Part 33 (1/2)
He would begin the day right with a wholesome morning smack. He tiptoed along the gra.s.s around to the door, and met her in the living-room. And as soon as he met her he set his arms about her. But she was almost sullen as she pushed him away.
”I won't have it!” she said, with a harshness that shocked him. ”It's too early in the morning. And I don't like it. And I don't want gossip set going. And you must be doubly circ.u.mspect.”
He fell back, baffled, and dropped his eyes in discontent. He saw that her little high boots were sprawling open. He smiled at the homely touch again.
”If you're so circ.u.mspect,” he said, ”you'd better b.u.t.ton your shoes.”
”I forgot to bring up a b.u.t.ton-hook,” she laughed, ”and when I bent over with a hairpin I got so sleepy that I nearly fell back in bed.”
”Permit me,” he urged.
”No, thank you!”
”You can't walk with 'em falling off like that,” he insisted. ”A hairpin, please.”
She took one from her hair, and he dropped to one knee. He could not seem to find the right position to work from. After hunching about from position to position he said:
”I reckon your feet are put on the wrong way.”
”For being b.u.t.toned, I mean.”
”My maid b.u.t.tons them every morning.”
”Tell me how on earth she gets at your foot?”
”No, thanks. I'll b.u.t.ton them myself.”
”Oh no, you won't. How do the shoe clerks manage it?”
She set her foot on the rung of a chair, and he went at his task with all awkwardness. Her feet were small, yet the shoes were as tight as could be, and she winced as the b.u.t.tons ground or bit. But she choked back the little cries of pain that rose to her lips.
”Get away,” she said; ”you're killing me.”
But he would not surrender the privilege. He took her foot on his knee and wrought with all care. The hairpin was soon a twisted wreck, and he must have another, and another.
When the lowest b.u.t.tons were done she checked him. ”That's enough! I'd rather my shoes fell off than my hair. And that reminds me: where is my cap?”
”In my pocket next my heart.”
”Give it to me, please.”
”I'm going to keep it.”
”By what right?”
”Conquest and possession.”
”What if somebody should see you with it?”