Part 20 (1/2)
(_a_) the Governors may, at the first meeting, if they think fit, by a resolution pa.s.sed by not less than two-thirds of the whole number of Governors for the time being in office, suspend the Head Master from his office until the second meeting; and
(_b_) full notice of, and opportunity of defence at, both meetings shall be given to the Head Master.
_Head Master's Tenure and Official Residence._
26. The Head Master shall dwell in the residence, if any, a.s.signed for him. The occupation and use of the residence and of any other property of the Foundation occupied by him as Head Master shall be had by him in respect of his official character and duties, and not as tenant, and if he is removed from his office, he shall relinquish all claim to the Masters.h.i.+p and its future emoluments, and shall deliver up possession of the residence and other property to the Governors, or as they direct. He shall not, except with the permission of the Governors, permit any person not being a member of his family to occupy the residence or any part thereof.
_Head Master not to have other Employment._
27. The Head Master shall give his personal attention to the duties of the School. He shall not undertake any office or employment interfering with the proper performance of his duties as Head Master. He shall not hold any benefice having the cure of souls, nor during a school term perform for payment any ecclesiastical duty outside the School.
_Income of Head Master._
28. Subject as in this Scheme provided, the Head Master shall receive a stipend in accordance with a rate or scale fixed by the Governors.
_a.s.sistant Masters._
29. The power of appointing and dismissing a.s.sistant Masters in the School shall be exercised by the Head Master, after obtaining in every case the approval of the Governors, and every a.s.sistant Master shall be dismissible at pleasure, either on notice given in accordance with the provisions of this Scheme, or in the case of misconduct or other good and urgent cause, without notice.
An a.s.sistant Master may at any time be suspended from duty by the Head Master, and the Head Master shall in that case report the matter to the Governors.
_Pensions or Insurance._
30. The Governors may contribute, or agree to contribute, while any Master is in their employment, towards yearly payments for securing on his behalf a pension or capital sum payable after that employment has ceased. The amount contributed by the Governors in respect of a Master in any year shall not exceed that contributed by the Master.
_Jurisdiction of Governors over School Arrangements._
31. Within the limits fixed by this Scheme, the Governors shall prescribe the general subjects of instruction, the relative prominence and value to be a.s.signed to each group of subjects, what reports shall be required to be made to them by the Head Master, the arrangements respecting the school terms, vacations, and holidays, and the number of boarders. They shall take general supervision of the sanitary condition of the school buildings and arrangements. They shall every year fix the amount which they think proper to be paid out of the income of the Foundation applicable for the purposes of the School for providing and maintaining a proper School plant and apparatus and awarding prizes.
_Views and Proposals of Head Master._
32. Before making any rules under the last foregoing clause, the Governors shall consult the Head Master in such a manner as to give him full opportunity for the expression of his views. The Head Master may also from time to time submit proposals to the Governors for making or altering rules concerning any matter within the province of the Governors. The Governors shall fully consider any such expression of views or proposals and shall decide upon them.
_Jurisdiction of Head Master over School Arrangements._
33. Subject to any rules prescribed by or under the authority of this Scheme, the Head Master shall have under his control the choice of books, the method of teaching, the arrangement of and school hours, and generally the whole internal organization, management, and discipline of the School, including the power of expelling boys from the School or suspending them from attendance for any adequate cause to be judged of by him, but on expelling or suspending any boy he shall forthwith report the case to the Governors.
_Payments for School Objects._
34. The Head Master shall determine, subject to the approval of the Governors, in what proportions the sum fixed by the Governors for school plant and apparatus and prizes shall be divided among the various objects for which it is fixed in the aggregate, and the Governors shall pay the same accordingly either through the hands of the Head Master or directly as they think best.
_General Instruction._
35. Instruction shall be given in the School in such subjects proper to be taught in a Public Secondary School for boys as the Governors in consultation with the Head Master from time to time determine. Subject to the provisions of this Scheme, the course of instruction shall be according to the cla.s.sification and arrangements made by the Head Master.
_Religious Instruction._
36. Subject to the provisions of this Scheme, religious instruction in accordance with the principles of the Christian Faith shall be given in the School under regulations to be made by the Governors. No alteration in any such regulations shall take effect until the expiration of not less than one year after notice of the making of the alteration has been given by the Governors in such manner as they think best calculated to bring the matter within the knowledge of persons interested in the School.