Part 88 (1/2)

4 But then, arriving at an orb whose flames, Like an unbounded ocean, flowed about, Fool as I was, I quaked; till its kind beams Gave me a harmless kiss. I little thought Fire could have been so mild; but surely here It rageth, 'cause we keep it from its sphere.

5 There, reverend sire, it flamed, but with as sweet An ardency as in your n.o.ble heart That heavenly zeal doth burn, whose fostering heat Makes you Heaven's living holocaust: no part Of my dream's tender wing felt any harm; Our journey, not the fire, did keep us warm.

6 But here my guide, his wings' soft oars to spare, On the moon's lower horn clasped hold, and whirled Me up into a region as far, In splendid worth, surmounting this low world As in its place: for liquid crystal here Was the tralucid matter of each sphere.

7 The moon was kind, and, as we scoured by, Showed us the deed whereby the great Creator Instated her in that large monarchy She holdeth over all the ocean's water: To which a schedule was annexed, which o'er All other humid bodies gives her power.

8 Now complimental Mercury was come To the quaint margin of his courtly sphere, And bid us eloquent welcome to his home.

Scarce could we pa.s.s, so great a crowd was there Of points and lines; and nimble Wit beside Upon the back of thousand shapes did ride.

9 Next Venus' face, heaven's joy and sweetest pride, (Which brought again my mother to my mind,) Into her region lured my ravished guide.

This strewed with youth, and smiles, and love we find; And those all chaste: 'tis this foul world below Adulterates what from thence doth spotless flow.

10 Then rapt to Phoebus' orb, all paved with gold, The rich reflection of his own aspect: Most gladly there I would have stayed, and told How many crowns and thorns his dwelling decked, What life, what verdure, what heroic might, What pearly spirits, what sons of active light.

11 But I was hurried into Mars his sphere, Where Envy, (oh, how cursed was its grim face!) And Jealousy, and Fear, and Wrath, and War Quarrelled, although in heaven, about their place.

Yea, engines there to vomit fire I saw, Whose flame and thunder earth at length must know.

12 Nay, in a corner, 'twas my hap to spy Something which looked but frowardly on me: And sure my watchful guide read in mine eye My musing troubled sense; for straightway he, Lest I should start and wake upon the fright, Speeded from thence his seasonable flight.

13 Welcome was Jupiter's dominion, where Ill.u.s.trious Mildness round about did flow; Religion had built her temple there, And sacred honours on its walks did grow: No mitre ever priest's grave head shall crown, Which in those mystic gardens was not sown.

14 At length, we found old Saturn in his bed; And much I wondered how, and he so dull, Could climb thus high: his house was lumpish lead, Of dark and solitary comers full; Where Discontent and Sickness dwellers be, d.a.m.ned Melancholy and dead Lethargy.

15 Hasting from hence into a boundless field, Innumerable stars we marshalled found In fair array: this earth did never yield Such choice of flowery pride, when she had crowned The plains of Shechem, where the gaudy Spring Smiles on the beauties of each verdant thing.


1 Within, rose hills of spice and frankincense, Which smiled upon the flowery vales below, Where living crystal found a sweet pretence With musical impatience to flow, And delicately chide the gems beneath Because no smoother they had paved its path.

2 The nymphs which sported on this current's side Were milky Thoughts, tralucid, pure Desires, Soft turtles' Kisses, Looks of virgin brides, Sweet Coolness which nor needs nor feareth fires, Snowy Embraces, cheerly-sober Eyes, Gentleness, Mildness, Ingenuities.

3 The early gales knocked gently at the door Of every flower, to bid the odours wake; Which, catching in their softest arms, they bore From bed to bed, and so returned them back To their own lodgings, doubled by the blisses They sipped from their delicious brethren's kisses.

4 Upon the wings of those enamouring breaths Refreshment, vigour, nimbleness attended; Which, wheresoe'er they flew, cheered up their paths, And with fresh airs of life all things befriended: For Heaven's sweet Spirit deigned his breath to join And make the powers of these blasts divine.

5 The goodly trees' bent arms their n.o.bler load Of fruit which blest oppression overbore: That orchard where the dragon warder stood, For all its golden boughs, to this was poor, To this, in which the greater serpent lay, Though not to guard the trees, but to betray.

6 Of fort.i.tude there rose a stately row; Here, of munificence a thickset grove; There, of wise industry a quickset grew; Here, flourished a dainty copse of love; There, sprang up pleasant twigs of ready wit; Here, larger trees of gravity were set,

7 Here, temperance; and wide-spread justice there, Under whose sheltering shadow piety, Devotion, mildness, friends.h.i.+p planted were; Next stood renown with head exalted high; Then twined together plenty, fatness, peace.

O blessed place, where grew such things as these!


1 Her s.p.a.cious, polished forehead was the fair And lovely plain where gentle majesty Walked in delicious state: her temples clear Pomegranate fragments, which rejoiced to lie In dainty ambush, and peep through their cover Of amber-locks whose volume curled over.

2 The fuller stream of her luxuriant hair Poured down itself upon her ivory back: In which soft flood ten thousand graces were Sporting and dallying with every lock; The rival winds for kisses fell to fight, And raised a ruffling tempest of delight.

3 Two princely arches, of most equal measures, Held up the canopy above her eyes, And opened to the heavens far richer treasures, Than with their stars or sun e'er learn'd to rise: Those beams can ravish but the body's sight, These dazzle stoutest souls with mystic light.