Part 11 (1/2)
”I hope he won't come home drunk,” thought our hero. ”It seems to me it is fas.h.i.+onable to drink here.”
Tom's experience of city life was very limited. It was not long before he learned that Pittsburg was by no means exceptional in this respect.
He ushered his companion safely into the hotel, and then a servant took charge of him, and led him to his room. Tom sat up a little while longer, reading a paper he found in the office, and then went to bed.
”I suppose Mr. Graham will come home late,” he said to himself. ”I must leave the door unlocked.”
He soon went to sleep. How long he slept he did not know, but suddenly awoke after an interval. Opening his eyes he became conscious that Graham had returned. He discovered something more. His roommate, partially undressed, and with his back turned to Tom, was engaged in searching our hero's pockets. This discovery set Tom broad awake at once. He was not frightened, but rather amused when he thought of Graham's disappointment. He did not think it best to speak, but counterfeited sleep.
”I wonder where the boy keeps his money,” he heard Graham mutter.
”Perhaps it is in his coat pocket. No, there is nothing but a handkerchief. He's more careful than I gave him credit for. Perhaps it is under his pillow.”
He laid down the clothes, and approached the bed. Tom, with some effort, kept his eyes firmly closed.
Graham slid his hand lightly under the pillow, but withdrew it with all exclamation of disappointment.
”He must have some money,” he muttered. ”Ah, I have it! It is in his valise.”
He approached Tom's valise, but it was locked. He drew out a bunch of keys, and tried one after the other, but in vain. Our hero feared he might resort to violent means of opening it, and turned in bed. Graham wheeled round quickly.
Tom stretched, and opened his eyes languidly.
”Is that you, Mr. Graham?” he asked.
”Yes,” answered Graham nonchalantly, proceeding to undress himself.
”Have you been abed long?”
”I don't know,” answered Tom. ”What time is it?”
”Haven't you got a watch?”
”No, I am not rich enough.”
”It is one o'clock. I hadn't seen my friend for a long time, and couldn't get away till late. By the way, have you got a key about you? I can't open my carpetbag.”
Tom thought of suggesting the bunch of keys in Graham's pocket, but decided not to.
”My key is in my pants' pocket.”
”Suppose you get it,” said Graham. ”I don't like to feel in another person's pocket. There might be some money there.”
This was very scrupulous for one who had already searched all Tom's pockets thoroughly.
Our hero got up, and got the key for his roommate.
”No, it won't fit,” said the young man, after a brief trial. ”It is too large.”
Tom replaced the key in his pocket, confident that Graham would in the course of the night use it to open his valise. This, however, did not trouble him.