Part 4 (2/2)
”If it's safe for us to let people knohere we are by then,” Jan said somberly
They fell silent at the reminder that Jan's presence was far et to work on the sets this afternoon”
”Make it to”
Rick and Scotty exchanged glances
”I said you and Scotty would teach her how to use the aqualungs”
Rick breathed a sigh of relief That would be no hardshi+p He and Scotty needed practice, anyway They had hardly used the lungs since returning froin Islands
Mrs Brant summoned them to breakfast and they walked in to find Steve and the scientists gathered at the big table
”Got everything settled?” Rick asked
”Just about,” Steve replied ”We have a job for you, though”
Rick's pulse quickened ”What is it?”
”Your father and Weiss will need to pay a quick trip to Washi+ngton I want you to take theon”
”When?” Scotty inquired
”To You'll come back toet ent
”Exactly what are orking on, Steve?”
Ahtfully ”Ever hear of a weapon system?”
Rick had ”It's a weapon so complicated, with so many parts, that it's actually a system instead of just a simple weapon I think the terht Well, Winston, Weiss, and your father will help Dr
Morrison do the basic design work on a syste, too ”How coet?” he asked
Dr Morrison answered ”When it coet fantastically complicated In fact, some missile systems are so complicated it's a wonder they ever work at all”
The telephone rang Barby, who served when necessary as the island's switchboard operator, ran to answer In a ton I plugged it in on the library extension”
Steve excused himself A few moments later he returned ”Hartson, I just took the liberty of ordering a scrambler placed on your phone switchboard, in case we need to hold any classified conversations between here and my offices The phone man will install it today, if you have no objection”
”Of course not,” Hartson Brant said ”I think it's a sensible precaution, especially with one ton”
”What's a scrambler?” Barby asked
”A special device that turns phone conversations into juibberish so no one can understand the But anyone tapping in on the line gets only sounds thatof gibberish reton Post_ carried a story in one of its colu on a supersecret project had been driven insane It also hinted that the insanity was an effect of the gadget they orking on!”