Part 16 (1/2)

But the very first sheep she came to refused to allow her to sew on the tail, and ran away from her, and the others did the same, so that finally she was utterly discouraged.

She was beginning to cry again, when the same old woman she had before met came hobbling to her side and asked,

”What are you doing with my cat tails?”

”Your cat tails!” replied Bo-Peep, in surprise; ”what do you mean?”

”Why, these tails are all cut from white p.u.s.s.ycats, and I put them on the tree to dry. What are you doing with them?”

”I thought they belonged to my sheep,” answered Bo-Peep, sorrowfully; ”but if they are really your p.u.s.s.y-cat tails, I must hunt until I find those that belong to my sheep.”

”My dear,” said the old woman, ”I have been deceiving you; you said you knew all about your sheep, and I wanted to teach you a lesson.

For, however wise we may be, no one in this world knows all about anything. Sheep do not have long tails--there is only a little stump to answer for a tail. Neither do rabbits have tails, nor bears, nor many other animals. And if you had been observing you would have known all this when I said the sheep would be wagging their tails behind them, and then you would not have pa.s.sed all those days in searching for what is not to be found. So now, little one, run away home, and try to be more thoughtful in the future. Your sheep will never miss the tails, for they have never had them.”

And now

Little Bo-Peep no more did weep; My tale of tails ends here.

Each cat has one, But sheep have none; Which, after all, is queer!

The Story of Tommy Tucker

The Story of Tommy Tucker

Little Tommy Tucker sang for his supper.

What did he sing for? white bread and b.u.t.ter.

How could he cut it, without any knife?

How could he marry, without any wife?

Little Tommy Tucker was a waif of the streets. He never remembered having a father or mother or anyone to care for him, and so he learned to care for himself. He ate whatever he could get, and slept wherever night overtook him--in an old barrel, a cellar, or, when fortune favored him, he paid a penny for a cot in some rude lodging-house.

His life about the streets taught him early how to earn a living by doing odd jobs, and he learned to be sharp in his speech and wise beyond his years.

One morning Tommy crawled out from a box in which he had slept over night, and found that he was hungry. His last meal had consisted of a crust of bread, and he was a growing boy with an appet.i.te.

He had been unable to earn any money for several days, and this morning life looked very gloomy to him. He started out to seek for work or to beg a breakfast; but luck was against him, and he was unsuccessful. By noon he had grown more hungry than before, and stood before a bake-shop for a long time, looking wistfully at the good things behind the window-panes, and wis.h.i.+ng with all his heart he had a ha'penny to buy a bun.

And yet it was no new thing for Little Tommy Tucker to be hungry, and he never thought of despairing. He sat down upon a curb-stone, and thought what was best to be done. Then he remembered he had frequently begged a meal at one of the cottages that stood upon the outskirts of the city, and so he turned his steps in that direction.

”I have had neither breakfast nor dinner,” he said to himself, ”and I must surely find a supper somewhere, or I shall not sleep much to-night. It is no fun to be hungry.”

So he walked on until he came to a dwelling-house where a goodly company sat upon a lawn and beneath a veranda. It was a pretty place, and was the home of a fat alderman who had been married that very day.

The alderman was in a merry mood, and seeing Tommy standing without the gate he cried to him,

”Come here, my lad, and sing us a song.”

Tommy at once entered the grounds, and came to where the fat alderman was sitting beside his blus.h.i.+ng bride.