Part 24 (1/2)


EXECUTIVE OFFICE, _Jackson, Miss., August_ 22, 1865.

General: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of yesterday, in which you call my attention to the fact that the State of Mississippi is still under military occupation, and that martial law is still in force, and that no military organizations can be tolerated which are not under the control of United States officers; and you add that you will feel bound to prevent such organizations, and you also a.s.sure me that you have sufficient troops in the counties of Hinds and Madison to aid the civil authorities. This last remark was made by you with reference to a particular organization which has been proposed in those counties. I have, however, issued a general order on this subject, a copy of which I hand you, regretting that you have felt yourself compelled to take this view of the subject, and I know you are prompted by a sense of duty. I beg to remind you that for twelve or fifteen consecutive nights pa.s.sengers travelling in the stage between here and Vicksburg have been robbed, and these things have occurred within twelve or fifteen miles of your own headquarters. I would not be understood as reflecting in the slightest degree on you. I know you have every desire to prevent such occurrences, and will use every means in your power to do so, and to arrest the culprits. I know, too, that the people are reluctant to give you aid by imparting information to you, but, in addition to these robberies, information daily reaches me of the perpetration of outrages, committed in various ways in distant parts of the--State where you have no military force. The people are calling on me for protection, which I cannot give them under existing circ.u.mstances, and it was to give them relief that the military organizations have been ordered. If further justification be necessary, I may add in the last interview I had with the President, in speaking of antic.i.p.ated troubles, he distinctly stated to me that I could organize the militia if it should become necessary. I think the necessity is now manifest, and therefore claim the authority of the President of the United States for my action.

It was precisely under this authority that in my proclamation of the 1st of July I called upon the people in unprotected counties to organize for their security. I will also state that the President has been apprised of what I am doing in this respect, and when he shall change his instructions I will, of course, yield obedience; but until he shall do so, I shall feel it to be my duty to carry out the line of policy I have adopted. I need scarcely a.s.sure you, general, that this is not in any sense a hostile demonstration, and feel quite sure no evil can result from it. Mississippi has spoken too plainly in her convention to leave any doubt about her future purposes.

Believe me, with great respect, your most obedient servant,

W.L. SHARKEY, _Provisional Governor of Mississippi_.

Major General P. Jos. OSTERHAUS.

Official copy:


No. 43.



_Jackson, Miss., September_ 28, 1865.

Major: In compliance with your request desiring me to furnish you a list of crimes and a.s.saults against freedmen, I have the honor to report that on or about the 18th day of August, 1865, Matilda, a colored woman, was murdered by one J.H. Kiley and son, in Newton county, in this State, for simply remonstrating against whipping her son. Lucinda, a colored woman, in Yalobusha county, was stripped naked, tied to a tree, and severely whipped by three men, names unknown. In the county of Holmes, between the 5th and 15th days of September, 1865, five negroes were murdered; names of the perpetrators unknown. In Simpson county, about the 1st of August, a father and his two sons cruelly whipped and abused a colored woman in their employ. Near Lauderdale Springs, Castwell Eads, a citizen, by his own statement, shot and wounded a colored man for simply refusing to obey his command, _halt_! while he was running from him after being cruelly whipped. In Smith county, S.S. Catchings, a citizen, followed a colored man, who had left his plantation, overtook him, knocked him down, and beat him brutally.

These are all the cases of which I have detailed accounts, none but general reports having yet been received from the agents. These indicate that cruelty is frequently practiced.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

E.S. DONALDSON, _Lieutenant Colonel, Acting a.s.sistant Commissioner_.

Major W.A. GORDON, _a.s.sistant Adjutant General_.

No. 44.

Savannah, Ga., _August_ 1, 1865.

General: In answer to your question with regard to free labor at the South, and particularly the way in which the contract system is viewed by persons who were formerly slaveholders, I would state that these persons accept the present condition of affairs as an alternative forced upon them, believing still that the emanc.i.p.ation of their slaves was a great blunder, and that slavery is the only system by which the colored laborer can be made profitable to his employer.

Within this district the plantation contracts now in force were entered into just subsequent to the arrival of the army, and when it was impossible for planters to undertake the care of their plantations. The negroes, therefore, planted for themselves, promising the owner a fair proportion of the crop as rent for the use of the land.

Now, however, the matter comes up in a different shape. Owners have returned, and it is necessary to make arrangements for the next season.

Most of them complain and find fault with the government, and remain inactive. So long as the military form prevails they seem to submit and to conform to present requirements, but at heart they are unfriendly.