Vol 9 Chapter 88 (1/2)


Liu Bei POV

“That’s right!”

“Now continue reading.”


When I heard Zi Zhong call out to me, I got up in the hopes of getting some respite and rest but she was merely giving a description of the situation and so my hopes were dashed once more.

“That said, my lord has actually improved by leaps and bounds ever since Xu state.” Zi Zhong said as she stopped using her abacus and placed a hand on her face as she smiled while picking up a scroll with her other hand, “But now that you’ve come back, we need to teach my lord many things that a ruler needs to know. You should also learn some of the laws of the Great Han.”

(Though calling it the ‘Great’ Han is a bit of a stretch.) Zi Zhong whispered as she put down the scroll.

“How to rule a country huh…” I said as I stared at the scroll in front of me.

It contained about 1,000 words but its content was actually closer to 10,000 words. Some sentences would double back on an initial point while others would go round and round before finally settling on a point. If one were to really understand the scrolls, one would be able to understand its profound teachings.

That is if one could understand them.

But it seems like everyone, the Xu state 3 in particular, all hope to groom me into a ruler. Even under current circ.u.mstances, where there is no clear path for us to succeed, they are still wholeheartedly putting in blood, sweat and tears to teaching and training me up.

And they are doing this without the knowledge of who Liu Bei will eventually become. I am different, I know that I am Liu Bei and I know who Liu Bei is so I have the full confidence that I will eventually come to rule over Shu Han. But they do not, and no matter how good they are at seeing the potential of others, they cannot possibly see that I have the potential to be a monarch.

What is it then that drives them to continue teaching and guiding me? Do they just see me as a gamble that requires a hefty amount of investment?

“… My lord.”

“Un?” I turned over when I heard her call me and found that Zi Zhong was staring right at me for G.o.d knows who long.

“My lord, you went into a daze again.”

“Ah… Un un un, I’m very sorry.” I apologised as I hurriedly turned back to my scrolls. Zi Zhong’s tone was rather calm but this was not enough for me to rest easy.

“My lord, I heard bits and pieces of your monologue just now.” Zi zhong continued, “And I could more or less guess what you were thinking when you were zoned out as well.”


Zi Zhong is really good at reading me huh? By the way, even though Zi Zhong was speaking to me, her hands did not stop at all and she was using her abacus non-stop.

“The reason why I’m teaching my lord all this is not because I am confident about my lord’s abilities.” Zi Zhong said while staring into her accounts, “As a retainer, I ought to be but I am a merchant at heart so I have to rationally a.s.sess and weight the risks and rewards of everything I do. And so, I have not placed any hopes into what might happen in the distant future.”

When Zi Zhong finished, she suddenly stopped her abacus and in that instant, the room was completely silent. I did not dare make a single sound and only when the mix of bamboo and ink filled my nose did I calm down. And just then, Zi Zhong began to speak again–

“So, with respect to the question which you were just pondering, the reason why I am willing to go so far

– Is merely because you are willing to learn.”

“Eh?” I frowned as I slowly understood what she said and pointed to myself, “I’m considered a willing learner?”

“Of course you are.” Zi Zhong smiled and nodded as she closed her eyes, “My lord slacks off and dozes off but be it me, Gong You or Xian He, none of us have ever been subjected to hostility by my lord nor have we been driven away.”

“But I’ve played truant?”

“Every student does that at some point.” Zi Zhong said it as though it were a matter of fact.

I… Am willing to learn huh…

If I think about it, I guess Zi Zhong’s a.s.sessment is not off the mark. Though I sometimes feel unwilling to learn, I am still willing to most times, especially if I am able to grasp and understand the content being taught. Moreover, whatever they are teaching me is a lot more meaningful than what I have to learn in high school anyway.

“And so, that is why we are willing to continue teaching my lord.” Zi Zhong still wore her smile as she looked at me, “And this is one of my lord’s charismatic points.”

Wu… I only just realised that Zi Zhong’s smile was really bewitching. I never really noticed it before but Zi Zhong is quite the heart-stopping beauty when she smiles.

“Alright, we’ve talked a lot.” Zi Zhong said as her smile became even more dazzling and tilted her head towards me, “Won’t you hurry and catch up?”

“Wu… Ah, can I–”

“No.” Zi Zhong immediately denied me and returned her expression into an austere one and returned her hands to her abacus, “And the way you mentioned your truancy made it seem quite serious so I’ll let my personal guard stand watch after I leave.”