Part 4 (1/2)
The above named representatives will guard the general interests of the Archipelago and the particular interests of their respective Provinces, and will const.i.tute the Revolutionary Congress, which will propose to this government the measures concerning the preservation of internal order, and external security of these islands, and will be heard by this government on all questions of grave importance. The decision of which will admit of delay or adjournment.
Article VII. Persons elected to any office whatsoever in the form prescribed in the preceding article can not perform the functions of the same without the previous confirmation by this government, which will give it in accordance with the certificates of election.
Representatives will establish their ident.i.ty by exhibiting the above named certificates.
Article VIII. The Military Chiefs named by this government in each Province will not intervene in the government and administration of the Province, but will confine themselves to requesting of the Chiefs of Provinces and towns the aid which may be necessary both in men and resources, which are not to be refused in case of actual necessity.
Nevertheless, when the Province is threatened or occupied by the enemy in whole or in part, the military chief of highest rank therein may a.s.sume powers of the Chief of the Province, until the danger has disappeared.
Article IX. The government will name for each Province a commissioner, specially charged with establis.h.i.+ng therein the organization prescribed in this decree, in accordance with instructions which this government will communicate to him. Those military chiefs who liberate the towns from the Spanish domination are commissioners by virtue of their office.
The above named commissioners will preside over the first meetings held in each town and in each Province.
Article X. As soon as the organization provided in the decree has been established all previous appointments to any civil office, whatsoever, no matter what their origin or source, shall be null and void, and all instructions in conflict with the foregoing are hereby annulled.
Given at Cavite, the 18th of June, 1898.
_Emilio Aguinaldo_.
No. 2.
For the execution and proper carrying out of what is prescribed in the decree of this government concerning the management of the Provinces and towns of the Philippine Archipelago, I decree as follows:
Concerning the Management of the Provinces and towns.
(Then follow 45 rules concerning the elections, formation of the police, the courts and the levying and collection of taxes.)
Given at Cavite, 20th of June, 1898.
_Emilio Aguinaldo_.
No. 3.
_Don Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy_,
President of the Revolutionary Government of the Philippines, and General in Chief of Its Army.
This government desiring to demonstrate to the Philippine people that one of its ends is to combat with a firm hand the inveterate vices of the Spanish administration, subst.i.tuting for personal luxury and that pompous ostentation which have made it a mere matter of routine, c.u.mbrous and slow in its movements, another administration more modest, simple and prompt in performing the public service: I decree as follows:
_Chapter I._
_Of the Revolutionary Government_.
Article I. The dictatorial government will be ent.i.tled hereafter the revolutionary government, whose object is to struggle for the independence of the Philippines until all nations, including the Spanish, shall expressly recognize it, and to prepare the country so that a true republic may be established.
The dictator will be ent.i.tled hereafter President of the Revolutionary Government.