Part 13 (2/2)

Cold Target Patricia Potter 42570K 2022-07-22

Had they meant to kill her? Or had they meant only to delay her while they went through her files? If it were the latter, they came d.a.m.n close to making a mistake. If she had not been so quick in dodging the car...

An abusive husband bent on destruction was still the most likely prospect.

She looked at her watch. Nearly six. She looked outside. Summer light was still with her. Detective Gaynor's car was gone. Loss--and loneliness--settled deep inside her. Yet hadn't she wanted him gone? Hadn't she told him to leave?

She'd felt safe, knowing he was outside.

She couldn't blame him for leaving. She'd welcomed that kiss, and then she'd acted like a raped virgin. 'Dammit'.

Her heart jumped as the doorbell rang. He had come back. She wished she didn't feel an unexpected antic.i.p.ation. She opened the door.

Disappointment filled her as she looked at Detective Morris's tired face.

”You shouldn't be here alone,” he said.

”Who told you I was?”

”Didn't tell me. Gaynor ordered me to get my a.s.s over here.”

”Can he do that?”

”Officially, no. But he's pretty d.a.m.ned good at making me feel I'm not doing my job very well.”

”I know the department is undermanned,” she said. ”I didn't expect protection.”

”I can make an argument for it,” he said. ”You were one of our prosecutors.”

”It probably doesn't have anything to do with my prosecutions,” she said honestly. ”It's probably the husband of one of my clients.”

He shrugged. ”Still, Gaynor was right. You shouldn't be alone here right now.”

”I plan to stay another night at the hotel. I'll be safe enough there.”

”Good. That will give us time to check out a few people. Make out a list for me yet?”

”I can give you a few names.”

”Do that, and we'll pay a few visits.”

She s.h.i.+vered in the air-conditioned room, but she knew it wasn't from the chill. She went to the ruined kitchen, rummaged around in a drawer and found a pencil. She jotted down some names and handed them to him. ”I'll have some more tomorrow. You'll keep me informed?”

”Of course. Gaynor is going to talk to Rick Fuller. He told me about the protective order.”

”Do you think...?”

”I don't like to think any officer would be involved in something like this, but we'll be checking on all your recent cases as well as any individual you think might carry a grudge from your prosecutor days.”


”We took all we could find. We need to get a list of people who have been here.” He hesitated. ”This was obviously well-planned. I doubt whether they left any clues.”

”Then you think the attack and the burglary are related?”

”I don't think there's much doubt about it.”

”Then there must be more than one person involved. One in the car, and one here.”

”Not necessarily. Whoever attacked you would have known you would probably be tied up for hours afterward.”

”Would they take that kind of chance? What if I hadn't had a scratch that needed tending? What if I just told the officers I wanted to go home?”

Frustration lined his face. ”It doesn't make sense to me, either. But until we know why and who, I want you to be very careful.”

”I will. I've decided to get a handgun.”

”Gaynor told me. He also told me to make sure you get one. He threatened all that was dear to me if anything happened to you.”

She could see Gaynor saying just that. So he hadn't just left her. He'd apparently put the fear of G.o.d in his fellow detective. Some of the chill left her.

”I know a good gunsmith,” Morris continued. ”They have a range, too. I can check you out right away.”

She simply nodded. She went back upstairs to her office, retrieved the permit and put it in her purse, gathered several pieces of clothing together, then set the alarm and locked the front door.

”I want to take my car and go to a hotel afterward. Can you give me the location and I'll meet you there?”

”I'll follow you,” Morris said. ”I want to make sure no one is tailing you.”

She nodded gratefully.

She backed her car out of the drive. Morris was already in his car. She pa.s.sed him and saw him fall in behind her.

For a moment, she wished it were another detective behind her.

That thought was almost as frightening as the past few hours.

Gage was waiting for Rick Fuller when he returned from patrol with his partner.

The man's face tightened as soon as he spotted Gage and he swerved away from his companion. ”What do you want?”

”Ms. Rawson was attacked last night. Her home was tossed.”

”I was on duty last night.”

”Your partner can verify this?”
