Vol 8 Chapter 99 (1/2)


Liu Bei POV


Along with a loud bellow, the earth seemed to shake behind me with the sound of many horse hooves. No matter how fast Dilu is, it would never be able to make such a thunderous sound.

— Halt, Imperial Uncle! Return to the banquet at once!

Another yell came from behind. I know that things aren’t going well now.

I nervously turned around and saw a band of men in military uniforms with their swords drawn galloping towards me on horses. Their faces were devoid of smiles and even anger; in their eyes, all I could see was the intent to kill.

“Whom do you serve?” I asked as my heart continued racing, in the hopes that this might just be a beautiful coincidence and they aren’t Cai Mao’s troops.

“… We are the subordinates of General Cai and we are here to bring Imperial Uncle back!”

But reality hardly goes as one hopes and they are, as expected, Cai Mao’s troops.

I blinked a few times to wake myself up and calm down. If I don’t pay attention, I’ll get caught and be killed on the spot.

Jia! I just kept swinging the reins and getting Dilu to gallop as fast as he could in the hopes of making it out somehow.

“Troops at the tower! I’m Liu Bei Liu Xuan De! Please open the gates!” I yelled at the troops stationed in the tower when I saw the gates before me who hurriedly signaled to the troops near the gates to open up when they saw me.

“You are forbidden to open the gates! The General has orders! Orders for me to bring the Imperial Uncle back to the banquet! The Governor is present at the banquet as well! Are you going to show disregard for the Governor!”

Eh! The head of the troops behind me also yelled up at the troops in the tower. I turned back and saw that he was brandis.h.i.+ng what looked like a command tally.

I looked at the tower and saw that the 2 troops were completely befuddled. Looks like Liu Qi only instructed them to open the gates and not why. That’s to be expected since our side’s knowledge of Cai Mao’s plan is needed to be kept secret. If it were me, I wouldn’t be divulging these things to ordinary soldiers as well.

“Close the gates!” After a moment, another yell came from the tower. I don’t if it’s because of the command tally or the hearing Liu Biao’s name but the guards seemed to have yielded to Cai Mao’s troops and gave the command to shut the gates.

When I looked back at the gates, I saw that the gate was half open and there were 8 troops in total, 4 on each side, reversing their previous efforts in opening the gates.

— Kuh! I’ll do it!!

I resolved myself and decided to bet on Dilu’s prodigious speed. I was already very close to the gates and clenched my teeth as I raised the reins. I then swung them down as hard as I could and bellowed out a “Jia!”.


Surprisingly, Dilu actually flew out and further accelerated when I did so.

In my eyes, all I saw apart from Dilu’s mane, were the 2 red gates that were slowly closing. The white light in between grew closer and closer by the second but it also grew narrower and narrower.

Behind me, Cai Mao’s troops continued yelling.

Haa– I took a deep breath.

In the next instant, I felt difficulty breathing and my heart seemed to stop. My eyes bulged and it seemed as though the world had stopped moving–

Then light filled my surroundings!


The gates slammed shut tight behind me as I continued galloping away on Dilu. Outside the city, a picturesque scene of mountains, clear stream



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s, birds singing and bright flowers greeted me, standing at sharp contrast with the people and civilisation in the city.

“Haha, I made it.” I said to myself. I wanted to praise myself a little more but my lips were trembling so I gave up.

Yes, I’m still very much trembling in fear from what just happened. If possible, I hope that I never have to do that again.

Haa… I gave a long sigh and took several deep breaths to calm myself down.

Alright, now that I’m out of the city, everything will be a lot easier. Next, all I need to do is to get on the small road to the left as Liu Qi said and I’ll be able to make it to my army’s encampment.

Once I get there, I’ll be safe. And everything is thanks to Dilu. I thought as I looked at Dilu and its white patch gleefully and felt that Dilu was a really special horse. Yi Ji said before that it brings bad luck to its owner but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

No, perhaps I’m not a normal person. Hahaha, just kidding. Gradually, I grew more relaxed as I rode on and searched for the small road Liu Qi spoke of.

Ah! I see it!

On the left was a forest and there was a small dirt road there. It was narrow but a single man and horse would be able to make it. Now all I have to do is to steer Dilu there.

As I thought so, I began to pull on the reins–

… Eh? I was pulling hard on the reins but Dilu didn’t react at all. What’s going on? Could it be that I made it go too fast earlier?

“Dilu! Dilu! Turn left! Turn!” I screamed and panicked as the small road grew closer and closer. But no matter what I did, Dilu didn’t turn at all and continued galloping straight ahead.