Part 32 (1/2)

”We shall have to dispense with the formality of a surgeon,” Don Ricardo was saying.

”It doesn't look as if one would be needed,” Cartaret smiled; ”and it doesn't look as if we were to have seconds, either.”

The Basque turned sharply. ”We are the only gentlemen within miles, and we cannot have servants for witnesses. Moreover, an Eskurola needs no seconds, either of his choosing to watch his safety, or of his enemy's to suspect his honor.”

He pressed a spring, released a secret drawer in the desk and found what he was seeking: a box of polished mahogany. Opening the lid, he beckoned to Cartaret. There, on a purple velvet lining, lay a beautifully kept pair of dueling-pistols, muzzle-loaders of the Eighteenth Century pattern and of about .32 caliber, their long octagonal barrels of s.h.i.+ning dark blue steel, their curved b.u.t.ts of ivory handsomely inlaid with a Moorish design in gold.

”Listen,” said Eskurola, ”as we are to have no seconds, I shall write a line to exculpate you in case you survive me. Then”--his gray eyes shone; he seemed to take a satisfaction that was close to delight in arranging these lethal details--”also as we are to have no seconds to give a signal, we shall have but one true shot between us. Certainly.

Are we not men, we two? And we have proved ourselves marksmen. You cannot doubt me, but I have a man that speaks French, so that you shall see that I do not trick you, sir.”

He went to the door and called into the court-yard. Presently there answered him a man whom Cartaret recognized as one of those who, the night before, held the dogs in leash.

”Murillo Gomez,” said Eskurola, in a French more labored than his English, ”in five minutes this gentleman and I shall want the terrace to ourselves. You will close the gate when we go out. You will remain on this side of it, and you will permit none to pa.s.s. Answer me in French.”

The servant's face showed no surprise.

”_Oui, senor_,” he said.

”Now you will take these pistols and bring them back without delay. In the armory you will load one with powder and shot, the other with powder only. Neither this gentleman nor I must know which is which.

You understand?”

The servant's face was still impa.s.sive.

”_Oui, senor._”

”Go then. Also see that the Dona Dolorez remains in her own apartments. And hurry.”

The servant disappeared with the pistols. Eskurola, apologizing gravely, went to the desk and wrote--apparently the lines of which he had spoken. He sanded them, folded the paper, lit a candle and sealed the missive with an engraved jade ring that he wore on the little finger of his left hand.

”This is your first duel, sir?” he said to Cartaret. He said it much as an Englishman at luncheon might ask an American guest whether he had ever eaten turbot.

”Yes,” said Cartaret.

”Well, you may have what the gamblers of London call 'beginner's luck.'”

The servant knocked at the door.

”Will you be so good as to take the pistols?” asked Don Ricardo in English of Cartaret. ”It appears better if I do not speak with him.

Thank you. And please to tell him in French that he may have your mare and saddle-bags ready in the gateway within five minutes, in case you should want them.”

Cartaret obeyed.

Eskurola again held the door for his guest to pa.s.s.

”After you, sir,” he said.

They crossed the court-yard leisurely and shoulder to shoulder, for all the world as if they were two friends going out to enjoy the view.

Any one observing them from the windows, had there been any one, would have said that Don Ricardo was pointing out to Cartaret the beauties of the scene. In reality he was saying: