Part 11 (1/2)

[Footnote 7: _l.c._ p. 89.]

[Footnote 8: _Ouvrages Inedits d' Abelard_, ed. V. Cousin, p. 16.]

[Footnote 9: _Sic et Non_, CLVI. The Latin text of this book is printed in _Ouvrages Inedits d' Abelard_, ed. V. Cousin.]

[Footnote 10: _Metalogicus_, ed. Giles, I, 2, 3.]

[Footnote 11: _Metalogicus_, II, 10.]

[Footnote 12: Poole, pp. 119,114.]

[Footnote 13: _Metalogicus_, I, 24.]

[Footnote 14: _Metalogicus_, II, 10. The translation of this chapteris adapted from Giles, _Works of John of Salisbury_, I, p. xiii, and R.L.

Poole, _Ill.u.s.trations of the History of Mediaeval Thought_, pp. 210, 212.]

[Footnote 15: _Metalogicus_, II, 9.]

[Footnote 16: Denifle: _Die Entstehung der Universitaten des Mittelalters_, I, 45, 46.]

[Footnote 17: See p. 115. The example given shows also an obvious weakness of the method.]

[Footnote 18: John of Salisbury, _Metalogicus_, IV, 24.]

[Footnote 19: Doc.u.ment printed by Rashdall, Vol. II, Pt. II, p. 754.]

[Footnote 20: Chart. Univ. Paris., I, No. 11, p. 73.]

[Footnote 21: _l.c._ No. 20, p. 78.]

[Footnote 22: _l.c._ No. 79.]

[Footnote 23: _l.c._ No. 246.]

[Footnote 24: Zarncke, _Statutenbucher der Universitat Leipzig_, p. 39.]

[Footnote 25: _Digest_, translated by C.H. Monro, p. xiii (preface to _Code_).]

[Footnote 26: _l.c._ pp. xxv, xxvi.]

[Footnote 27: Rashdall, I, 208.]

[Footnote 28: Preface to the _Inst.i.tutes_; translated by T.C. Sandars, published by Longmans, Green & Co.]

[Footnote 29: _Code_, Bk. 12; 29, 2.]

[Footnote 30: A.D. 333, _Code_, Bk. 10; 53, 6.]

[Footnote A: Exodus, XVII. C.]

[Footnote B: Summary. Four of men are blamed under this caption, i.e. dialecticians, who wrestle daily with the dialectic art; and physicists, who raise their eyes athwart the heavens; and versifiers; and the avaricious, who acquire wealth by fair means and foul, though at the time they know not to whom they are going to leave it.]