Part 39 (1/2)


Prince of the orchard, fair as dawning morn, Fenced with the law, and ripe as soon as born, That apple grew which this soul did enlive, Till the then climbing serpent, that now creeps For that offence for which all mankind weeps, Took it, and t' her, whom the first man did wive, (Whom and her race only forbiddings drive,) He gave it, she to her husband; both did eat: So perished the eaters and the meat, And we, for treason taints the blood, thence die and sweat.


Man all at once was there by woman slain, And one by one we're here slain o'er again By them. The mother poison'd the well-head; The daughters here corrupt us rivulets; No smallness 'scapes, no greatness breaks, their nets: She thrust us out, and by them we are led Astray from turning to whence we are fled.

Were prisoners judges 't would seem rigorous; She sinned, we bear: part of our pain is thus To love them whose fault to this painful love yoked us.


So fast in us doth this corruption grow, That now we dare ask why we should be so.

Would G.o.d (disputes the curious rebel) make A law, and would not have it kept? or can His creatures' will cross his? Of every man For one will G.o.d (and be just) vengeance take?

Who sinned? 'twas not forbidden to the snake, Nor her, who was not then made; nor is 't writ That Adam cropt or knew the apple; yet The worm, and she, and he, and we, endure for it.


But s.n.a.t.c.h me, heavenly Spirit! from this vain Reck'ning their vanity; less is their gain Than hazard still to meditate on ill, Though with good mind; their reasons like those toys Of bubbles which the gamesome boys Stretch to so nice a thinness through a quill, That they themselves break, and do themselves spill.

Arguing is heretics' game, and exercise, As wrestlers, perfects them. Not liberties Of speech, but silence; hands, not tongues, and heresies.


Just in that instant, when the serpent's gripe Broke the slight veins and tender conduit-pipe Through which this Soul from the tree's root did draw Life and growth to this apple, fled away This loose Soul, old, one and another day.

As lightning, which one scarce dare say he saw, 'Tis so soon gone (and better proof the law Of sense than faith requires) swiftly she flew To a dark and foggy plot; her her fates threw There through the earth's pores, and in a plant housed her anew.


The plant, thus abled, to itself did force A place where no place was by Nature's course, As air from water, water fleets away From thicker bodies; by this root thronged so His spungy confines gave him place to grow: Just as in our streets, when the people stay To see the prince, and so fill up the way That weasels scarce could pa.s.s; when he comes near They throng and cleave up, and a pa.s.sage clear, As if for that time their round bodies flatten'd were.


His right arm he thrust out towards the east, Westward his left; the ends did themselves digest Into ten lesser strings, these fingers were: And, as a slumberer, stretching on his bed, This way he this, and that way scattered His other leg, which feet with toes upbear; Grew on his middle part, the first day, hair.

To shew that in love's business he should still A dealer be, and be used, well or ill: His apples kindle, his leaves force of conception kill.


A mouth, but dumb, he hath; blind eyes, deaf ears, And to his shoulders dangle subtle hairs; A young Colossus there he stands upright; And, as that ground by him were conquered, A lazy garland wears he on his head Enchased with little fruits so red and bright, That for them ye would call your love's lips white; So of a lone unhaunted place possess'd, Did this Soul's second inn, built by the guest, This living buried man, this quiet mandrake, rest.


No l.u.s.tful woman came this plant to grieve, But 'twas because there was none yet but Eve, And she (with other purpose) killed it quite: Her sin had now brought in infirmities, And so her cradled child the moist-red eyes Had never shut, nor slept, since it saw light: Poppy she knew, she knew the mandrake's might, And tore up both, and so cooled her child's blood.

Unvirtuous weeds might long unvexed have stood, But he's short-lived that with his death can do most good.


To an unfettered Soul's quick nimble haste Are falling stars and heart's thoughts but slow-paced, Thinner than burnt air flies this Soul, and she, Whom four new-coming and four parting suns Had found, and left the mandrake's tenant, runs, Thoughtless of change, when her firm destiny Confined and enjailed her that seemed so free Into a small blue sh.e.l.l, the which a poor Warm bird o'erspread, and sat still evermore, Till her enclosed child kicked, and picked itself a door.