Part 89 (1/2)
He looked at the knife; it was beautifully sharp, and it inspired a desire to use it. As a man seeing a gun wants to fire it at something, he felt the call to employ this implement. He pushed back his chair, rose, and groped his way round the table toward her, all crouched and prowling.
Persis watched him come, and did not move. It was unbelievable that disaster should fall to such as her from such as him in such a way. He was evidently only playing a part to frighten her.
She blew a puff of smoke from her cigarette and fanned it away with leisure, and smiled.
”You'd look well, now, wouldn't you, if one of the servants came in?”
She laughed at the picture.
”You're laughing at me again!” he groaned. ”You're always laughing at me. But you won't feel so funny with this knife in you.”
She saw now that he was not fooling. But she despised him for his effort to prove his bravery by a cowardice, and she eyed him with a marble calm worthy of a n.o.bler cause and a better reward.
”Sit down, Willie, and don't threaten me. You don't frighten me at all.
But you may alarm some of the servants and give them more of that gossip you have harped on so much.”
Her obstinate pluck bewildered him, but he lowered his voice as he commented to some imaginary spectator: ”My G.o.d! she has no higher thought than that! Even now when death stares her in the face!” Then he had a fanatic's mercy for her. ”Why aren't you saying your prayers, you fool?”
She answered him with all the authority she could command:
”Put down that knife! Put it down, I say! You know I could save myself from any danger by raising my voice. And you know I'd rather die than bring the servants in on such a scene.”
”A scene!” he shrieked. ”A scene! Why, woman, I'm going to kill you.
Don't you understand anything? You've only got a minute more to live.
Say your prayers! d.a.m.n you! say your prayers!”
There was an insanity in his look that frightened her at last. She tried persuasion now, and her voice was soft and caressing.
”Gently, Willie; gently now, I beg you. You're not yourself, you know.
You must control yourself. Please!--as a favor to me.”
It was the wrong word. It maddened him, and he snarled: ”As a favor to you? You dare ask favors of me? Go ask 'em of the man you've given favors to! The man? The men!”
And this was sacrilege to her one love. Her lip curled in angry contempt, and she turned from him in loathing, muttering:
”You dirty little beast!”
It was his muscles rather than his mind that did it. While his mind was recoiling from the insult his arm had struck out, and the knife had slid deep in the snow of her half-averted left breast; through the petal of a rose, and the satin gown, and the deep white flesh beneath it, and on into the wall of her struggling heart.
The blow and her effort to escape flung her backward, but the heavy chair held her. Before she could remember a wild scream broke from her lips.
As Enslee fell back his hand withdrew the knife. It came out all red. He gaped at it and shuddered, and it fell with a little clatter on the marble floor, flinging a few crimson drops on the black-and-white.
The noise startled him, and he retreated from her, clinging to the edge of the table. He felt queasy, and pushed back till he felt his chair and dropped into it--still staring at her and wondering, and she wondering at him.