Part 12 (1/2)
Riley watched the creatures surround him and Kane from every direction and he knew his days were numbered this time.
He'd thought that a lot, in truth. It was hard not to when he was who he was, and when he'd gone through the experiences he'd gone through. When he'd seen everyone around him-literally everyone-fall.
It was surely just a matter of time until he was next.
”So sure about running straight ahead now, genius?” Kane said, holding the gun shakily in his hand. Riley could tell that he was trying to maintain a sense of composure; hold up the illusion of control. But just the fear in his voice was enough to convince Riley that he was losing his grip, gradually. If it wasn't a life or death situation, it might've been funny.
Riley backed towards Kane. The deafening sounds of the groans surrounded him in every direction. Everywhere he saw a gap, it was soon filled. ”We have to make a move soon one way or another. Or we aren't getting out of this.”
”Good observation,” Kane said. ”Any more genius input?”
”You could start by uncuffing me.”
Riley looked into Kane's eyes when he said this. He looked at him because he wanted to create that connection between them. He wanted to forge a kind of trust.
”And why would I do that?” Kane asked.
”Because two of us against them is better than one. One man with one hand, for that matter.”
”Don't pretend this is about me. Don't pretend this is about anyone but yourself.”
”Believe what you want,” Riley said. ”The truth is, the odds of either of us getting out of this are better if there's two of us to fight. So even if I do decide to kill you when we're out of this mess, or run away, at least you'll be alive. Probably.”
The deafening cries of the creatures intensified even louder. More of those gaps were closing. Whatever they did, wherever they went, they had to make a decision about what they were going to do next. Fast.
”Come on,” Riley said. ”Swallow your pride before they swallow you.”
Kane didn't react. Not for a few moments.
Then he suddenly stepped behind Riley and stuck the key into his cuffs.
He yanked at them, hard. And then when they were free he tossed the cuffs aside, the closest group of creatures just a matter of feet away now.
”You can have your hands,” Kane said. ”But if you think you're getting a weapon, you can get stuffed.”
”My hands are all I need,” Riley said.
They stood together, then. Riley scanned the area. There were still gaps, but not many.
”There,” Kane said.
Riley looked ahead at where Kane was looking.
There was a gap. But it was risky. There were creatures either side of that gap, all of them closing in. It was like a pa.s.sageway, and soon that pa.s.sageway was going to close.
”I'm not sure,” Riley said.
”Hey,” Kane said. ”You were the one who said you wanted to do this. Are you ready?”
”Good,” Kane said.
He pushed Riley down so he was lying flat on his face.
When Riley got up, he saw what Kane had really done. He'd made it so Riley and himself had no option but to go in the direction Kane had decided.
Towards the pa.s.sageway of death.
”Hurry up,” Kane said, waving Riley towards him. ”Better keep up if you don't want them to close in on you!”
Riley scrambled to his feet and ran after Kane. He had to stay as close as possible to him. It was the only way he could stand any chance of surviving. If he lingered behind Kane, the creatures would already have walked into one another, making that pa.s.sageway of death impenetrable.
So all Riley could do was run.
He saw a Kane swinging his knife at a few stray creatures that got too close. Riley knew he was going to have to fight off a few himself. He could do with a weapon. But s.h.i.+t, he didn't exactly have the luxury of options right now.
All he could do was keep on running.
All he could do was hope.
He held his breath as he got inches from that pa.s.sageway. In his mind, he could hear Jordanna and Chlo screaming at him.
It's not too late to turn back.
It's not too late to head back for Mattius...
Riley looked over his shoulder. Truth was, it was too late to head back. There were no other options now. No other routes.
He faced forward and prepared to plunge himself into that pa.s.sageway of the dead.
There was a creature right in front of him.
Riley collided with it. He fell right on top of it. By his sides, he could hear the footsteps lurching towards him, hear the teeth snapping as he got closer.
He pushed the creature with long, stringy blonde hair down into the dirt. He kept on pus.h.i.+ng it further as it gripped on to his wrist. It was digging down so deep into his skin that he felt like his bony fingers were going to pierce through.
The creatures were in front of him.
The creatures were behind him.
The creatures were everywhere.
He felt like everything was slipping away. Hope. Chance of survival. Everything. He remembered what Kane said. He wanted to kill him, but he wouldn't go out of his way to make sure that happened if it caused too much trouble.
He tried to keep on pus.h.i.+ng down but he got flashes again.