Part 10 (1/2)
Barby drove hoood is a cover story if you don't use it?”
Scotty grinned at Rick's expression of resignation ”Better give up,”
he advised
Jan hadn't said anything She just looked at Rick in a beseeching way that said as uments
Rick shook his head unhappily He knehen he was licked Co the island, anyway He had taken a stand against her going to Whiteside, based half on intuition and half on the knowledge that a secret soon ceases to be one when it's flaunted in public And Jan's presence was a part of the big secret of Spindrift
He stood up and shrugged ”Chances are it will be all right But if Jan is recognized by any of the enemy”
”Steve isn't even sure there is an enemy,” Barby pointed out swiftly
”How can you be so sure?”
Rick didn't answer He turned and went into the house, the others at his heels In the library, he consulted the schedule Steve had given theent was at JANIG headquarters in Washi+ngton today
Rick got the number, and asked for Steve's extension In a ent on the wire
”Let's scramble,” he said, and threw the switch Then, ”Steve, Barby wants to take Jan to Whiteside What do you think?”
Steve hesitated before he answered, ”It's a little hard to give reasons why she shouldn't go, Rick Have you checked her on the cover story?”
”Not yet I will, though, if you say the word”
Again Steve hesitated, and Rick knew the agent was very much in his own position There were no reasons to believe it would do any haro,” Steve said finally ”Only ask her and Barby not to get into any public parades You know”
”I know,” Rick affir?”
”We're not certain yet Ask your father Marks is having some trouble with the co up and turned to the others ”He says all right, but please don't get into any public parades In other words, Barby, don't cover too much territory”
Scotty spoke up ”We'd better tell Duke and Jerry to leave it out of the paper”
Duke Barroas editor and Jerry Webster the reporter for the Whiteside paper Both were good friends ”They'll play ball,” Rick agreed ”Well, young ladies, when is the big safari?”
Barby consulted her watch ”Right now We'll dress and you can fly us over”
”Then right now means in an hour Okay We'll be ready”
Upstairs, Rick and Scotty washed up and changed into what Scotty called ”shore-going clothes” that were only slightly less inforarees and T shi+rts As they finished and sat down to wait for the girls, Rick picked up one of the radio units on the workbench All were finished, although untested A few final decorative touches re in some rhinestones for her It would look like any other plastic bauble when he finished
”Let's get soested
”Then we can check these out tonight”