a' to pleasure our gudeman, For he's baith leal and true.

7 Sae sweet his voice, sae smooth his tongue; His breath's like caller air; His very fit has music in't, As he comes up the stair.

8 And will I see his face again?

And will I hear him speak?

I'm downright dizzy wi' the thought: In troth I'm like to greet.


Robert Craggs, afterwards created Lord Nugent, was an Irishman, a younger son of Michael Nugent, by the daughter of Robert, Lord Trimlestown, and born in 1709. He was in 1741 elected M.P. for St Mawes, in Cornwall, and became in 1747 comptroller to the Prince of Wales' household. He after- wards made peace with the Court, and received various promotions and marks of favour besides the peerage. In 1739, he published anonymously a volume of poems possessing considerable merit. He was converted from Popery, and wrote some vigorous verses on the occasion. Unfortunately, however, he relapsed, and again celebrated the event in a very weak poem, ent.i.tled 'Faith.' He died in 1788. Although a man of decided talent, as his 'Ode to Mankind' proves, Nugent does not stand very high either in the catalogue of Irish patriots or of 'royal and n.o.ble authors.'


1 Is there, or do the schoolmen dream?

Is there on earth a power supreme, The delegate of Heaven, To whom an uncontrolled command, In every realm o'er sea and land, By special grace is given?

2 Then say, what signs this G.o.d proclaim?

Dwells he amidst the diamond's flame, A throne his hallowed shrine?
