Part 23 (1/2)
Was man the only thing aware throughout the universe? What purpose then his exploration of it? What might he find that he had not already found?
Already, like a minor thread almost unheard in the symphony of exploding exploration, the questions of the artists were already finding themselves woven into music, painting, literature.
”Are we alone? In all this glittering, sterile universe, are there none other than we who are aware?”
The theme would expand as the purposelessness of colonizing still more and more worlds became wider known. The minor would become major, the recessive dominant. The endless aim of non-science to make all others subservient had lost its purpose for those who could still think. The dominion over things instead of people, the goal of science--was that also to lose its purpose for those who could still think? Until man, defeated by purposelessness, sank back in apathy, lost the very willingness to live--and so died?
What if some other awareness did inhabit the universe, sentient--and lonely? What if, farther along in its explorations, it was feeling that apathy? Facing that dissolution?
When one is lonely, the sensible thing is to seek companions.h.i.+p! To discover in companions.h.i.+p purpose not apparent to the alone--or at least hope to discover it.
For companions.h.i.+p there must be communication. And yet the exasperation, the futility of trying to communicate with a friend who always interpreted everything one said and did as meaning something entirely different from the intent.
Some other friend was the normal answer. But what if there were no other? Wouldn't one extra effort, a final attempt to break through that closed mind be made?
All right.
Communication, then. That was wanted. He would try. But if Their frameworks were so different from his that They misinterpreted all his efforts?
He was interrupted by the soft pad of footsteps, bare feet on gra.s.s that sprang up to leave no sign it had been trod upon. A young colonist and his wife, hand in hand, laughing gaily, were coming toward him. The man was carrying a fresh-caught fish. They came to a stop at the base of his rock and looked up at him, the Ceti light glinting on their smiling faces.
”We gave Louie a fish because he said it was our duty,” the young man said. ”I don't remember why it is our duty. Perhaps it is our duty to give you one too.”
At least they were being impartial.
When he had pulled the scaled skin of the fish away from the flesh, the flesh away from the bones, and eaten his fill, Cal lay back on the rock again, to doze, to continue his search for a means of communicating.
He was now sharply aware of Their presence, of Their urgency, of Their long patience. Awareness! Once man had got over his greedy delight in occupying more and more of the universe simply because he could, to protect himself against the cosmic loneliness that must follow, he too would be searching for awareness.
But he would define it in his own terms, and pa.s.s it by if it did not meet those terms.
That there was some other intelligence which had found man instead, Cal did not doubt. The experiment of Eden, the manipulation of natural laws, the denial of physical tools--for what purpose? To clear away the debris which prevented communication of awareness as They defined it?
There was a trace, a minor trace of awareness in man not dependent upon the tools and artifacts of physical science--extra-sensory perception, psi. Underdeveloped, because with physical tools its development had been made unnecessary? Because having found the answers with physical tools, man stopped looking for answers other than these?
Was there, then, a science of controlling things, forces, without the use of physical tools? Was there a road of transition from the crude manipulation of things and forces through tools to a manipulation without them? There was precedent in man's science. The elaborate wirings of the first bulky and crude electronic sets, that gave way to a printed diagram of such wirings on a card to obtain the same result?
A step farther? The visual picture, the mental image of the diagram to obtain the same result? But how?
To one whose total orientation is through the use of physical tools (for the material printed on the card diagram was the physical carrier of the current) how to cause the current to follow the mental image of that diagram? With voice and music bathing one's senses simply because one thought of the diagram of a receiver? How?
He felt like the turkey come up against the obstruction of a fence too low to justify the effort of flying over it. Instead of flying, he was walking around and around, looking for an opening, walking in an endless circle.
Excitedly, he climbed down from the rock and headed for a patch of bare sand at the river's edge.