Vol 10 Chapter 11 (1/2)

Chapter 11


Meng De POV

She would not be… I looked about.

“No, Xun Yu isn’t here.” Cheng Yu said as she shook her head, “She has a lot of work on her end and Mao Jie and Cui Yan have gone to help her.”

Oh, I see. Looks like there is a lot more work than I thought there was.

“I got it. But do let me have a look over the paperwork once they’re done. I can’t relax when it comes to matters relating to the north.”

“Are you worried about Lord Yuan Shao’s retainers?”

“I’m just worried about any changes from the Xiongnu in the north.” I said as I smiled stiffly. I cannot deny that what Cheng Yu said is part of the reason though.

Before long, we were in the main hall of my residence. I have not used it ever since my tirade with Kong Rong ever since and I can still smell the gunpowder from our fiery exchange back then. I was indeed rather rash back then but I was able to solidify my resolve to save the Central Plains.

Un… It should be solid by now.

“Well then, I’ll be taking my leave.” Cheng Yu said as she began to leave.

“Un? No need, no need for that. Just sit here and wait.” I said as I directed her to sit at the second seat of one of the aisles. The 2 of them who would be coming were the key individuals for the meeting so they should take the seats at the heads of the aisles even if they had lost.

“But…” Cheng Yu hesitated, probably because she was worried that there might be some topics in the discussion which she feels she should not be privy to.

“It’s fine, it’s fine.” I said as I waved my hands dismissively, “Besides, it’s better than having you eavesdrop from the rafters.”

The latter half was just a joke but Cheng Yu seemed jolted by that and obediently sat down. Looks like she really did plan on doing that huh? I really must get the architect for future rooms to plan for rooms without rafters and pillars. I still need some personal s.p.a.ce from time to time.

“My lord, when Lords Cao Ren and Li Dian come over later, I hope that you will not punish them immediately. There is something amiss with how the Battle of Fan city and Xinye went.”

“Oh?” I smiled, “You think so too?”

Cheng Yu nodded, “Their teamwork and ability to fight is too good for a team of strongmen without a clear, overall leader.”

“That was the issue I was thinking about just now and I discussed it briefly with Ben Chu earlier.” I said as I slapped my thigh, “Moreover, the enemy was able to recruit 2 generals, a Nanman warrior and a brilliant strategist who orchestrated their strategies, under these circ.u.mstances.”

It would not be strange at all if Xuan De was still around but I really cannot tell what those 2 newcomers’ motives may be for joining under present circ.u.mstances.

My initial a.s.sessment of our vanguard operations would be that Xinye would inevitably fall in our hands. In the worst case, all of Xuan De’s companions would die and in the best case, some of them would be won over to my side. In the end, what happened? No one defected, we did not get Xinye city and we even lost our own Fan city. Something that I am not aware of is at play here. I can feel it.

“My lord.”

“My lord.”

While I was preoccupied with my 2 thoughts, 2 voices called out to me and I looked up to see Li Dian and Cao Ren standing in front of me with ashen faces, wearing armour that was caked in dirt and gore.

“Man Cheng, Ren!” I exclaimed hap

pily but quickly suppressed my emotions and got up as I ran over to Li Dian and Cao Ren who also ran over.

As we met, I first gave Cao Ren a hug and keenly felt the coldness from her armour. I did not need to take a deep breath to smell acrid smell of blood and dirt. This was a smell that I had almost forgot even though I was still rather familiar with it just a month or 2 ago.

“Ren, are you alright?” I asked as I grabbed her by her shoulders and looked her over. There were wounds all over her but dirt obscured my view so I could not tell how she was right now but it does not seem like there is anything serious.

“I have cuts all over my body. Some are shallow and some are deep, others have even reached my bones.” Cao Ren said as she smiled and frowned slightly, “But overall, I’m fine.”


I slapped her shoulders casually and saw her involuntarily take in a deep breath and wince. Looks like she’s still hurting rather badly.

“Your injuries are not light by any means.” I said with worry, “Please be careful and rest up. Don’t move around too much or your wounds will open up. Make sure you listen to the physician’s instructions.”