Vol 8 Chapter 46 (1/2)
Liu Bei POV
“Ah… Xiangyang city is already within sight.”
I’ve always felt that time pa.s.ses excruciatingly slowly during marches. This is because of the hards.h.i.+p one has to endure during marching and the eagerness to return home.
The march out from the city at the start of any expedition is the worst. If anyone were to tell me that I could return back home, I would be overjoyed and do so immediately. n.o.body likes war after all.
But be it victory or less, returning back to the city always feels good.
It’s not like there’s anything special about the city but returning back to the city feels a lot like returning home and invokes a sense of security and belonging. I don’t know how it’s like for everyone but I’m the kind of guy who returns home straight after school.
No matter what my home is like, it’s always more comfortable being home.
Though Xiangyang is not my permanent home, my companions are there.
“Ah, I wonder how the military exercise went for them, did it go well?”
“Imperial Uncle, you’ve been saying that many times now.”
Just as I finished, Chen Gong gave me an irritated retort from behind. when I turned around, I was greeted by a very exasperated expression.
Did I say it that many times? It feels like I’ve only said this before once or twice.
“Uncle, I know you’re very worried about the rest in Xiangyang city but shouldn’t you be thinking about how you ought to deliver the battle report to father in a while?” Liu Qi too showed her displeasure at me. Looks like I really did say those words a few too many times.
“That will be alright. I will do my best to match what actually happened. If I face any difficulties, I can always throw some blame at Cai Mao.”
“Uncle must be careful. Cai Mao is a very scheming and cunning person. If uncle makes matters worse so quickly, new problems will crop up very soon.” Liu Qi said as she looked at me from the side with a stern expression.
I only smiled and nodded in reply. To be honest, even though I was very eager and happy to be able to reunite with my companions, I was even more worried about how things went on their end.
I don’t know what happened during their military exercise nor what their status is presently after all. All I can do is hope for the best, that nothing bad happened to anyone, nor was there any big conflict.
And whenever I think about what might have happened to them, that expressionless face comes to mind, that pallid expressionless face. A face that seemed like it would remain unfazed at anything at all.
Cai Mao… I would never have remembered that name if it weren’t for this incident.
“By the way, did uncle remember to buy any souvenirs for the generals back in Xiangyang?”
“Eh?” Liu Qi words pulled me back into reality. Souvenirs?
“What is it? You didn’t buy anything?” Liu Qi saw through my surprise instantly, and showed a surprised look herself.
Eh, let me think back– It seems like I only bought the 3 who came along with me hairbands and I did not buy anything for anyone else.
“No I didn’t.” I said resolutely.
“Uncle, is that really alright?”
“Jiangxia may have been ravaged by war but its morning and afternoon markets were open. In particular, Jiangxia is famous for its dried fish and wooden carvings.”
Is that so? Though I’d taken walks about Jiangxia city during my free time, I’d never seen those items she mentioned. No, it would be more correct to say that all my attention was focused on finding hairbands.
Ah… The more I think about it, the worse it seems. Looks like I’ll be facing trial when I return.
After marching for another 2-4 hours, it was now noon, and Xiangyang city was now visible in the distance.
And just now, the observation post outside the city spotted us, exchanged some words with us briefly and galloped away on his horse towards the city.
Based on what Yi Ji told us, there are 2 possibilities. One, they are going to prepare a welcome for us; two, they are going to apprehend us. Of course, the second possibility is a little less probable than the first since there is no way Cai Mao could have prepared all of that in this short period.
“Uncle, do you hear that?”
“This is– The sound of drums?”
Just as we stepped out of the forest, we could hear the thunderous beat of drums splitting the air which confirmed that it was indeed the first possibility that Yi Ji had raised.
When I looked into the distance, I saw rows and rows of troops awaiting. They were fully decked out in clean and neat military uniforms standing straight and still.
And amongst those troops was a man riding a horse at the head of the contingent with a bunch of administrative officials and generals behind him. Amongst them were some familiar faces, who were really just Kuai Yue, Kuai Liang, and the one I’d just been thinking about: Cai Mao.
“What an impressive battle array.” Zhou Cang exclaimed as she looked out with her hand s.h.i.+elding her eyes from the sun, looking like a monkey.
But isn’t such a large battle array a little overboard?
“Liu Qi, you’re sure you didn’t notify them of our return beforehand?” I asked Liu Qi.
“It’s fine to do so if we won but now that we’ve lost, how could I have the face to do so?” Liu Qi said with a bitter smile. That does make sense.
“They probably only just prepared all this right?” Chen Gong said as she looked into the distance. Looks like she spotted something which supports this conclusion.
“What’s the matter?”
“Go look at the shoes those people are wearing, Imperial Uncle.”
“How could I possibly get a good glimpse when they are so far away?”
There’s no way my vision is as good as Chen Gong, Zhou Cang or Chen Dao.