Chapter 5 (1/2)
Chapter 5
The class fell silent Until a second ago I could hear lively voices as I stood in the corridor Did I surprise everyone? I felt their gazes onme tense
I didn’t knohere ht in the center of the class Lucky! When I arrived at my seat,
“Eh– are you serious!”
“Did she resort to plastic surgery? This is creeping me out”
“Return my pure heart you made flutter for a second”
All of the sudden I received bashi+ng There’s no way I would do plastic surgery, I’m all natural But it seems like I’m pretty disliked It must have been hard for Aika-chan to endure this classroolared at by people I don’t even knohy? That was the only thing I orried about so I’m fine
“Good ”
I greeted the guy sitting next tointo the desk my textbook wouldn’t fit When I peeked into s like hair and strange bags Aika-chan, you should clean
There were girls giggling nearby and ht, you shouldn’t put things like garbage in your desk I took out all the trash and threw it away As soon as I finished cleaning my teacher walked in Wait, what? The teacher that just came in was the one I saw earlier with the fluffy hair and unshaven face
“Everyone, return to your seats I’ attendance”
It turned out that he was my homeroom teacher The names were listed off until it was finally my turn
“… You don’t have to raise your hand”
The reality really hit in when my name was called It’s okay for me to be here
Since it’s impossible to memorize all my classmates names so suddenly, I decided to try to learn the nauy next to irl in front of me is Yamamoto-san There, my number of acquaintances has increased
I looked at the guidebook that was passed to me by Yamamoto-san and it made e It was because this ritten on the front of it,
“The 21st Athletic Festival”
Athletic festival Athletic festival!? It’s co up on e event where you build memories that last a lifetime Suddenly I really want to participate Now that I’m healthy I wonder which event I’ll do
“The athletic committee helps out with the festival committee, we respectively need to choose two people for behind the scenes from our class Is there anyone ould like to do it?”
In order to create good et involved deeply as a staff et the random jobs Since I can help out, there’s no way I won’t overlook this opportunity
“You’re in the student council so of course you’re in the committee”
What, what did you say!?
So Aika-chanit’s a great position Aika-chan is a She’s cute and represents the students in the student council, how respectable
So that h school life see Does everyone else want to help out too? I totally understand, I understand!
“When the student council gets involved the girls eyes seee”
“If they go that far its kinda scary”
I heard people talking behind irls seelea for prey on the savannah On the other hand, the boys see about the student council that stirs up the girls?
In the end we used rock paper scissors to choose one boy and one girl, and the et to talk to Ichinose senpai!,” happily Wait? I feel like I’ve heard that name somewhere
The boy as Tanaka-kun who sits next to me so it seems like we’ll talkuntil I make friends
During break tiirls were stuck to their groups and it feels like an invisible wall is there It alht that I would easily be able to make friends but recently I’ve learned that the world isn’t as sih I say that, it’s still the first day so I can’t get discouraged already
Now I’ve finally arrived, at the other pleasure of school The cafeteria’s lunchthe ain and skipped towards the cafeteria
The cafeteria was very stylish with it’s terrace shape and breeziness I had io in the lower parts of town so I openedThere’s a propeller spinning The glass cafeteria had the sun coh and sparkle with radiance It was then that I came to the conclusion that this school is for rich people
Following the other students, I got in line for a otten used to it The et so for now I’ll think about the wonderful menu What should I eat? I had a japanese style ht, for now I’ll have theof western style meals, omelette rice!
I brought the e smile I stuffed my cheeks with a mouthful
A syrupy egg with a rich delace(type of brown sauce) What a superb dish I’ain sometime
“Hey shi+nozuka-san You aren’t eating on the second floor?”
I got called out by soI was shi+nozuka Aika When I looked up I realized it was Tanaka-kun who sits next to me in class
“It’s about student council ht?”
“Do student council members have to eat on the second floor?”
“You don’t have to but I thought it was unusual for you to be here since you usually eat up there”
“Oh so that’s hoas Do you eat on the second floor Tanaka-kun?”
“? Only the student council members can eat on the second floor Other students are banned fro up there I think”
When I peered up at the second floor, I sawthere For soant than the first but I prefer the first floor since it’s so lively I had always eaten meals by myself so such a lively atmosphere feels fresh to me
“I’ll still eat here I think it’s more fun since it’s lively”
“…For some reason today shi+nozuka-san seems somewhat,”
“Thanks for waiting Who is this cute girl!”
“Satoshi+, could this possibly be your girlfriend?… You traitor!”
As Tanaka-kun tried to say souys came in from behind him How nice, to have friends…
“No, you’re wrong! This is shi+nozuka-san, you know The one who sits next to me”
“What!? You’re talking about that shi+nozuka?”
“Wait so this girl is that loose bitch with the insane eyelashes?”
It’s that look again As soon as people know that I’s of hatred Why is she hated so much? What in the world did Aika-chan do? It really bothers me
Tanaka-kun’s friends stared ataway so I gave an insincere smile which made them wrinkle their brows further What should I do? So cold!
“Sorry for bothering you while you were eating”
Sensing the unpleasant atized to me in a sorry tone
This person’s definitely a good person! Let’s become friends!
“If you would like you can sit with me…”