Vol 9 Chapter 123 (1/2)
Chapter 123
Yun Chang POV
“Looks like the enemy has set up camp over there.” I said as I looked ahead. In the distance, there were fires dotting the area in front of the mountains. Though there was a great distance between us, it was wide open area here so we could be detected if we were loud enough.
“This is…” Zhao Yun blinked and continued in a despondent tone, “Looks like we didn’t manage to force them to retreat in the frontal battle huh?”
“That can’t be helped. Our gear is significantly worse than theirs.” I said and sighed, “I just hope that they didn’t lose too many troops in the frontal battle.”
Though we had achieved a great victory in the first battle, any advantages we gained there was overturned in the second battle. I wonder if the enemy achieved their objectives with this battle.
“Ah, could this be a good chance to launch a sneak attack on them?” Zhao Yun asked as her eyes bulged, “If the enemy has just finished a battle, this might be a good chance to attack them unawares.”
“Un… But we aren’t clear on the enemy’s numbers. And besides, the battle that our forces just went through is undoubtedly far harsh than what they have been through.” I shook my head sadly, “It’s best to act prudently now.”
I do not want a repeat of what just happened after all.
“Un, alright.” Zhao Yun nodded, “Well then, we best go around them so we don’t get found out.”
“Un.” I replied and pulled on the reins, leading my horse around, “Troops at the back, do your best to stay low and tread lightly. Be careful not to make any loud noises.”
As I gave the order to the troops, I could see that the number was significantly lesser than what I first started out with. Only about a third of them remain.
There is also another reason why I am unwilling to take the risk and launch a sneak attack. Be it Guan Ping, Zhou Cang, I or the troops, I am afraid none of us has the will to fight any longer. For now, all I want is to see big brother as soon as possible.
Zhao Yun and I continued to lead the troops around. Only when we could no longer see the fires did we stop and continue our return to Xinye. It was a good thing that the enemy encampment was on that side as we did not have to deviate too much from our original route.
We were now riding slowly, and now that danger was far away from us, I began to relax. When I looked up, I saw that the moon was hanging behind some clouds which meant that it was about midnight now.
As we neared Xinye city, I began to feel more and more despondent and I began to imagine what would happen after my return. At this time, I felt like a child who had committed a mistake and was about to be scolded by her father.
I wonder if Li Dian and Cao Ren felt this way after the first battle? This sort of gnawing discomfort and painful anguish that refuses to go away. Thanks to that strategist who is allegedly called Shen Pei, they were able to even the odds.
“Don’t be like this, Lord Guan Yu.” Zhao Yun suddenly spoke up after being silent all this while. I looked at her and realised that she had been staring at me and felt a little uncomfortable.
“It’s a little difficult to get over this…” I said and trailed off. It was difficult to let go of all the feelings I had now but I still listened and tried anyway as I concentrated and tried to relax.
Up ahead was our encampment. I have no idea how a general who lost is supposed to be treated nor how the general herself ought to act. But I suppose it&r
squo;s the same with victories. First, I will have to settle the troops then report to big brother.
However, it was already late at night and big brother might have fallen asleep. Is it really alright to go see him now? I do not know but I do hope that he has fallen asleep. If he is, I will have more time to think of how to explain my failure and steel myself for the punishment that will come.
Un?! Just as I was preoccupied with these thoughts, a loud sound came from the encampment in the distance. Zhao Yun and I looked over and saw that the fires in the encampment were now very brightly lit and the surroundings were illuminated.
“Lord Guan Yu, could the encampment be attacked?!”
“No, that can’t be. There are no sounds of combat.” I replied, feeling troubled, “And the fires seem to be just lights…”