Chapter 7 (1/2)
Chapter 7
As I was returning ho what I should do Tanaka-kun’s friends easily believed in me but I pondered how I could explain this to my family
Alright, first let’s practice a simulation of this situation
“Mo my memories!”
“How terrible! It could be a sickness so lets quickly go to the hospital!”
It’ll quickly beco problem My head doesn’t really hurt anyways so lets scratch that plan for now
“Who am I, where am I?”
“Aika’s e! We need to put her into the psychiatry ward”
If that happened it would be a disaster This is definitely so about was how happy I was at getting a healthy body, and I wasn’t thinking of the consequences
“Step back”
Suddenly from behind me Yuuya entered with a displeased face I’ve already associated that with Yuuya
Since Yuuya was entering the house I followed hi delicious Ah, I wonder what today’s dinner is
When I got to the living roo parent and child pair I also want to be a part of that! Woe!
“I’m back mother”
“Ara, welcome home”
“Mo I need to tell you”
“What is it all of the sudden If it’s about money I don’t have any”
Why did she bring up reedy expression onup a serious topic now
“The truth is, I…”
“You aren’t going to bring up soht?”
Yuuya had already told her what I was going to say How did he know? Did he possibly notice? As expected of a sibling! I can really feel the bond
“Yes, thats right The truth is, I don’t have any memories from the day before yesterday”
“Eh, what do you mean?”
At thatflew in between us I was shocked by the sound of glass breaking, and when I looked to see what had broken, it appeared that the cup had hit the wall and shattered Why did the cup fly?
“Don’t bewith me”
The voice sounded like it was creeping through the earth It was so unpleasant and low that it hout my body
Yuuya looked lare was so powerful that just one look could ht that Yuuya-kun was scary
“Just because things aren’t going your way and you have created a bad reputation you’re going to try to reset everything by saying you lost your ame, bitch!”
I thought that I was going to be hit The tableware that was being thrown off along with the table barely avoidedYuuya’s vigor and became silent on the spot
“You, do you knohat kinds of things you’ve done up to this point? You’ve been doing whatever you want and been causing trouble for us I won’t let you say that you forgot everything up to this point!”
“Wha-… What exactly did I do?”
I really wonder what Aika-chan did To make Yuuya-kun thisextremely terrible
“You- anytime you caused trouble outside ere always the ones that continued to bow our heads in apology I may be your brother but since you were in middle school the people around you looked at you coldly! You alanted to have the things you wished for, and just because mom didn’t buy you the clothes you wanted, you pushed her from the top of the staircase!”
“Eh, no way”
“Are you still going to act like you don’t know? I heard what you were saying in the entranceway! I’ to fall for what you say!”
The rest of Yuuya-kun’s words didn’t reach me No way, I can’t believe she pushed her mom off the staircase, family is supposed to be valuable, why did you do it Aika-chan!
I was out of words to say after hearing the shocking truth, and ti atto stop Yuuya-kun
It’s true that sometimes she seems cold but she’s even ets to return s Whenever I helped her she always said thank you Even though I did so terrible to her She was supposed to hate me
Mother is so kind that I wonder why Aika-chan ever injured her
I staggered to rand sound as I prostrated myself
“I’m very sorry!”
“Ah, Aika-chan!?”
“I know that this is soize for but I’m really sorry!”
Although it wasn’t so I did, I have received Aika-chan’s body So now I have to carry all of Aika-chan’s burdens
I didn’t know that kind of atoneround and apologize
“Please, stop Aika-chan It’s all right”
“But you could have died from it”
“Although I did fall, it was only froot aith a little injury”
“An injury!?”
Even though she didn’t die from it, she still received a blo terrible!
I’hastly pale My mom was in hot haste and worried while Yuuya-kun appeared bewildered
Since I had injured my mother there was also a chance that I had harmed Yuuya-kun too
“Wha- What is it?”
I stood up and approached hi voice as he backed away,
“Did I ever har terrible to you?”
“…Ever since ere kids I was always called your servant and was used like aeles like lunch money and toys were always snatched away by you”
That was certainly oppression I had this iirl as pushed to suicide But as I hear
“Once I becah to not have to listen to you anyan to trouble the people around you You were so selfish, and always forced uys I’m fed up with it already!”
Since I’d treated him that way since ere kids of course he’s sick of it I heard that your life is influenced by what you experienced froh that tis He’s her actual younger brother
What should I do about Yuuya-kun I want hih much more than he does noill now treat him like an older sister should Since I will become Yuuya-chan!
“W-What is it”
“Froive all my allowance to Yuuya-kun?”
Although there’s not
“Next time I’ll carry Yuuya-kun to school!”