Part 21 (1/2)
”What can we do?”
”He didn't violate the protective order?”
”No. He didn't approach her. But he wanted her to see him.”
”Unless he goes near her ...”
”I know.” He heard the weariness in her voice. Had she gotten any sleep lately?
He hoped she'd gotten more than he had. He had spent the past day worrying about his brother. He had compiled a list of possible employers but he dreaded asking them to do him a favor. He hated asking favors. Especially when he couldn't vouch that his brother would be a responsible worker.
He dismissed the thought and concentrated on the conversation. ”Do you want me to talk to him again?”
”I don't know. I just thought you should be aware of it.”
”You're right. Morris have any luck with your case?”
”No, not yet. Do you think Fuller...?”
”I checked his schedule. He was on duty that night.”
”That lets him out, then.”
”Not entirely. He could have friends. I'll have another little talk with him.”
”Thank you.”
There was something in her voice that alerted him. ”Has anything else happened?”
A short silence, then, ”Two anonymous calls. Silence, then heavy breathing. It wasn't just a wrong number.”
He swore to himself. ”Morris doing anything about it?” He knew how impossible it was to trace calls, especially with today's throwaway cell phones.
”He's doing what he can. I take it there isn't much.”
He knew he should hang up. He wasn't sure why she intrigued him as much as she did. And G.o.d knew he had enough problems in his life without someone like her. 'You're forgetting a hard lesson'.
”Have you moved back to your home?”
”Morris aware of that?”
”He's having cars drive by, and he checked the alarm system himself. And I have a revolver now.”
Wagner eyed him curiously. He wondered whether his voice had changed. It was time to hang up. More than time to go. She had let him know the other day that she had no interest in him. Yet he found himself loath to do so.
”I'll get back to you on Fuller.”
”Thank you.”
”Are you okay?”
It was a confession he was sure she hadn't meant to make.
”Look, can I take you to dinner tonight? We can talk about Fuller and what steps we should take.” Just as she probably hadn't panned to admit a weakness, neither had he planned to set himself up for rejection again.
Hesitation on the other end of the line, then, ”Yes.”
”Where would you like me to pick you up?”
”At my office.”
”I'll be there.” He hung up.
Wagner raised an eyebrow. ”Counselor?”
Gage debated whether to answer or not, but they were working together. Partners shared. He'd always been reticent but this was no big deal. It was business.
”Meredith Rawson. Her house was broken into, and she was attacked a few nights ago.”
”I heard. It's not your case.”
”We were working together on something else.”
”She's the legendary ice queen,” Wagner said. ”Or so rumors go.”
”Right now, she's a lady in trouble,” Gage retorted. ”Nothing more.”
”Okay. Just a friendly warning.”
”Let's get back to work,” Gage said.
”It's your life, pal.”
Meredith held the receiver for a moment. The invitation had been as unexpected as her reply.
She didn't date cops.
She never had. It wasn't sn.o.bbery. She respected the dangerous job they did. Perhaps she understood too much. She knew the pressures on them, on their wives and children.
She didn't have time for relations.h.i.+ps. Occasionally she went to the opera or symphony with a male friend, but she had not been involved in a relations.h.i.+p for a long time. Her practice was her life right now.